| - Passion Conferences (también llamada The 268 Generation) es una organización cristiana evangélica que organiza conferencias y un festival de música cristiana para jóvenes. La conferencia principal tiene lugar durante tres días en Atlanta, Georgia. Incluye mensajes de pastores y también Passion band presenta varios artistas de música cristiana (hip hop cristiano y rock cristiano). (es)
- Passion Conferences (aussi appelée The 268 Generation) est une organisation chrétienne évangélique qui met en place des conférences et un festival de musique chrétienne pour les jeunes. La conférence principale se déroule en trois jours à Atlanta (Géorgie). Elle comprend des messages de pasteurs et elle présente également différents artistes de musique chrétienne (hip-hop chrétien et rock chrétien). (fr)
- Passion Conferences (também chamada The 268 Generation) é uma organização cristã evangélica que organiza conferências e um festival de música cristã para jovens. A conferência principal ocorre durante três dias em Atlanta, Geórgia. Inclui mensagens de pastores e também apresenta vários artistas de música cristã (hip hop cristão e rock cristão). (pt)
- Passion Conferences (also referred to as Passion and the 268 Generation, originally named Choice Ministries) is a Christian organization founded by Louie Giglio in 1997. The organization is known for its annual gatherings of young adults between the ages of 18–25, more specifically college students. The organization is also responsible for sixstepsrecords, the worship band Passion, and the megachurch Passion City Church, which serves as the organization’s headquarters. Until 2009, the headquarters were in Roswell, a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. The first conference was Passion '97, held in Austin, Texas. According to the organization, its purpose is to unite college students for a "spiritual awakening in this generation". The foundation of the organization's purpose can be found in Isaiah 2 (en)