- Els 800 metres masculins al Campionat del Món d'atletisme de 2009 van tenir lloc a l'Estadi Olímpic de Berlín els dies 20, 21 i 23 d'agost. (ca)
- Běh na 800 m mužů na mistrovství světa v atletice 2009 se uskutečnil 20., 21., a 23. srpna. Ve finálovém běhu zvítězil jihoafrický běžec Mbulaeni Mulaudzi. Celkem do rozběhů nastoupilo 51 běžců. (cs)
- The men's 800 metres at the 2009 World Championships in Athletics was held at the Olympic Stadium on 20, 21 and 23 August. In the first semifinals heat, Marcin Lewandowski fell over Bram Som who had tripped over Abubaker Kaki, who had fallen on his own account. After a protest, both Lewandowski and Som were allowed to compete in the final. With the extra athletes on the track the two time qualifiers, Alfred Kirwa Yego in lane 1 and Mbulaeni Mulaudzi in lane 8, had to share their lanes with Som in 1 and Lewandowski in 8. None of the people sharing lanes conceded space, Som leading Yego around the outside of the turn effectively boxing out Yego, Yusuf Saad Kamel and Yeimer López. With typically slow starters Nick Symmonds and Yuriy Borzakovskiy in the middle lanes, Som had a free run from the inside but Mulaudzi, Lewandowski and Amine Laâlou a strong wave from the outside to take the lead. Atypically, neither Symmonds nor Borzakovskiy were content to take the rear, both working their way through the crowd to join Mulaudzi at the front of the pack by the end of the first lap, exchanging arms and elbows in the process. Lewandowski was boxed in by the action on the outside and began to fall back through the pack while Symmonds took a strong position on Mulaudzi's shoulder, Laâlou right behind Mulaudzi with Som in their wake. Everyone held position on the backstretch save Borzakovskiy who noticeably fell back to behind Lewandowski on the back of the pack, which would be the normal place Borzakovskiy would launch his finishing kick, but not after losing so much ground. From the back group, through the final turn, Kamel went to the outside and started passing people, followed by Yego and then Borzakovskiy doing the same thing. Yego pulled out to lane 3 for running room, Borzakovskiy to lane 4, Kamel, Yego and Borzakovskiy, moving faster than the others ahead of them. Symmonds held second place until Kamel passed him, then the wind went out of his sails. Laâlou edged ahead but was getting passed by the rush. Mulaudzi was able to lean over the line in first, falling flat on his face just past the finish line. Yeo and Kamel crossed together with Yego getting the photo finish nod for silver. Borzakovskiy caught everyone else but ran out of track to get into the medals. (en)
- Der 800-Meter-Lauf der Männer bei den Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2009 wurde vom 20. bis 23. August 2009 im Olympiastadion der deutschen Hauptstadt Berlin ausgetragen. Weltmeister wurde der südafrikanische Olympiazweite von 2004 und WM-Dritte von 2005 Mbulaeni Mulaudzi.Er gewann vor dem kenianischen Titelverteidiger und Olympiadritten von 2008 Alfred Kirwa Yego.Bronze ging an den für Bahrain startenden Yusuf Saad Kamel, der bis 2003 kenianischer Staatsbürger gewesen war und den Namen Gregory Konchellah getragen hatte. Er hatte vier Tage zuvor das Rennen über 1500 Meter für sich entschieden und war der Sohn des zweifachen 800-Meter-Weltmeisters (1987/1991) und aktuellen Inhabers des WM-Rekords Wilson Kipketer. (de)
- L'épreuve du 800 mètres masculin des championnats du monde de 2009 s'est déroulée les 20, 21 et 23 août 2009 dans le Stade olympique de Berlin. Elle est remportée par le Sud-africain Mbulaeni Mulaudzi. (fr)
- Gli 800 metri piani maschili dei campionati del mondo di atletica leggera 2009 si sono svolti tra il 20 e il 23 agosto. Hanno partecipato 49 dei 51 atleti iscritti. La gara è stata vinta dal sudafricano Mbulaeni Mulaudzi con il tempo di 1'45"29, mentre argento e bronzo sono andati, rispettivamente, al keniano Alfred Kirwa Yego e al bahreinita Yusuf Saad Kamel. Gli standard di qualificazione erano 1'45"40 (standard A) e 1'46"60 (standard B). (it)
- A prova dos 800 metros rasos feminino do Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo de 2009 foi disputada entre os dias 20 e 23 de agosto no Olympiastadion, em Berlim. (pt)
- Bieg na 800 m mężczyzn - jedna z konkurencji rozegranych podczas XII mistrzostw świata w lekkoatletyce. Wymagane minimum A do udziału w mistrzostwach świata wynosiło 1:45.40, natomiast minimum B - 1:46.60. Eliminacje rozegrano 20 sierpnia 2009, półfinały – 21 sierpnia, zaś finał odbył się 23 sierpnia. (pl)
- Els 800 metres masculins al Campionat del Món d'atletisme de 2009 van tenir lloc a l'Estadi Olímpic de Berlín els dies 20, 21 i 23 d'agost. (ca)
- Běh na 800 m mužů na mistrovství světa v atletice 2009 se uskutečnil 20., 21., a 23. srpna. Ve finálovém běhu zvítězil jihoafrický běžec Mbulaeni Mulaudzi. Celkem do rozběhů nastoupilo 51 běžců. (cs)
- Der 800-Meter-Lauf der Männer bei den Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2009 wurde vom 20. bis 23. August 2009 im Olympiastadion der deutschen Hauptstadt Berlin ausgetragen. Weltmeister wurde der südafrikanische Olympiazweite von 2004 und WM-Dritte von 2005 Mbulaeni Mulaudzi.Er gewann vor dem kenianischen Titelverteidiger und Olympiadritten von 2008 Alfred Kirwa Yego.Bronze ging an den für Bahrain startenden Yusuf Saad Kamel, der bis 2003 kenianischer Staatsbürger gewesen war und den Namen Gregory Konchellah getragen hatte. Er hatte vier Tage zuvor das Rennen über 1500 Meter für sich entschieden und war der Sohn des zweifachen 800-Meter-Weltmeisters (1987/1991) und aktuellen Inhabers des WM-Rekords Wilson Kipketer. (de)
- L'épreuve du 800 mètres masculin des championnats du monde de 2009 s'est déroulée les 20, 21 et 23 août 2009 dans le Stade olympique de Berlin. Elle est remportée par le Sud-africain Mbulaeni Mulaudzi. (fr)
- Gli 800 metri piani maschili dei campionati del mondo di atletica leggera 2009 si sono svolti tra il 20 e il 23 agosto. Hanno partecipato 49 dei 51 atleti iscritti. La gara è stata vinta dal sudafricano Mbulaeni Mulaudzi con il tempo di 1'45"29, mentre argento e bronzo sono andati, rispettivamente, al keniano Alfred Kirwa Yego e al bahreinita Yusuf Saad Kamel. Gli standard di qualificazione erano 1'45"40 (standard A) e 1'46"60 (standard B). (it)
- A prova dos 800 metros rasos feminino do Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo de 2009 foi disputada entre os dias 20 e 23 de agosto no Olympiastadion, em Berlim. (pt)
- Bieg na 800 m mężczyzn - jedna z konkurencji rozegranych podczas XII mistrzostw świata w lekkoatletyce. Wymagane minimum A do udziału w mistrzostwach świata wynosiło 1:45.40, natomiast minimum B - 1:46.60. Eliminacje rozegrano 20 sierpnia 2009, półfinały – 21 sierpnia, zaś finał odbył się 23 sierpnia. (pl)
- The men's 800 metres at the 2009 World Championships in Athletics was held at the Olympic Stadium on 20, 21 and 23 August. In the first semifinals heat, Marcin Lewandowski fell over Bram Som who had tripped over Abubaker Kaki, who had fallen on his own account. After a protest, both Lewandowski and Som were allowed to compete in the final. With the extra athletes on the track the two time qualifiers, Alfred Kirwa Yego in lane 1 and Mbulaeni Mulaudzi in lane 8, had to share their lanes with Som in 1 and Lewandowski in 8. None of the people sharing lanes conceded space, Som leading Yego around the outside of the turn effectively boxing out Yego, Yusuf Saad Kamel and Yeimer López. With typically slow starters Nick Symmonds and Yuriy Borzakovskiy in the middle lanes, Som had a free run from th (en)