- La difusió dèmica és un model antropològic que intenta explicar els canvis culturals a partir de les migracions. S'oposa al difusionisme, que no inclou canvis de població sinó contacte entre comunitats diferenciades. Un dels seus màxims proponents fou Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza. Aquest model postula que un grup humà amb una tecnologia o idea determinada es desplaça de la seva zona d'origen i exporta amb ella la innovació a altres indrets. En aquesta nova ubicació, la població local és conquerida, assimilada, desplaçada o bé es produeix una barreja entre els dos pobles. El canvi cultural passa a ser autòcton de la nova zona, idèntic a l'original o amb variacions. Les llengües indoeuropees (des de l'Urheimat) o els conreus agrícoles poden ser explicats amb aquest model. (ca)
- Demic diffusion, as opposed to trans-cultural diffusion, is a demographic term referring to a migratory model, developed by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, of population diffusion into and across an area that had been previously uninhabited by that group and possibly but not necessarily displacing, replacing, or intermixing with an existing population (such as has been suggested for the spread of agriculture across Neolithic Europe and several other Landnahme events). In its original formulation, the demic diffusion model includes three phases: (1) population growth, prompted by new available resources as in the case of early farmers, and/or other technological developments; (2) a dispersal into regions with lower population density; (3) a limited initial admixture with the people encountered in the process. (en)
- Demic diffusion, as opposed to trans-cultural diffusion, is a demographic term referring to a migratory model, developed by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, of population diffusion into and across an area that had been previously uninhabited by that group and possibly but not necessarily displacing, replacing, or intermixing with an existing population (such as has been suggested for the spread of agriculture across Neolithic Europe and several other Landnahme events). (en)