Duo (also referred to as Marilyn Crispell and Gerry Hemingway Duo) is an album by American jazz pianist Marilyn Crispell with drummer Gerry Hemingway, which was recorded in 1989 and released on the Knitting Factory label.
Duo (also referred to as Marilyn Crispell and Gerry Hemingway Duo) is an album by American jazz pianist Marilyn Crispell with drummer Gerry Hemingway, which was recorded in 1989 and released on the Knitting Factory label. (en)
Duo (also referred to as Marilyn Crispell and Gerry Hemingway Duo) is an album by American jazz pianist Marilyn Crispell with drummer Gerry Hemingway, which was recorded in 1989 and released on the Knitting Factory label. (en)