has abstract
| - The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (French: Fédération Étudiante de l'Université d'Ottawa; also known as the SFUO) was the official students' union representing undergraduate students of the University of Ottawa from 1969 to 2018. The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa was a bilingual entity, and its French-language name and acronym (FÉUO) had equal standing. It was a not-for-profit organization, incorporated under the Corporations' Act of Ontario. On August 9th, 2018, La Rotonde, the university's French-language newspaper, reported that the Ottawa Police Service was investigating members of the SFUO and its executive for fraud. Subsequently, on August 10th, the university announced it was withholding their funding until an audit into the allegations could be completed. On September 25th, 2018, the University of Ottawa provided the Federation with a 90-day notice of termination of their contract, citing insufficient progress and further allegations of workplace misconduct, internal conflict, and improper governance. The announcement noted that, as of December 24th, 2018, the Federation would no longer be recognized as the official representative of students, and invited students who wished to establish successor organizations to come forward. A referendum was held in February 2019 to determine whether the SFUO would be reinstated as the official undergraduate student union, or whether a new organization - the University of Ottawa Students' Union (UOSU) - would take its place. On February 11th, 2019, the University of Ottawa announced that the University of Ottawa Students' Union had won the referendum to become the official undergraduate student union. The SFUO offices closed on April 10th, 2019. An equitable court receiver has been appointed to officially dissolve the federation. (en)
- La Fédération étudiante de l'Université d'Ottawa (FÉUO) (Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) en anglais) est le syndicat officiel des étudiants de l'Université d'Ottawa. C'est une organisation à but non lucratif, incorporée sur la loi sur les personnes morales de l'Ontario depuis le 1er septembre 1999. La fédération est une organisation bilingue, tout comme l'Université elle-même. Les objectifs de la FEUO sont :
* de regrouper tous les étudiants de premier cycle de l'université dans une organisation démocratique et coopérative ;
* de prendre part dans la communauté de l'université, dans tous les processus et les décisions qui concernent la vie des étudiants ;
* d'établir une structure où ses membres peuvent partager leurs expériences, leurs compétences et leurs idées, et où ils peuvent communiquer, échanger de l'information et prendre parts aux débats ;
* d'assurer la distribution et l'utilisation efficace des fonds d'étudiants, selon leurs souhaits ;
* d'atteindre un système d'éducation post-secondaire accessible à tous. La FEUO décrit son rôle dans sa constitution comme « L'instrument d'action politique de la population étudiante du premier cycle. »[réf. nécessaire]
* Portail de l’éducation
* Portail d’Ottawa
* Portail du Canada (fr)