- Georgi Petrov Tringov (en búlgar: Георги Пеев Трингов) (7 de març de 1937 – 2 de juliol de 2000), fou un jugador d'escacs búlgar, que ostentà el títol de Gran Mestre des de 1963. (ca)
- Georgi Petrow Tringow (bulgarisch Георги Трингов, wiss. Transliteration Georgi Tringov; * 7. März 1937 in Plowdiw; † 3. Juli 2000) war ein bulgarischer Schachspieler. (de)
- Georgi Petrov Tringov (Bulgarian: Георги Пеев Трингов) (7 March 1937 – 2 July 2000) was a Grandmaster of chess from Bulgaria. He won the Bulgarian national chess championship in 1963, the year he was awarded the Grandmaster title, only the second Bulgarian player thus honored (after Milko Bobotsov). He was active mainly during the 1960s and 1970s and qualified for the 1964 Interzonal stage of the process for selecting a challenger for the World Chess Championship, but finished fifteenth in the Interzonal held in Amsterdam, so did not advance to the Candidates matches held in 1965. Tringov had numerous successes in international tournaments to his credit, including first place at Vrsac 1973. Tringov placed fifth in the 1955 World Junior Championship.He played for Bulgaria in five World Student Team Championships (1957 through 1960), winning the individual gold in three consecutive competitions: on board four in 1957 and 1958 and on board two in 1959 with a 92.3% score (+11=2−0). The Bulgarian student team was also successful those years, taking the team silver medal in 1957 and 1958 and the gold in 1959.Tringov was a regular member of the Bulgarian team in the Chess Olympiads, playing in 12 Olympiads (every contest from 1956 to 1982 except 1960 and 1976). In 1968 and in 1978 he had his best Olympiad results, twice winning the individual gold medal with a score of 78.6% (+8=6-0) on board two and ten years later with 77.3% (+6=5−0) on board three respectively. A controversy involving Tringov took place at the 20th Chess Olympiad in 1972. In the fourth round of Final Group A, the Bulgarian and Soviet Union teams met. A game between Tringov and Viktor Korchnoi was adjourned after 41 moves with Tringov to seal his next move. At this Olympiad, sealed moves were written on a separate piece of paper, not the player's score sheet. Tringov rejected this way of sealing his move and instead wrote it on his score sheet. When the game was resumed, the arbiter opened the envelope. In the envelope was Korchnoi's score sheet but not the one belonging to Tringov. The arbiter ruled the game a forfeit win for Korchnoi. Oleg Neikirch, who was serving as Bulgarian team captain, instituted protest proceedings but an arbitration committee upheld the arbiter's ruling. After the Olympiad was over, it was learned that Tringov had accidentally placed his score sheet in his pocket. Tringov discovered his mistake several days after his forfeit but was too ashamed to admit his mistake to the organizers of the Olympiad. Tringov earned the International Master (IM) title in 1962 and became a GM in 1963. (en)
- Georgi Petrov Tringov (en bulgare : Георги Петров Трингов) est un joueur d'échecs bulgare né le 7 mars 1937 à Plovdiv et mort le 2 juillet 2000. Grand maître international en 1963, champion de Bulgarie en 1963, 1981 et 1985, il se qualifia pour le tournoi interzonal de 1964 en gagnant le tournoi zonal de Kecskemét 1964, Il remporta les tournois de Vrsac 1973, ex æquo avec Bruno Parma, Plovdiv 1977 et 1980, Smederevo 1980, Prague 1984 et Asenovgrad 1986. Tringov participa au championnat du monde d'échecs junior de 1955 et finit cinquième. Il reçut le titre de maître international en 1962 et celui de grand maître l'année suivante (il était le deuxième grand maître bulgare après Milko Bobotsov). Il représenta la Bulgarie lors de douze olympiades d'échecs de 1956 à 1982. Il remporta la médaille de bronze individuelle en 1956, la médaille de bronze par équipe en 1968 et une médaille d'or individuelle au deuxième échiquier en 1968 (+8 =6) et en 1978 (au troisième échiquier). En 1982, il joua au premier échiquier de l'équipe bulgare. (fr)
- Georgi Tringov (Plovdiv, 7 marzo 1937 – Sofia, 2 luglio 2000) è stato uno scacchista bulgaro. Vinse il Campionato bulgaro nel 1963, 1981 e 1985. Nel 1963 diventò il secondo giocatore bulgaro, dopo Milko Bobocov, ad ottenere il titolo di Grande maestro. Dal 1957 al 1961 prese parte a cinque , vincendo tre medaglie d'oro individuali (nel 1957, 1958 e 1959). Nel campionato del 1959 a Budapest realizzò 12/13 in seconda scacchiera. Partecipò con la Bulgaria a 12 Olimpiadi degli scacchi dal 1956 al 1982. Vinse due medaglie d'oro individuali: alle olimpiadi di Lugano 1968 (in terza scacchiera) e di Buenos Aires 1978 (in 2ª scacchiera). Fra i risultati di torneo:
* 1970: terzo nel Bosna Turnier di Sarajevo, dietro a Ljubomir Ljubojević e Bruno Parma;
* 1971: terzo nel Memorial Capablanca di L'Avana, dietro a Vlastimil Hort e Juchym Petrovyč Heller;
* 1974: secondo a Birmingham, dietro a Tony Miles;
* 1976: pari terzo con Leŭ Abramavič Paluhaeŭski a Vinkovci, dietro a Hort e Gyula Sax;
* 1977: primo a Plovdiv, secondo a Belgrado. (it)
- Georgi Tringow, bułg. Георги Петров Трингов (ur. 7 marca 1937 w Płowdiwie, zm. 3 lipca 2000 tamże) – bułgarski szachista, arcymistrz od 1963 roku. (pl)
- Георгий Петров Трингов (болг. Георги Петров Трингов; 7 марта 1937, Пловдив — 3 июля 2000, там же) — болгарский шахматист, гроссмейстер (1963). Лучшие результаты в чемпионатах Болгарии: 1953 и 1955 — 3-4-е; 1962 — 2-е; 1963 и 1981 — 1-е места. В составе команды Болгарии участник 11 олимпиад (1956—1982), в том числе на 18-й (1968) — 1-е место на 2-й доске — 11 очков из 14; на 23-й (1978) — 1-е место на 3-й доске — 8½ из 11. Победитель зонального турнира ФИДЕ в Кечкемете (1964). Лучшие результаты в других международных соревнованиях: Марианске-Лазне (1962) — 2-3-е; Бюзум (1968) — 2-е; Сараево (1970) — 3-4-е; Варна (1970) и Гавана (1971) — 3-е; Вршац (1973) — 1-2-е; Бирмингем и Крагуевац (1974), Пловдив (1975) и Врбас (1976) — 2-е: Пловдив (1977 и 1981) — 1-е; Белград (1979) — 3-4-е; Ниш (1979), Сомбор (1980) и Врнячка-Баня (1982) — 3-е; Смедерево (1981) — 1-2-е; Крагуевац (1984 и 1985) — 3-4-е; Прага (1984) — 1-5-е; Варна (1985) — 5-6-е; Асеновград (1986) — 1-3-е; Нови-Сад (1986) — 4-5-е; Пула (1987) — 3-5-е места (470 участников). В 2001 году создан турнир его имени. (ru)
- Georgi Tringov (em búlgaro: Георги Пеев Трингов) foi um jogador de xadrez da Bulgária, com diversas participações nas Olimpíadas de xadrez. Tringov participou das edições de 1956, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1978, 1980 e 1982. Individualmente, conquistou as medalhas de ouro (1968 e 1978) no segundo e terceiro tabuleiro, prata (1958) no primeiro tabuleiro reserva e bronze (1956) no quarto tabuleiro. Por equipes, ganhou a medalha de bronze em 1968. (pt)
- Георгій Трингов (болг. Георги Петров Трингов; нар. 7 березня 1937, Пловдив — 3 липня 2000 там само) — болгарський шахіст, гросмейстер від 1963 року. (uk)
- Georgi Petrov Tringov (en búlgar: Георги Пеев Трингов) (7 de març de 1937 – 2 de juliol de 2000), fou un jugador d'escacs búlgar, que ostentà el títol de Gran Mestre des de 1963. (ca)
- Georgi Petrow Tringow (bulgarisch Георги Трингов, wiss. Transliteration Georgi Tringov; * 7. März 1937 in Plowdiw; † 3. Juli 2000) war ein bulgarischer Schachspieler. (de)
- Georgi Tringow, bułg. Георги Петров Трингов (ur. 7 marca 1937 w Płowdiwie, zm. 3 lipca 2000 tamże) – bułgarski szachista, arcymistrz od 1963 roku. (pl)
- Georgi Tringov (em búlgaro: Георги Пеев Трингов) foi um jogador de xadrez da Bulgária, com diversas participações nas Olimpíadas de xadrez. Tringov participou das edições de 1956, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1978, 1980 e 1982. Individualmente, conquistou as medalhas de ouro (1968 e 1978) no segundo e terceiro tabuleiro, prata (1958) no primeiro tabuleiro reserva e bronze (1956) no quarto tabuleiro. Por equipes, ganhou a medalha de bronze em 1968. (pt)
- Георгій Трингов (болг. Георги Петров Трингов; нар. 7 березня 1937, Пловдив — 3 липня 2000 там само) — болгарський шахіст, гросмейстер від 1963 року. (uk)
- Georgi Petrov Tringov (Bulgarian: Георги Пеев Трингов) (7 March 1937 – 2 July 2000) was a Grandmaster of chess from Bulgaria. He won the Bulgarian national chess championship in 1963, the year he was awarded the Grandmaster title, only the second Bulgarian player thus honored (after Milko Bobotsov). He was active mainly during the 1960s and 1970s and qualified for the 1964 Interzonal stage of the process for selecting a challenger for the World Chess Championship, but finished fifteenth in the Interzonal held in Amsterdam, so did not advance to the Candidates matches held in 1965. Tringov had numerous successes in international tournaments to his credit, including first place at Vrsac 1973. (en)
- Georgi Petrov Tringov (en bulgare : Георги Петров Трингов) est un joueur d'échecs bulgare né le 7 mars 1937 à Plovdiv et mort le 2 juillet 2000. Grand maître international en 1963, champion de Bulgarie en 1963, 1981 et 1985, il se qualifia pour le tournoi interzonal de 1964 en gagnant le tournoi zonal de Kecskemét 1964, Il remporta les tournois de Vrsac 1973, ex æquo avec Bruno Parma, Plovdiv 1977 et 1980, Smederevo 1980, Prague 1984 et Asenovgrad 1986. (fr)
- Georgi Tringov (Plovdiv, 7 marzo 1937 – Sofia, 2 luglio 2000) è stato uno scacchista bulgaro. Vinse il Campionato bulgaro nel 1963, 1981 e 1985. Nel 1963 diventò il secondo giocatore bulgaro, dopo Milko Bobocov, ad ottenere il titolo di Grande maestro. Dal 1957 al 1961 prese parte a cinque , vincendo tre medaglie d'oro individuali (nel 1957, 1958 e 1959). Nel campionato del 1959 a Budapest realizzò 12/13 in seconda scacchiera. Fra i risultati di torneo: (it)
- Георгий Петров Трингов (болг. Георги Петров Трингов; 7 марта 1937, Пловдив — 3 июля 2000, там же) — болгарский шахматист, гроссмейстер (1963). Лучшие результаты в чемпионатах Болгарии: 1953 и 1955 — 3-4-е; 1962 — 2-е; 1963 и 1981 — 1-е места. В составе команды Болгарии участник 11 олимпиад (1956—1982), в том числе на 18-й (1968) — 1-е место на 2-й доске — 11 очков из 14; на 23-й (1978) — 1-е место на 3-й доске — 8½ из 11. В 2001 году создан турнир его имени. (ru)