- Jennifer Niederst Robbins has been a web designer since 1993. She designed the web's first commercial site, O'Reilly's Global Network Navigator (GNN). A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Robbins is the author of Web Design in a Nutshell, Learning Web Design, and HTML and XHTML Pocket Reference. She has also written corporate identity style guides for clients such as Harcourt Publishing, Americanexpress.com, and OrangeImagineering. Since 2000, Robbins has lived in Providence, Rhode Island, where she has worked as a freelance designer, teacher, lecturer and consultant through her company Littlechair, Inc. According to the O'Reilly Community site, "She has spoken at major design and Internet events including SXSW Interactive, Seybold Seminars, the GRAFILL conference (Geilo, Norway), and one of the first W3C International Expos." She has taught at Johnson & Wales University and at the Massachusetts College of Art. (en)
- Дженнифер Нидерст Роббинс (англ. Jennifer Niederst Robbins) — американский веб-дизайнер (с 1993 года), пионер интернета. Создала дизайн первого коммерческого сайта интернета — Global Network Navigator. Автор популярных руководств по основам веб-дизайна. Преподает в частном университете Джонсона и Уэльса, общественном Массачусетском Колледже Искусства и Дизайна. (ru)
- Jennifer Niederst Robbins é uma webdesigner que projetou primeiro site comercial da web, o O'Reilly's Global Network Navigator (GNN). Graduada pela Universidade de Notre Dame, Robbins é autora de Web Design in a Nutshell, Aprendendo Web Design, um guia sobre o processo de desenvolvimento de sites que ensina a elaborar sites desde o início, seguindo práticas de design contemporâneas e padrões profissionais e HTML e XHTML guia de bolso, . Ela também escreveu guias de estilo de identidade corporativa para clientes como , American Express, and . Desde 2000, Robbins mora em Providence, Rhode Island, onde trabalha como designer freelancer, professora, palestrante e consultora através de sua empresa Littlechair, Inc. Lecionou na Johnson & Wales University e na Massachusetts College of Art. (pt)
- Дженнифер Нидерст Роббинс (англ. Jennifer Niederst Robbins) — американский веб-дизайнер (с 1993 года), пионер интернета. Создала дизайн первого коммерческого сайта интернета — Global Network Navigator. Автор популярных руководств по основам веб-дизайна. Преподает в частном университете Джонсона и Уэльса, общественном Массачусетском Колледже Искусства и Дизайна. (ru)
- Jennifer Niederst Robbins has been a web designer since 1993. She designed the web's first commercial site, O'Reilly's Global Network Navigator (GNN). A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Robbins is the author of Web Design in a Nutshell, Learning Web Design, and HTML and XHTML Pocket Reference. She has also written corporate identity style guides for clients such as Harcourt Publishing, Americanexpress.com, and OrangeImagineering. (en)
- Jennifer Niederst Robbins é uma webdesigner que projetou primeiro site comercial da web, o O'Reilly's Global Network Navigator (GNN). Graduada pela Universidade de Notre Dame, Robbins é autora de Web Design in a Nutshell, Aprendendo Web Design, um guia sobre o processo de desenvolvimento de sites que ensina a elaborar sites desde o início, seguindo práticas de design contemporâneas e padrões profissionais e HTML e XHTML guia de bolso, . Ela também escreveu guias de estilo de identidade corporativa para clientes como , American Express, and . (pt)