- Hansa-Brandenburg C.I byl německý, resp. rakousko-uherský průzkumný a bombardovací dvojplošník užívaný za 1. světové války. Jeho konstruktérem byl německý inženýr Ernst Heinkel. Oproti typu Hansa Brandenburg B.I měl letoun silnější výzbroj i motory a byl schopen nést až 100 kg bomb. (cs)
- El Hansa-Brandenburg C.I, també conegut com a tipus LDD, fou un biplà armat de reconeixement, biplaça i monomotor, dissenyat per Ernst Heinkel, que treballava aleshores per a la companyia matriu a Alemanya i operat per les forces aèries austrohongareses. El C.I tenia similituds amb el model B.I anterior, incloent-hi els tirants entre plans, inclinats cap a l'interior. Com altres aeronaus austrohongareses de reconeixement, com els tipus C de Lloyd o Lohner, el tipus LDD tenia una cabina única per als seus dos tripulants. L'armament estava format per una metralladora Scwarzlose de 8 mm a popa, per a l'observador i, en algunes unitats, també una metralladora semblant a proa per al pilot, sense sincronització amb l'hèlix i situada sobre l'ala superior. Aquesta última fou substituïda més endavant per una Schwarzlose de 8 mm sincronitzada amb l'hèlix i situada al costat de babord del buc. La càrrega normal de bombes era de 60 kg. (ca)
- The Hansa-Brandenburg C.I, also known as Type LDD, was a 2-seater armed single-engine reconnaissance biplane designed by Ernst Heinkel, who worked at that time for the parent company in Germany. The C.I had similarities with the earlier B.I (Type FD, also designed by Heinkel), including inward-sloping interplane bracing struts. Like other early-war Austro-Hungarian reconnaissance aircraft, such as C-types of Lloyd or Lohner, the Type LDD had a communal cockpit for its crew. The C.I served in the Imperial and Royal Aviation Troops in visual- and photographic reconnaissance, artillery observation and light bombing duties from early spring 1916 to the end of World War I. The aircraft had good handling characteristics, and steady introduction of more powerful engines in successive production batches (see below) enabled the improvement of performance and thus the continuing front-line service. Armament of the type consisted of a free-firing 8 mm (0.315 in) Schwarzlose machine gun at the rear for the observer, and at least in some aircraft for the pilot there was also a similar fixed, non-synchronised forward-firing gun in a pod above the top wing. This latter weapon was replaced in later production examples by a synchronised 8 mm (0.315 in) Schwarzlose gun on the port side of the fuselage. The normal bomb load for the C.I was 60 kg (130 lb), but some aircraft could carry one 80 kg (180 lb) and two 10 kg (22 lb) bombs. (en)
- Le Hansa-Brandenburg C.I est un biplan de reconnaissance monomoteur armé, conçu par Ernst Heinkel. (fr)
- L'Hansa-Brandenburg C.I, conosciuto anche come Typ LDD, era un monomotore biplano e biposto da ricognizione sviluppato dall'azienda tedesco imperiale Hansa und Brandenburgischen Flugzeugwerke GmbH negli anni dieci del XX secolo e prodotto principalmente su licenza nell'Impero austro-ungarico da Ungarische Flugzeugfabrik AG (Ufag) e . Utilizzato principalmente dal K.u.k. Luftfahrtruppen, l'aeronautica militare austro-ungarica, durante la prima guerra mondiale rimase in servizio anche dopo il termine del servizio nelle forze aeree di Polonia e, con una serie di varianti prodotte localmente, Cecoslovacchia. (it)
- Hansa-Brandenburg C.I – austro-węgierski samolot rozpoznawczy z okresu I wojny światowej, konstrukcji niemieckiej. (pl)
- Hansa-Brandenburg C.I byl německý, resp. rakousko-uherský průzkumný a bombardovací dvojplošník užívaný za 1. světové války. Jeho konstruktérem byl německý inženýr Ernst Heinkel. Oproti typu Hansa Brandenburg B.I měl letoun silnější výzbroj i motory a byl schopen nést až 100 kg bomb. (cs)
- Le Hansa-Brandenburg C.I est un biplan de reconnaissance monomoteur armé, conçu par Ernst Heinkel. (fr)
- Hansa-Brandenburg C.I – austro-węgierski samolot rozpoznawczy z okresu I wojny światowej, konstrukcji niemieckiej. (pl)
- El Hansa-Brandenburg C.I, també conegut com a tipus LDD, fou un biplà armat de reconeixement, biplaça i monomotor, dissenyat per Ernst Heinkel, que treballava aleshores per a la companyia matriu a Alemanya i operat per les forces aèries austrohongareses. El C.I tenia similituds amb el model B.I anterior, incloent-hi els tirants entre plans, inclinats cap a l'interior. Com altres aeronaus austrohongareses de reconeixement, com els tipus C de Lloyd o Lohner, el tipus LDD tenia una cabina única per als seus dos tripulants. (ca)
- The Hansa-Brandenburg C.I, also known as Type LDD, was a 2-seater armed single-engine reconnaissance biplane designed by Ernst Heinkel, who worked at that time for the parent company in Germany. The C.I had similarities with the earlier B.I (Type FD, also designed by Heinkel), including inward-sloping interplane bracing struts. Like other early-war Austro-Hungarian reconnaissance aircraft, such as C-types of Lloyd or Lohner, the Type LDD had a communal cockpit for its crew. (en)
- L'Hansa-Brandenburg C.I, conosciuto anche come Typ LDD, era un monomotore biplano e biposto da ricognizione sviluppato dall'azienda tedesco imperiale Hansa und Brandenburgischen Flugzeugwerke GmbH negli anni dieci del XX secolo e prodotto principalmente su licenza nell'Impero austro-ungarico da Ungarische Flugzeugfabrik AG (Ufag) e . (it)