Grazierville is a census-designated place in Snyder Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania. It is located near I-99 and is approximately 1 mile to the south of the borough of Tyrone. As of the 2010 census, the population was 665 residents.
Grazierville is a census-designated place in Snyder Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania. It is located near I-99 and is approximately 1 mile to the south of the borough of Tyrone. As of the 2010 census, the population was 665 residents. (en)
Grazierville Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako erroldak esleitutako leku bat da. Blair konderrian kokatuta dago, Pennsylvania estatuan. 665 biztanle ditu, 2,848448 eta 2,84845 kilometro koadroko azaleran banatuta. (eu)
Grazierville es un lugar designado por el censo ubicado en el condado de Blair en el estado estadounidense de Pensilvania. En el año 2010 tenía una población de 665 habitantes. (es)
Грейзіервілл (англ. Grazierville) — переписна місцевість (CDP) в США, в окрузі Блер штату Пенсільванія. Населення — 665 осіб (2010). (uk)