| - Dans la Rome ancienne Somnus est la personnification du sommeil, l'équivalent de Hypnos chez les grecs. (fr)
- In Roman mythology, Somnus ("sleep") is the personification of sleep. His Greek counterpart is Hypnos. Somnus resided in the underworld. According to Virgil, Somnus was the brother of Death (Mors), and according to Ovid, Somnus had a 'thousand' sons, the Somnia ('dream shapes'), who appear in dreams 'mimicking many forms'. Ovid named three of the sons of Somnus: Morpheus, who appears in human guise, Icelos / Phobetor, who appears as beasts, and Phantasos, who appears as inanimate objects. (en)
- Somnus era il dio romano corrispondente a Hypnos per i greci. Era venerato come dio del sonno e padre dei sogni. (it)
- Somnus (latin för "sömn") är i romersk mytologi sömnens och drömmarnas gud. Hans motsvarighet i grekisk mytologi är Hypnos. Denna artikel om antik grekisk eller romersk religion saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att lägga till den. (sv)