Box of Shadows (aka The Ghostmaker) is an American fantasy thriller film directed by Mauro Borrelli, produced by Ed Polgardy and Scott Rudolph and written from Borelli and Scott Svatos. The film stars Domiziano Arcangeli, Ford Austin and Naomi Ueno.
Box of Shadows (aka The Ghostmaker) is an American fantasy thriller film directed by Mauro Borrelli, produced by Ed Polgardy and Scott Rudolph and written from Borelli and Scott Svatos. The film stars Domiziano Arcangeli, Ford Austin and Naomi Ueno. (en)
Box of Shadows (aka The Ghostmaker) is an American fantasy thriller film directed by Mauro Borrelli, produced by Ed Polgardy and Scott Rudolph and written from Borelli and Scott Svatos. The film stars Domiziano Arcangeli, Ford Austin and Naomi Ueno. (en)