An Entity of Type: societal event, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The 2021 California gubernatorial recall election was a special recall election that began in August 2021 and concluded on September 14, 2021, when California voters chose not to recall incumbent Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, elected for the term January 2019 to January 2023. Due to the wide margin of the results, most major news outlets projected the race for Newsom within an hour of polls closing; later that night, Larry Elder, the frontrunner replacement candidate, conceded defeat. Official certification of the results occurred on October 22, 2021.

Property Value
  • The 2021 California gubernatorial recall election was a special recall election that began in August 2021 and concluded on September 14, 2021, when California voters chose not to recall incumbent Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, elected for the term January 2019 to January 2023. Had the recall been successful, the replacement candidate with the most votes on the second part of the ballot would have assumed the office. The election followed the same format used in the November 2020 general election: in August, county election offices sent an official ballot to the mailing address of every registered voter, giving them the option to vote by mail on or before election day, or, when polling places opened statewide, to vote in-person. The recall petition was filed in February 2020 and signatures were collected from June 2020 to March 2021, with the signature drive gaining critical momentum in late 2020 amid voter anger over Newsom's personal behavior and leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. Voters' ability to recall an elected official in California is the result of Progressive Era democratic reforms intended to reduce corruption, enacted alongside the introduction of the ballot initiative and women's suffrage in 1911. Following a petition drive collecting signatures amounting to at least 12 percent of voters in the previous election for the political office in question, a special election is held. The election was the fourth gubernatorial recall election in American history and the second in state history after the 2003 recall election, which resulted in the successful recall of Governor Gray Davis, who was replaced with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Due to the wide margin of the results, most major news outlets projected the race for Newsom within an hour of polls closing; later that night, Larry Elder, the frontrunner replacement candidate, conceded defeat. Official certification of the results occurred on October 22, 2021. (en)
  • Die Recallwahl des Gouverneurs in Kalifornien 2021 war eine Sonderwahl zur Abberufung des kalifornischen Gouverneurs Gavin Newsom aus dem Amt des Gouverneurs. Die Wahl fand am 14. September 2021 statt. Die Wahl ging deutlich zu Gunsten von Newsom aus, weswegen dieser sein Amt behielt. (de)
  • '2021eko Kaliforniako gobernadore kargugabetze hauteskundeak 2021eko abuztuan hasi eta 2021eko irailaren 14an amaitu ziren, Kaliforniako boto-emaileek jarduneko gobernadore demokrata karguan mantentzea erabaki zutenean, 2019ko urtarriletik 2023ko urtarrilera bitarteko agintaldirako aukeratua. Kargugabetzeak aurrera egin izan balu, galderaren bigarren zatian boto gehien lortu dituen ordezko hautagaiak hartuko zukeen kargua. Hauteskundeak 2020ko azaroko hauteskunde orokorretan erabilitako formatu berari jarraitu zion: abuztuan, konderriko hauteskunde-bulegoek boto-paper ofizial bat bidali zuten erroldatutako hautesle guztien posta helbidera, eta aukera eman zieten botoa posta bidez emateko hauteskunde egunean edo lehenago. 2020ko otsailean aurkeztu zen kargugabetze eskaera, eta 2020ko ekainetik 2021eko martxora bitartean sinadurak bildu ziren. Sinatzaileen ustez, Newsomen jokabide pertsonala eta COVID-19 pandemiaren kudeaketa okerra izan zen. Kalifornian hautetsi bat kargugabetzeko boto-emaileek duten gaitasuna ustelkeria murrizteko egindako erreforma demokratikoen emaitza da, 1911n bozketa-ekimena eta emakumeen sufragioa ezartzearekin batera indarrean jarritakoa. AEBetako historiako laugarren kargugabetze hauteskundeak izan ziren, eta Estatuko bigarrena 2003. urteko hauteskundeen ondoren, gobernadorearen kargugabetze arrakastatsua ekarri zuena, Arnold Schwarzeneggerrek ordezkatu zuena. (eu)
  • L'élection gouvernorale révocatoire de 2021 en Californie a lieu le 14 septembre 2021 dans l'État américain de Californie. Le scrutin consiste d'une part en un référendum révocatoire à l'encontre du gouverneur sortant Gavin Newsom, et en une élection gouvernorale pour ce même poste. La population est ainsi amenée à se prononcer simultanément sur la fin anticipée du mandat de son gouverneur et à voter pour son remplaçant, les résultats de l'élection n'étant pris en compte qu'en cas de victoire du Oui au référendum. La révocation de Newson est rejetée à une large majorité de près de 62 % des suffrages exprimés. (fr)
  • La elección revocatoria de California de 2021 fue una elección especial para revocar el mandato del gobernador Gavin Newsom. La elección contó con dos preguntas, «si se debe destituir a Newsom y quién lo reemplazará si es llamado». Newsom no fue elegible para postularse como candidato para la segunda pregunta.​​ La opción del Sí fracasó, Newsom terminará su primer mandato como lo indica la constitución, en enero de 2023.​ (es)
  • A eleição de recall para Governador da Califórnia em 2021 foi realizada em 14 de setembro. Trata-se de um recall em que os eleitores votaram se o governador Gavin Newsom deveira perder seu mandato. Se mais da metade dos eleitores forem favoráveis, o candidato mais votado na segunda pergunta será declarado eleito. No final, a maioria esmagadora dos eleitores californianos votaram para manter Newsom no cargo. (pt)
  • 2021年加利福尼亞州州長罷免选举是2021年美國一場有關是否罢免加利福尼亞州州長加文·纽森以及補選的投票,如果加文·纽森被罷免,選民则选择一名候选人接替他的剩余任期,任期将于2023年1月结束。2021年8月,县选举办公室向每位登记选民的邮寄地址发送了一份正式选票,供选民在2021年9月14日选举日或之前选择邮寄选票,届时全州投票站也将开放,選民可选择亲自投票。 不過根據有线电视新闻网、CBS新聞、NBC News、纽约时报和其他媒體對選票的結果初步統計加文·纽森並未被罷免成功。 (zh)
  • 2021-09-14 (xsd:date)
  • 2021 California gubernatorial recall election (en)
  • 66293350 (xsd:integer)
  • 257089 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124027431 (xsd:integer)
  • dbr:Caitlyn_Jenner
  • dbr:Patrick_Kilpatrick
  • dbr:Angelyne
  • dbr:Jeff_Hewitt_(politician)
  • dbr:Ted_Gaines
  • dbr:John_H._Cox
  • dbr:Kevin_Faulconer
  • dbr:Kevin_Kiley_(politician)
  • dbr:Kevin_Paffrath
  • dbr:Larry_Elder
  • dbr:Doug_Ose
  • Denis Lucey (en)
  • David Moore (en)
  • Joel Ventresca (en)
  • Dennis Richter (en)
  • Nickolas Wildstar (en)
  • Diego Martinez (en)
  • Robert C. Newman II (en)
  • Roxanne (en)
  • Daniel Mercuri (en)
  • David Lozano (en)
  • Rhonda Furin (en)
  • Adam Papagan (en)
  • Anthony Trimino (en)
  • Armando "Mando" Perez-Serrato (en)
  • Brandon M. Ross (en)
  • Chauncey "Slim" Killens (en)
  • Dan Kapelovitz (en)
  • Daniel Watts (en)
  • David Alexander Bramante (en)
  • David Hillberg (en)
  • Denver Stoner (en)
  • Heather Collins (en)
  • Holly L. Baade (en)
  • Jacqueline McGowan (en)
  • James G. Hanink (en)
  • Jenny Rae Le Roux (en)
  • Jeremiah "Jeremy" Marciniak (en)
  • Joe M. Symmon (en)
  • John R. Drake (en)
  • Kevin Kaul (en)
  • Leo S. Zacky (en)
  • Major Singh (en)
  • Major Williams (en)
  • Michael Loebs (en)
  • Miki Habryn (en)
  • Sam Gallucci (en)
  • Sarah Stephens (en)
  • Stacy Smith (en)
  • Steve Chavez Lodge (en)
  • Thuy E. Hugens (en)
  • Vince Lundgren (en)
  • Vivek B. Mohan (en)
  • California (en)
  • 2021-04-29 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-05-13 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-06-14 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-07-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-07-24 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-09-14 (xsd:date)
  • 2021-09-14 (xsd:date)
  • 2021 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-05-29 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • ;Individuals *Brian Carroll, teacher and 2020 ASP presidential nominee ;Organizations *American Solidarity Party (en)
  • ;Local officials *Mike Feinstein, former mayor of Santa Monica and candidate for California Secretary of State in 2018 ;Organizations * Green Party of California (en)
  • ;Individuals *Alyson Kennedy, mineworker and SWP nominee for President in 2016 and 2020 ;Organizations *Socialist Workers Party (en)
  • ;Organizations *California National Party (en)
  • ;Organizations *Socialist Equality Party (en)
  • ;Organizations *Libertarian Party of California (en)
  • ;U.S. Representatives *Doug Ose, former U.S. Representative for , candidate for governor in 2018 and 2021 ;Local officials *Joel Anderson, member of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and former state senator from the 38th district ;Individuals *Orrin Heatlie, main recall organizer and retired county sheriff's sergeant ;Newspapers and other media *RedState, conservative blog (en)
  • ;U.S. Representatives *Darrell Issa, U.S. Representative from , , and ; former Director of the USTDA ;State legislators * Patricia Bates, state senator from the 36th district and former Minority Leader of the California Senate * Frank Bigelow, state assemblymember from the 5th district * Jordan Cunningham, state assemblymember from the 35th district * Megan Dahle, state assemblymember from the 1st district * Heath Flora, state assemblymember from the 12th district * Brian Jones, state senator from the 38th district * Tom Lackey, state assemblymember from the 36th district * Devon Mathis, state assemblymember from the 26th district * Melissa Melendez, state senator from the 28th district * Janet Nguyen, state assemblymember from the 72nd district * Jim Nielsen, state senator from the 4th district * Thurston Smith, state assemblymember from the 33rd district * Randy Voepel, state assemblymember from the 71st district * Marie Waldron, state assemblymember from the 75th district and Minority Leader of the California Assembly * Scott Wilk, state senator from the 21st district and Minority Leader of the California Senate ;Individuals * Michael Shellenberger, author and a 2018 gubernatorial candidate ;Newspapers and other media *The Bakersfield Californian Editorial Board *Los Angeles Times Editorial Board (en)
  • ;Executive branch officials *Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States , 47th Vice President of the United States , and former U.S. Senator from Delaware *Kamala Harris, 49th Vice President of the United States and former U.S. Senator from California *Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States and former U.S. Senator from Illinois ;U.S. Senators *Cory Booker, United States Senator from New Jersey and candidate for President of the United States in 2020 *Barbara Boxer, former U.S. Senator from California *Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senator from Minnesota and candidate for President of the United States in 2020 *Alex Padilla, U.S. Senator from California and former California Secretary of State *Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator from Vermont and candidate for President of the United States in 2016 and 2020 *Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senator from New York and Senate Majority Leader *Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts and candidate for President of the United States in 2020 ;U.S Representatives *Karen Bass, United States Representative from and Mayor elected of Los Angeles *Julia Brownley, U.S. Representative from *John Burton, former U.S. Representative from *Salud Carbajal, U.S. Representative from *Judy Chu, U.S. Representative from *Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. Representative from *Mark DeSaulnier, U.S. Representative from *Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Representative from and 52nd Speaker of the United States House of Representatives *Katie Porter, U.S. Representative from *Ro Khanna, U.S. Representative from *Barbara Lee, U.S. Representative from *Ted Lieu, U.S. Representative from *Zoe Lofgren, U.S. Representative from *Alan Lowenthal, U.S. Representative from *Doris Matsui, U.S. Representative from *Raul Ruiz, U.S. Representative from *Adam Schiff, U.S. Representative from *Jackie Speier, U.S. Representative from *Sara Jacobs, U.S. Representative from *Maxine Waters, U.S. Representative from ;State officeholders *Stacey Abrams, former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives , Democratic nominee for Governor of Georgia in 2018, and founder of Fair Fight Action *Rob Bonta, California Attorney General and former state assemblymember from the 18th district *Jerry Brown, former governor of California *Wendy Carrillo, state assemblymember from the 51st district *David Chiu, state assemblymember from the 17th district and former president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors *Bill Dodd, state senator from the 3rd district *Laura Friedman, state assemblymember from the 43rd district *Lorena Gonzalez, state assemblymember from the 80th district *María Elena Durazo, state senator from the 24th district *Sydney Kamlager, state senator from the 30th district *Eleni Kounalakis, Lieutenant Governor of California and former United States Ambassador to Hungary *Ricardo Lara, California Insurance Commissioner *Fiona Ma, California State Treasurer , former member of the California Board of Equalization , and former state assemblymember from the 12th district *Fran Pavley, former state senator from the 27th district *Richard Pan, state senator from the 6th district *Robert Rivas, state assemblymember from the 30th district *Rudy Salas, state assemblymember from the 32nd district *Nancy Skinner, state senator from the 9th district *Tony Thurmond, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction *Hannah-Beth Jackson, former state senator from the 19th district *Betty Yee, California State Controller and former member of the California Board of Equalization ;Local officials *London Breed, Mayor of San Francisco *Robert Garcia, Mayor of Long Beach *Todd Gloria, Mayor of San Diego and former state assemblymember from the 78th district *Sam Liccardo, Mayor of San Jose *Libby Schaaf, Mayor of Oakland *Antonio Villaraigosa, former Mayor of Los Angeles , former Speaker of the California State Assembly , and 2018 gubernatorial candidate ;Individuals *Byron Allen, entertainment industry executive *Mary Carey, adult film actress and candidate for Governor of California in the 2003 recall election and 2021 recall election *Jaime Harrison, Chair of the DNC *Alan F. Horn, entertainment industry executive *George Lopez, actor and comedian *Alyssa Milano, actress and activist *Michael Moore, author, film documentary and activist *Paula Poundstone, actress, author, and comedian *Rob Reiner, actor, filmmaker, and activist *Ann Sarnoff, television executive *George Takei, actor and activist *Elijah Wood, actor and producer ;Newspapers and other media *Bay Area Reporter Editorial Board *Los Angeles Times Editorial Board *McClatchy California Editorial Boards *The Mercury News and East Bay Times Editorial Boards *Monterey County Weekly Editorial Board *Napa Valley Register Editorial Board *The New York Times Editorial Board *The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board *San Francisco Chronicle Editorial Board *Santa Barbara Independent Editorial Board ;Organizations *American Civil Liberties Union California Action *Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region *California Democratic Party *California Faculty Association *California Federation of Teachers *California League of Conservation Voters *Climate Hawks Vote *Democratic Governors Association *Democratic Socialists of America Los Angeles Electoral Committee *Equality California *Green Party of California *Human Rights Campaign *International Association of Fire Fighters *Jewish Democratic Council of America *NARAL Pro-Choice California *National Union of Healthcare Workers *Peace and Freedom Party *Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California *Service Employees International Union California *Socialist Equality Party *United Food and Commercial Workers *Valley Industry & Commerce Association (en)
  • 2022 (xsd:integer)
  • 2022 (xsd:integer)
  • no (en)
  • American Independent Party (en)
  • Democratic Party (en)
  • Green Party of the United States (en)
  • Republican Party (en)
  • Libertarian Party (en)
  • No party preference (en)
  • 100 (xsd:integer)
  • 0.7
  • 1.0
  • 2.9
  • 0.0
  • 0.1
  • 0.2
  • 0.3
  • 0.4
  • 0.9
  • 1.2
  • 1.3
  • 2.3
  • 2.5
  • 3.5
  • 48.4
  • 5.3
  • 8.0
  • 0.5
  • 4.1
  • 9.6
  • 58.45
  • 2018 (xsd:integer)
  • 2018 (xsd:integer)
  • David Moore (en)
  • Dennis Richter (en)
  • Kevin Faulconer (en)
  • Kevin Kiley (en)
  • "No" (en)
  • "Yes" (en)
  • Dan Kapelovitz (en)
  • James Hanink (en)
  • Jeff Hewitt (en)
  • Larry Elder (en)
  • Michael Loebs (en)
  • 58.450000 (xsd:double)
  • presidential (en)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • 19 (xsd:integer)
  • 68 (xsd:integer)
  • 81 (xsd:integer)
  • 116 (xsd:integer)
  • 137 (xsd:integer)
  • 2397 (xsd:integer)
  • 2894 (xsd:integer)
  • 3811 (xsd:integer)
  • 3964 (xsd:integer)
  • 4021 (xsd:integer)
  • 4435 (xsd:integer)
  • 5600 (xsd:integer)
  • 6099 (xsd:integer)
  • 6879 (xsd:integer)
  • 7110 (xsd:integer)
  • 7193 (xsd:integer)
  • 8182 (xsd:integer)
  • 8965 (xsd:integer)
  • 10468 (xsd:integer)
  • 10583 (xsd:integer)
  • 10602 (xsd:integer)
  • 10860 (xsd:integer)
  • 11501 (xsd:integer)
  • 16032 (xsd:integer)
  • 17435 (xsd:integer)
  • 18134 (xsd:integer)
  • 19588 (xsd:integer)
  • 19945 (xsd:integer)
  • 21394 (xsd:integer)
  • 24260 (xsd:integer)
  • 25468 (xsd:integer)
  • 26204 (xsd:integer)
  • 28101 (xsd:integer)
  • 31224 (xsd:integer)
  • 35900 (xsd:integer)
  • 47937 (xsd:integer)
  • 50378 (xsd:integer)
  • 64375 (xsd:integer)
  • 68545 (xsd:integer)
  • 75215 (xsd:integer)
  • 85061 (xsd:integer)
  • 86617 (xsd:integer)
  • 92218 (xsd:integer)
  • 167355 (xsd:integer)
  • 186345 (xsd:integer)
  • 214242 (xsd:integer)
  • 255490 (xsd:integer)
  • 305095 (xsd:integer)
  • 392029 (xsd:integer)
  • 590346 (xsd:integer)
  • 706778 (xsd:integer)
  • 3563867 (xsd:integer)
  • 7361568 (xsd:integer)
  • 12892578 (xsd:integer)
  • Die Recallwahl des Gouverneurs in Kalifornien 2021 war eine Sonderwahl zur Abberufung des kalifornischen Gouverneurs Gavin Newsom aus dem Amt des Gouverneurs. Die Wahl fand am 14. September 2021 statt. Die Wahl ging deutlich zu Gunsten von Newsom aus, weswegen dieser sein Amt behielt. (de)
  • La elección revocatoria de California de 2021 fue una elección especial para revocar el mandato del gobernador Gavin Newsom. La elección contó con dos preguntas, «si se debe destituir a Newsom y quién lo reemplazará si es llamado». Newsom no fue elegible para postularse como candidato para la segunda pregunta.​​ La opción del Sí fracasó, Newsom terminará su primer mandato como lo indica la constitución, en enero de 2023.​ (es)
  • A eleição de recall para Governador da Califórnia em 2021 foi realizada em 14 de setembro. Trata-se de um recall em que os eleitores votaram se o governador Gavin Newsom deveira perder seu mandato. Se mais da metade dos eleitores forem favoráveis, o candidato mais votado na segunda pergunta será declarado eleito. No final, a maioria esmagadora dos eleitores californianos votaram para manter Newsom no cargo. (pt)
  • 2021年加利福尼亞州州長罷免选举是2021年美國一場有關是否罢免加利福尼亞州州長加文·纽森以及補選的投票,如果加文·纽森被罷免,選民则选择一名候选人接替他的剩余任期,任期将于2023年1月结束。2021年8月,县选举办公室向每位登记选民的邮寄地址发送了一份正式选票,供选民在2021年9月14日选举日或之前选择邮寄选票,届时全州投票站也将开放,選民可选择亲自投票。 不過根據有线电视新闻网、CBS新聞、NBC News、纽约时报和其他媒體對選票的結果初步統計加文·纽森並未被罷免成功。 (zh)
  • The 2021 California gubernatorial recall election was a special recall election that began in August 2021 and concluded on September 14, 2021, when California voters chose not to recall incumbent Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, elected for the term January 2019 to January 2023. Due to the wide margin of the results, most major news outlets projected the race for Newsom within an hour of polls closing; later that night, Larry Elder, the frontrunner replacement candidate, conceded defeat. Official certification of the results occurred on October 22, 2021. (en)
  • '2021eko Kaliforniako gobernadore kargugabetze hauteskundeak 2021eko abuztuan hasi eta 2021eko irailaren 14an amaitu ziren, Kaliforniako boto-emaileek jarduneko gobernadore demokrata karguan mantentzea erabaki zutenean, 2019ko urtarriletik 2023ko urtarrilera bitarteko agintaldirako aukeratua. (eu)
  • L'élection gouvernorale révocatoire de 2021 en Californie a lieu le 14 septembre 2021 dans l'État américain de Californie. Le scrutin consiste d'une part en un référendum révocatoire à l'encontre du gouverneur sortant Gavin Newsom, et en une élection gouvernorale pour ce même poste. La population est ainsi amenée à se prononcer simultanément sur la fin anticipée du mandat de son gouverneur et à voter pour son remplaçant, les résultats de l'élection n'étant pris en compte qu'en cas de victoire du Oui au référendum. (fr)
  • Recallwahl des Gouverneurs in Kalifornien 2021 (de)
  • 2021 California gubernatorial recall election (en)
  • Elecciones revocatorias para gobernador de California de 2021 (es)
  • 2021eko Kaliforniako gobernadore kargugabetze hauteskundeak (eu)
  • Élection gouvernorale révocatoire de 2021 en Californie (fr)
  • Eleição para governador da Califórnia em 2021 (pt)
  • 2021年加利福尼亞州州長罷免 (zh)
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