| - Aomori Station (青森駅, Aomori-eki) is a railway station in the city of Aomori in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The station has been operating since September 1891, though the most recent station building, which consists of three island platforms connected to the station building by a footbridge, was completed in March 2021. Since 1987 the station has been used by the East Japan Railway Company (JR East) which operates various services to destinations throughout the Tōhoku region. Since 2010 the station's operations have been jointly run by JR East and the Aoimori Railway Company, a third sector, regional rail operator. (en)
- La gare d'Aomori (青森駅, Aomori-eki) est la principale gare ferroviaire de la ville d'Aomori dans la préfecture éponyme au Japon. La gare est exploitée par la East Japan Railway Company (JR East) et la compagnie privée Aoimori Railway. (fr)
- Stasiun Aomori (青森 駅, Aomori-eki) adalah stasiun kereta api di kota Aomori, Prefektur Aomori, Jepang, yang dioperasikan bersama oleh Perusahaan Kereta Api Jepang Timur (JR East) dan operator kereta api sektor ketiga Aoimori Railway. Stasiun ini dibuka pada 1 September 1891. (in)
- 아오모리역(일본어: 青森駅, あおもりえき)은 일본 아오모리현 아오모리시에 있는 철도역이다. 이 역에서 신아오모리 역까지 가는경우 자유석을 이용하는 조건으로 특급열차를 이용하여도 특급요금을 징수하지 않는다. (즉 보통열차를 타던 특급열차를 타던 같은 요금을 징수한다.) (ko)
- 青森駅(あおもりえき)は、青森県青森市柳川(やなかわ)一丁目にある、東日本旅客鉄道(JR東日本)・青い森鉄道の駅である。 (ja)
- La stazione di Aomori (青森駅 Aomori-eki?) è una stazione della città di Aomori, capolinea delle linee Tsugaru e Ōu gestite dalla JR East e della linea privata ferrovia Aoimori. La stazione è collegata con il treno a quella di Shin-Aomori, dove è possibile raggiungere i treni ad alta velocità del Tōhoku Shinkansen. (it)
- Stacja Aomori (jap. 青森駅 Aomori-eki) – stacja kolejowa zlokalizowana w mieście Aomori, w prefekturze Aomori, w Japonii. (pl)
- 青森站(日语:青森駅〔青森驛〕/あおもりえき〔あをもりえき〕 Aomori eki */?)是東日本旅客鐵道(JR東日本)及青森鐵道的鐵路車站,位於青森縣青森市柳川一丁目。青森站是奧羽本線、青森鐵道線的終點,也是津輕線的起點。2002年(平成14年)入選東北車站百選。自開站以來,一直都是往來北海道的重要車站,由最初的渡輪(青函連絡船),到後來青函隧道開通使用,都是列車必經之站,但自2016年北海道新幹線通車後,由本站開往北海道方向的列車全部被廢除,其北海道玄關車站的地位,也改由新青森站承繼。 (zh)