Cwichhelm or Cwichelm was a medieval Bishop of Rochester. Cwichhelm was consecrated probably around 676. He resigned the see in 678, and his date of death is unknown.
Cwichhelm or Cwichelm was a medieval Bishop of Rochester. Cwichhelm was consecrated probably around 676. He resigned the see in 678, and his date of death is unknown. (en)
Cwichelm war Bischof von Rochester. Er wurde 676 geweiht und verlor sein Amt 678. Offenbar musste er seinen Bischofssitz wegen fehlender Mittel räumen. Sein genaues Todesdatum ist unbekannt. (de)
Cwichelm ou Cwichhelm est un prélat anglo-saxon du VIIe siècle. (fr)
Cwichhelm o Cwichelm è stato un vescovo medievale di Rochester. (it)
Cwichhelm or Cwichelm was a medieval Bishop of Rochester. Cwichhelm was consecrated probably around 676. He resigned the see in 678, and his date of death is unknown. (en)
Cwichelm war Bischof von Rochester. Er wurde 676 geweiht und verlor sein Amt 678. Offenbar musste er seinen Bischofssitz wegen fehlender Mittel räumen. Sein genaues Todesdatum ist unbekannt. (de)
Cwichelm ou Cwichhelm est un prélat anglo-saxon du VIIe siècle. (fr)
Cwichhelm o Cwichelm è stato un vescovo medievale di Rochester. (it)