Douchebag is a 2010 film directed by Drake Doremus. The film is a black comedy set in Los Angeles, focusing on Alex Barradas, his older brother Sam Nussbaum (Andrew Dickler) and Sam's fiancée Steph (Marguerite Moreau).
Douchebag is a 2010 film directed by Drake Doremus. The film is a black comedy set in Los Angeles, focusing on Alex Barradas, his older brother Sam Nussbaum (Andrew Dickler) and Sam's fiancée Steph (Marguerite Moreau). (en)
Douchebag is a 2010 film directed by Drake Doremus. The film is a black comedy set in Los Angeles, focusing on Alex Barradas, his older brother Sam Nussbaum (Andrew Dickler) and Sam's fiancée Steph (Marguerite Moreau). (en)