- مملكة النرويج هي دولة ذات سيادة بنظام ملكي مركزي تضم أراضيها الجزء الغربي من شبه الجزيرة الاسكندنافية بالإضافة إلى جزيرة يان ماين وأرخبيل سفالبارد. يحافظ البلد على مزيج من اقتصاد السوق ونموذج الشمال الأوروبي مع الرعاية الصحية الشاملة ونظام الضمان الاجتماعي الشامل. لدى النرويج احتياطيات كبيرة من النفط والغاز الطبيعي والمعادن والخشب والمأكولات البحرية والمياه العذبة والطاقة المائية. تمثل صناعة البترول نحو ربع إجمالي الناتج المحلي للبلاد. تعد النرويج، استنادًا على أساس معدّل دخل الفرد، أكبر منتج للنفط والغاز الطبيعي في العالم خارج الشرق الأوسط. (ar)
- Climate change in Norway discusses global warming issues that affect Norway, whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula plus the island Jan Mayen and the archipelago of Svalbard. All regions and seasons of Norway are expected to become warmer and wetter due to climate change. On a per-capita basis, Norway is the world's largest producer, and exporter, of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East. In 2016, 56 new licenses for oil exploration near the Lofoten islands were issued. However, 98% of Norway's electricity demand is supplied by renewable sources, mostly from hydroelectric power, generated using Norway's extensive freshwater reserves. Emissions are also generated through transportation, although Norway is a world leader in electric vehicles. Warmer temperatures in Norway are causing permafrost and glaciers to retreat, and leading to shifts in precipitation patterns. Climate change is particularly impacting Norway's Arctic region. Biodiversity and forested areas are experiencing shifts due to the phenomenon, with significant implications for the agriculture and economy of the country. Indigenous Sámi people's practices are being impacted by climate change. Norway's government have introduced several social and economic policies towards climate change mitigation, including through carbon capture and storage. Norway wants to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, partly by investing in projects with emissions reduction abroad. It wants to achieve zero emission in the country by 2050. In 2020, Norway pledged to achieve a 50% - 55% reduction in domestic emissions from the level of 1990 by 2030. (en)