The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a commonly used molecular biology tool for amplifying DNA, and various techniques for PCR optimization which have been developed by molecular biologists to improve PCR performance and minimize failure.
Die PCR-Optimierung umfasst die gezielte Veränderung der Reaktionsbedingungen einer Polymerasekettenreaktion. (de)
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a commonly used molecular biology tool for amplifying DNA, and various techniques for PCR optimization which have been developed by molecular biologists to improve PCR performance and minimize failure. (en)
Die PCR-Optimierung umfasst die gezielte Veränderung der Reaktionsbedingungen einer Polymerasekettenreaktion. (de)
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a commonly used molecular biology tool for amplifying DNA, and various techniques for PCR optimization which have been developed by molecular biologists to improve PCR performance and minimize failure. (en)