Judge Dredd, subtitled "The Game of Crime-Fighting in Mega-City One", is a board game published by Games Workshop (GW) in 1982 that is based on the dystopian comic series Judge Dredd that appeared in the British comic magazine 2000 AD.
Judge Dredd, subtitled "The Game of Crime-Fighting in Mega-City One", is a board game published by Games Workshop (GW) in 1982 that is based on the dystopian comic series Judge Dredd that appeared in the British comic magazine 2000 AD. (en)
Judge Dredd, subtitled "The Game of Crime-Fighting in Mega-City One", is a board game published by Games Workshop (GW) in 1982 that is based on the dystopian comic series Judge Dredd that appeared in the British comic magazine 2000 AD. (en)