Below is a list of American films released in 1944. Going My Way won Best Picture at the 17th Academy Awards. The remaining four nominees were Double Indemnity, Gaslight, Since You Went Away and Wilson.
Below is a list of American films released in 1944. Going My Way won Best Picture at the 17th Academy Awards. The remaining four nominees were Double Indemnity, Gaslight, Since You Went Away and Wilson. (en)
Liste (non exhaustive) de films américains sortis en 1944. La Route semée d'étoiles (Going My Way) remporte l'Oscar du meilleur film à la 17e cérémonie des Oscars organisée le 15 mars 1945 (fr)
Below is a list of American films released in 1944. Going My Way won Best Picture at the 17th Academy Awards. The remaining four nominees were Double Indemnity, Gaslight, Since You Went Away and Wilson. (en)
Liste (non exhaustive) de films américains sortis en 1944. La Route semée d'étoiles (Going My Way) remporte l'Oscar du meilleur film à la 17e cérémonie des Oscars organisée le 15 mars 1945 (fr)