Shelby Tucker (James Shelby Tucker, Jr.) is a dual-national American and British lawyer and journalist, and the author of: (1) Among Insurgents: Walking Through Burma, the story of his trek from China to India through the Kachin highlands of northern Burma; (2) Burma: The Curse of Independence, a 'plain man's guide' to Burma's perennial strife; (3) The Last Banana: Dancing with the Watu, about David Livingstone's quest for 'God's highway', the role of the Greeks in bringing the 'three Cs' (commerce, Christianity and civilization) to Tanganyika, and Tucker's African travels; (4) Client Service, a satirical novel about an offshore financial company, drawn from a moment in the sixties when Tucker was a 'financial counsellor' for Bernie Cornfeld's notorious Investors Overseas Services; and (5)