- L'Huracà de Fort Lauderdale (o huracà Pompano Beach) va ser un intens huracà de categoria 5 que va afectar a les Bahames, Florida, Louisiana i Mississipí el setembre durant la temporada d'huracans de l'Atlàntic de 1947. Va ser el quart cicló tropical, el tercer huracà, i el primer gran huracà de la temporada. Es va desenvolupar a 370 km a l'est de Praia, Cap Verd. Ràpidament s'intensificà, convertint-se en un huracà el 4 de setembre. Més endavant, virà en direcció sud-oest el 7 de setembre, i el 10 de setembre, avançava fermament en direcció nord-oest. Com un gran i poderós huracà va assolir la seva màxima intensitat amb vents de 260 km/h sobre les , i va fer recalada prop de Pompano Beach, Florida. Al sobrepassar el sud de Florida, i finalment colpejava el sud-est de Louisiana com un huracà de categoriay 3 debilitat. El cicló va provocar un total de 51 víctimes mortals i causa untotal de $110 milions (1947 USD) en danys. El cicló tropical va ser un dels únics cinc huracans que colpejaren els Estats Units amb vents sostinguts màxims d'almenys 250 km/h. (ca)
- The 1947 Fort Lauderdale hurricane was a long-lived and an intense tropical cyclone that affected the Bahamas, southernmost Florida, and the Gulf Coast of the United States in September 1947. The fourth Atlantic tropical cyclone of the year, it formed in the eastern Atlantic Ocean on September 4, becoming a hurricane, the third of the 1947 Atlantic hurricane season, less than a day later. After moving south by west for the next four days, it turned to the northwest and rapidly attained strength beginning on September 9. It reached a peak intensity of 145 mph (233 km/h) on September 15 while approaching the Bahamas. In spite of contemporaneous forecasts that predicted a strike farther north, the storm then turned to the west and poised to strike South Florida, crossing first the northern Bahamas at peak intensity. In the Bahamas, the storm produced a large storm surge and heavy damage, but with no reported fatalities. A day later, the storm struck South Florida as a Category 4 hurricane, its eye becoming the first and only of a major hurricane to strike Fort Lauderdale. In Florida, advance warnings and stringent building codes were credited with minimizing structural damage and reducing loss of life to 17 people, but nevertheless widespread flooding and coastal damage resulted from heavy rainfall and high tides. Many vegetable plantings, citrus groves, and cattle were submerged or drowned as the storm exacerbated already high water levels and briefly threatened to breach the dikes surrounding Lake Okeechobee. However, the dikes held firm, and evacuations were otherwise credited with minimizing the potential death toll. On the west coast of the state, the storm caused further flooding, extensive damage south of the Tampa Bay Area, and the loss of a ship at sea. On September 18, the hurricane entered the Gulf of Mexico and threatened the Florida Panhandle, but later its track moved farther west than expected, ultimately leading to a landfall southeast of New Orleans, Louisiana. Upon making landfall, the storm killed 34 people on the Gulf Coast of the United States and produced a storm tide as high as 15.2 ft (4.6 m), flooding millions of square miles and destroying thousands of homes. The storm was the first major hurricane to test Greater New Orleans since 1915, and the widespread flooding that resulted spurred flood-protection legislation and an enlarged levee system to safeguard the flood-prone area. In all, the powerful storm killed 51 people and caused $110 million (1947 US$) in damage. (en)
- L'Huracà de Fort Lauderdale (o huracà Pompano Beach) va ser un intens huracà de categoria 5 que va afectar a les Bahames, Florida, Louisiana i Mississipí el setembre durant la temporada d'huracans de l'Atlàntic de 1947. Va ser el quart cicló tropical, el tercer huracà, i el primer gran huracà de la temporada. Es va desenvolupar a 370 km a l'est de Praia, Cap Verd. Ràpidament s'intensificà, convertint-se en un huracà el 4 de setembre. Més endavant, virà en direcció sud-oest el 7 de setembre, i el 10 de setembre, avançava fermament en direcció nord-oest. Com un gran i poderós huracà va assolir la seva màxima intensitat amb vents de 260 km/h sobre les , i va fer recalada prop de Pompano Beach, Florida. Al sobrepassar el sud de Florida, i finalment colpejava el sud-est de Louisiana com un hura (ca)
- The 1947 Fort Lauderdale hurricane was a long-lived and an intense tropical cyclone that affected the Bahamas, southernmost Florida, and the Gulf Coast of the United States in September 1947. The fourth Atlantic tropical cyclone of the year, it formed in the eastern Atlantic Ocean on September 4, becoming a hurricane, the third of the 1947 Atlantic hurricane season, less than a day later. After moving south by west for the next four days, it turned to the northwest and rapidly attained strength beginning on September 9. It reached a peak intensity of 145 mph (233 km/h) on September 15 while approaching the Bahamas. In spite of contemporaneous forecasts that predicted a strike farther north, the storm then turned to the west and poised to strike South Florida, crossing first the northern Ba (en)