| - John Margrave Lerew, DFC (20 August 1912 – 24 February 1996) was an officer and pilot in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) during World War II, and later a senior manager in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). As commander of No. 24 Squadron, based in New Britain, he became famous in the annals of Air Force history for his irreverent response to orders by headquarters in Australia during the Battle of Rabaul in January 1942. After his squadron was directed to assist in repelling the invading Japanese fleet with its one serviceable bomber, and to keep its damaged airfield open, Lerew signalled headquarters with the ancient Latin phrase supposedly used by gladiators honouring their Emperor: "Morituri vos salutamus" ("We who are about to die salute you"). He also defied (en)
- John Margrave Lerew, DFC (20 août 1912 – 24 février 1996) était un officier et pilote dans la Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) pendant la seconde Guerre Mondiale, et plus tard, un senior manager au sein de l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale (OACI). En tant que commandant du 24e Escadron , basé en Nouvelle-Bretagne, il est devenu célèbre dans les annales de l'histoire de la RAAF pour sa réponse irrévérencieuse aux ordres du quartier général Australien au cours de la Bataille de Rabaul , en janvier 1942, après que son escadron ait reçu l'ordre d'aider à repousser la flotte d'invasion japonaise avec son seul bombardier utilisable, et pour avoir gardé son aérodrome endommagé ouvert, Lerew envoya un signal au quartier général avec l'ancienne phrase latine réputée être utilisée (fr)
- John Margrave Lerew, DFC (Hamilton, 20 de agosto de 1912 – Vancouver, 24 de fevereiro de 1996) foi um oficial e piloto da Real Força Aérea Australiana (RAAF) durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e, posteriormente, gerente sénior da Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (ICAO). Como comandante do Esquadrão N.º 24, baseado na Nova Bretanha, ele tornou-se famoso nos anais da história da Força Aérea pela sua resposta irreverente às ordens do quartel-general na Austrália durante a Batalha de Rabaul em Janeiro de 1942. Depois de o seu esquadrão ter sido instruído a ajudar a repelir a força invasora japonesa com o seu único bombardeiro operacional e a manter o aeródromo danificado aberto, Lerew respondeu o quartel-general com a antiga frase em latim supostamente usada por gladiadores em homenage (pt)