- The State of Xu (Chinese: 徐) (also called Xu Rong (徐戎) or Xu Yi (徐夷) by its enemies) was an independent Huaiyi state of the Chinese Bronze Age that was ruled by the Ying family (嬴) and controlled much of the Huai River valley for at least two centuries. It was centered in northern Jiangsu and Anhui. An ancient but originally minor state that already existed during the late Shang dynasty, Xu was subjugated by the Western Zhou dynasty around 1039 BC, and was gradually sinified from then on. It eventually regained its independence and formed a confederation of 36 states that became powerful enough to challenge the Zhou empire for supremacy over the Central Plain. Able to consolidate its rule over a territory that stretched from Hubei in the south, through eastern Henan, northern Anhui and Jiangsu, as far north as southern Shandong, Xu's confederation remained a major power until the early Spring and Autumn period. It reached its apogee in the mid 8th century BC, expanding its influence as far as Zhejiang in the south. By that time, however, Xu's confederation began to break up as result of internal unrest. As its power waned, Xu was increasingly threatened by neighboring states, losing control over the Huai River to Chu. Reduced to its heartland, Xu was eventually conquered by Wu in 512 BC. (en)
- 徐(じょ、紀元前20世紀頃 - 紀元前512年)は、夏代から春秋時代にかけて中国に存在した東夷諸国の一つ。徐戎や徐夷、徐方、舒とも称される。 (ja)
- 徐国,是西周、春秋时代的诸侯国之一,国君为嬴姓。又稱徐戎,亦稱徐夷或徐方,為東夷集團之一。夏代至周代,分布在今山东郯城一带。在周穆王时期,才肯臣服于周朝。周初,以今安徽泗县、江苏泗洪一帶為中心,建立徐國,在東夷中最為強大,春秋時為楚國所敗,前512年為吳國所消滅。 (zh)