Half-breed is a term, now considered offensive, used to describe anyone who is of mixed race; although, in the United States, it usually refers to people who are half Native American and half European/white.
Half-breed (en català mitja raça) és un terme pejoratiu per a qualsevol persona que és de raça mixta, encara que en general es refereix a les persones que són mig amerindis i mig o blancs. (ca)
Half-breed is a term, now considered offensive, used to describe anyone who is of mixed race; although, in the United States, it usually refers to people who are half Native American and half European/white. (en)
Half-breed (en català mitja raça) és un terme pejoratiu per a qualsevol persona que és de raça mixta, encara que en general es refereix a les persones que són mig amerindis i mig o blancs. (ca)
Half-breed is a term, now considered offensive, used to describe anyone who is of mixed race; although, in the United States, it usually refers to people who are half Native American and half European/white. (en)