- Le radoub est le passage en cale sèche ou forme de radoub d'un navire pour l'entretien ou la réparation de la coque. Radouber signifie réparer, nettoyer, remettre en état. Le « grand radoub » d'un navire consiste en sa , sa réparation à neuf. Au Québec, un « radoub » peut servir à désigner une réparation mineure effectuée sur un objet dans le but de le garder fonctionnel plus longtemps. (fr)
- Refitting or refit of boats and marine vessels includes repairing, fixing, restoring, renewing, mending, and renovating an old vessel. Refitting has become one of the most important activities inside a shipyard. It offers a variety of services for an old vessel of any size and kind starting with the construction itself and what is added to it, such as hardware, electric & hydraulic systems, entertainment systems, etc. Ship refits can range from relatively straightforward small changes and new livery up to and including cutting the ship in half to facilitate near-total overhauls and redesign of interior spaces. Refitting can be divided into several main subjects:
* Adding or replacing: for example replacing old deck equipment with new or refurbished ones.
* Modifying: for example modifying a yacht for participating in winning a regatta.
* Customizing: for example customizing a yacht for the owner's needs and desires.
* Modernizing: for example modernizing an old yacht with modern styling, technologies and systems.
* Restoring: for example restoring an old wooden boat for preservation. (en)
- Докова́ние — стоянка судна в доке для проведения осмотра, покраски подводной части и выполнения ремонтно-профилактических работ. Постановка судна может быть произведена на кильблоки, клетки и смешанным способом (характерен для многих военных кораблей). (ru)
- Le radoub est le passage en cale sèche ou forme de radoub d'un navire pour l'entretien ou la réparation de la coque. Radouber signifie réparer, nettoyer, remettre en état. Le « grand radoub » d'un navire consiste en sa , sa réparation à neuf. Au Québec, un « radoub » peut servir à désigner une réparation mineure effectuée sur un objet dans le but de le garder fonctionnel plus longtemps. (fr)
- Докова́ние — стоянка судна в доке для проведения осмотра, покраски подводной части и выполнения ремонтно-профилактических работ. Постановка судна может быть произведена на кильблоки, клетки и смешанным способом (характерен для многих военных кораблей). (ru)
- Refitting or refit of boats and marine vessels includes repairing, fixing, restoring, renewing, mending, and renovating an old vessel. Refitting has become one of the most important activities inside a shipyard. It offers a variety of services for an old vessel of any size and kind starting with the construction itself and what is added to it, such as hardware, electric & hydraulic systems, entertainment systems, etc. Refitting can be divided into several main subjects: (en)