| - De Martini International was een golftoernooi van de Europese PGA Tour. Het werd gespeeld van 1961 t/m 1983 op banen in Engeland, Schotland of Wales. Het prijzengeld was de laatste jaren rond de € 80.000, daarmee was het een middelgroot toernooi. Eén record is tijdens het toernooi in 1971 gemaakt: maakte op twee achtereenvolgende holes een hole-in-one gemaakt. Dit gebeurde op hole 12 (par-3) en hole 13 (een naar beneden lopende par-4) van de . (nl)
- O Martini International foi um torneio masculino de golfe profissional, que foi disputado entre os anos de 1961 e 1983, na Inglaterra, na Escócia e no País de Gales. Foi integrante do calendário anual do PGA European Tour de 1972 até 1983. Um recorde foi estabelecido em 1971, durante a segunda rodada do torneio no Royal Norwich Golf Club: o golfista , da Inglaterra, foi o primeiro a conseguir dois hole in one (acertar o buraco em apenas uma tacada) em dois buracos consecutivos. (pt)
- The Martini International was a men's professional golf tournament that was held from 1961 to 1983. It was hosted by several different golf clubs in England, Scotland and Wales. It was part of the British PGA tournament circuit, which evolved into the European Tour, and as such is recognised as an official European Tour event from 1972. (en)