Jamnith (Greek: Ἰαμνειθ), also Jabnith, Yavnit (Hebrew: יבנית), Iamnia, or in medieval parlance, Ibnit / Abnit / Ovnit, is a ruin in the Upper Galilee that came to renown during the First Jewish Revolt in the 1st-century CE. The ruin, known locally by the name Khurbet esh-Sheikh Banit, or simply Kh. Banît, lies about 3.4 kilometres (2.1 mi) to the northeast of Safed, in the Biriya Forest, and was once a fortified town towards the northeast of Mount Canaan (Hebrew: Har Kena'an), upon a hill called Har Yavnit. The hill on which the village ruins lie rises 836 metres (2,743 ft) above sea level and overlooks the Hula valley. Access to the ruin is now restricted because of an enclosed military installation built over the site.