The Missing Link (French: Le Chaînon manquant) is a 1980 French–Belgian adult animated comedy film written and directed by Picha. Though it was not as successful as Picha's previous film, it was entered into the 1980 Cannes Film Festival.
Le Chaînon manquant est un long métrage d'animation franco-belge réalisé par Picha sorti en 1980. (fr)
The Missing Link (French: Le Chaînon manquant) is a 1980 French–Belgian adult animated comedy film written and directed by Picha. Though it was not as successful as Picha's previous film, it was entered into the 1980 Cannes Film Festival. (en)
Le chaînon manquant è un lungometraggio d'animazione del 1980 diretto da Picha. (it)