Dad's Armyis a British sitcom about the Home Guard during the Second World War, produced by David Croft, and written by David Croft and Jimmy Perry. Set in the fictional seaside town of Walmington-on-Sea, located near Eastbourne, it follows a well-meaning platoon of men ineligible for active service as they serve as Britain's "last line of defence". The series was broadcast on BBC1 from 31 July 1968 to 13 November 1977, a total of 80 episodes spread over 9 series, including 3 Christmas specials and 3 missing episodes. 4 short Christmas sketches were also broadcast as part of Christmas Night with the Stars. The first 2 series (Series 1 to Series 2) were broadcast in black and white, from 31 July 1968 to 5 April 1969 and the next 7 series (Series 3 to Series 9) were broadcast in colour, from