| - Putta est un prélat anglo-saxon de la deuxième moitié du VIIe siècle. Il est évêque de Rochester au début des années 670, jusqu'à sa démission en 676. Il pourrait être devenu ensuite le premier évêque de Hereford dans les années 680, à moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'un homonyme. (fr)
- Putta (Inghilterra, VII secolo – Hereford, 688) è stato un vescovo britannico, prima ordinario a Rochester e probabilmente il primo vescovo di Hereford. Alcuni storici moderni affermano che i due Puta erano individui distinti.. (it)
- Putta (died c. 688) was a medieval Bishop of Rochester and probably the first Bishop of Hereford. Some modern historians say that the two Puttas were separate individuals. Bede says that in 676, Putta was driven from Rochester by King Æthelred of Mercia, or perhaps abandoning it, he fixed himself at Hereford (said to have been the centre of a diocese as early as the 6th century) and refounded Hereford Cathedral. He is thus recorded as Bishop of Uuestor Elih and may not have actually held the office of Bishop of Hereford, although was considered to have done so by about 800. After he left Rochester, Theodore of Tarsus, the Archbishop of Canterbury appointed Cwichelm as bishop of that see. (en)
- Puta (Putta) foi um em tempos medievais e, provavelmente, o primeiro bispo de Herefórdia, Alguns historiadores modernos afirmam que foram dois indivíduos distintos com este nome. O venerável Beda afirma que, em 676, Puta foi expulso de Rochester pelo rei Etelredo da Mércia ou a abandonou, e se fixou em Herefórdia (que acredita-se ter sido o centro da diocese já no século VI) e refundou a . Após ele ter deixado Rochester, Teodoro de Tarso, o arcebispo de Cantuária apontou Cwichelm como bispo naquela sé. (pt)