- Feilding (Māori: Aorangi) is a town in the Manawatū District of the North Island of New Zealand. It is located on State Highway 54, 20 kilometres north of Palmerston North. The town is the seat of the Manawatū District Council. Feilding has won the annual New Zealand's Most Beautiful Town award 15 times. It is an Edwardian-themed town, with the district plan encouraging buildings in the CBD to be built in that style. The town is currently extending its CBD beautification featuring paving and planter boxes on the footpaths on the main streets in the CBD, including the realignment and beautification of Fergusson Street to the South Street entrance of Manfeild Park. The town is a service town for the surrounding farming district. The Feilding Saleyards has been a vital part of the wider Manawatū community for over 125 years. As transport systems improved and farming practices changed, the need for small, local saleyards all but disappeared, leaving few major selling complexes in New Zealand. Manawatū is a diverse and fertile farming area with high production, high stock-carrying capacity, and a stable climate. These factors make Feilding Saleyards a popular medium for many farmers. A unique aspect of Feilding Saleyards is their location in the centre of town. The Manawatū Plains, on which the town is sited, are very fertile land, and as such it is a prosperous agricultural area. Being located on the floodplain of a major river has its problems, however, and in February 2004 the town suffered extensive flooding. In 2009 the Horizons Regional Council commissioned a new flood protection scheme to prevent extensive flooding in the future. (en)
- Feilding ist eine Stadt im Manawatu District der Region Manawatū-Whanganui auf der Nordinsel von Neuseeland. Sie ist Verwaltungssitz des Distrikts. (de)
- La ville de Feilding (en langue maori : Aorangi) est une localité du district de Manawatu dans l’île du Nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande. (fr)
- Feilding (maor. Aorangi) - miasto w Nowej Zelandii, w regionie Manawatu-Wanganui. Według danych szacunkowych na rok 2008 liczy 13 914 mieszkańców. (pl)
- Feilding is een plaats in de regio Manawatu-Wanganui op het Noordereiland van Nieuw-Zeeland. Feilding ligt aan Highway 54, op 20 kilometer ten noorden van Palmerston North.Feilding is een service plaats voor het omliggende gebied. In februari 2004 is de plaats gedeeltelijk overstroomd, waardoor 150 huizen onder water kwamen te staan.Feilding heeft de jaarlijkse prijs voor Nieuw-Zeelands mooiste plaats dertien keer weten te winnen. (nl)
- Feilding é uma cidade localizada em Manawatu-Wanganui, região da Ilha Norte da Nova Zelândia. Está localizada na principal rede rodoviária do país, a State Highway 54, 20 quilômetros ao norte de Palmerston North. Uma característica da cidade é que não há semáforos e nem parquímetros. A estimativa da população residente em Feilding é de 14.350, em junho de 2008. A cidade é a sede do Conselho Distrital de Manawatu. O ator Jed Brophy, conhecido por participar de filmes dirigidos por Peter Jackson, nasceu em Feilding. (pt)
- Feilding ist eine Stadt im Manawatu District der Region Manawatū-Whanganui auf der Nordinsel von Neuseeland. Sie ist Verwaltungssitz des Distrikts. (de)
- La ville de Feilding (en langue maori : Aorangi) est une localité du district de Manawatu dans l’île du Nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande. (fr)
- Feilding (maor. Aorangi) - miasto w Nowej Zelandii, w regionie Manawatu-Wanganui. Według danych szacunkowych na rok 2008 liczy 13 914 mieszkańców. (pl)
- Feilding is een plaats in de regio Manawatu-Wanganui op het Noordereiland van Nieuw-Zeeland. Feilding ligt aan Highway 54, op 20 kilometer ten noorden van Palmerston North.Feilding is een service plaats voor het omliggende gebied. In februari 2004 is de plaats gedeeltelijk overstroomd, waardoor 150 huizen onder water kwamen te staan.Feilding heeft de jaarlijkse prijs voor Nieuw-Zeelands mooiste plaats dertien keer weten te winnen. (nl)
- Feilding é uma cidade localizada em Manawatu-Wanganui, região da Ilha Norte da Nova Zelândia. Está localizada na principal rede rodoviária do país, a State Highway 54, 20 quilômetros ao norte de Palmerston North. Uma característica da cidade é que não há semáforos e nem parquímetros. A estimativa da população residente em Feilding é de 14.350, em junho de 2008. A cidade é a sede do Conselho Distrital de Manawatu. O ator Jed Brophy, conhecido por participar de filmes dirigidos por Peter Jackson, nasceu em Feilding. (pt)
- Feilding (Māori: Aorangi) is a town in the Manawatū District of the North Island of New Zealand. It is located on State Highway 54, 20 kilometres north of Palmerston North. The town is the seat of the Manawatū District Council. (en)