About: Vodka war

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Vodka war refers to heated discussions within the European Union about the definition of which hard liquors may or may not be branded as "vodka". The war was triggered by the actions of Diageo, who began marketing their Cîroc beverage as a vodka uniquely produced exclusively from grapes. On 20 February 2006 Poland put a demand to restrict the definition of Vodka within EU, and the move was supported by the vodka belt countries and Germany. This demand was triggered by a 2005 European Commission proposal to split vodka category into several subcategories basing on the flavor and raw materials.

Property Value
  • La Guerra del Vodka es refereix a les acalorades discussions dins de la Unió Europea sobre la definició quins licors poden ser o no marcats com a "vodka". La guerra va ser provocada per les accions de , que va començar a comercialitzar el seu de begudes com a vodka produït únicament de raïm. Els països del "Cinturó del vodka" europeu sostenen que només els lictors que es fan exclusivament a partir de sucres de cereals,patates i remolatxa] poden ser de marca vodka. Altres destil·ladors insisteixen en una definició més àmplia. El compromí Schnellhardt, proposat per Horst Schnellhardt, suggereix que vodkes elaborats a partir d'elements que no siguin cereals, patates i melasses han de dir "vodka produït a partir de..." en l'etiqueta. El 20 febrer de 2006, Polònia va posar una demanda per restringir la definició de vodka dins de la UE, i la mesura va ser recolzada pels països del cinturó de vodka i Alemanya". Aquesta demanda va ser provocada per una proposta de 2005 de la Comissió Europea de dividir la categoria de vodka en diverses subcategories basant-se en el sabor i les matèries primeres. Si el "Vodka Belt" preval, influirà de manera significativa la 12 mil milions anuals que mou el mercat mundial de vodka. En particular, algunes begudes comercialitzades actualment com el vodka hauran de ser rebatejades. La qüestió va més enllà de la UE: les opinions s'expressen que l'Estats Units, el productor de vodka de més creixement, si els seus vodkes no tradicionals són expulsats de la UE, pot prendre represàlies a l'Organització Mundial del Comerç. (ca)
  • Vodka war refers to heated discussions within the European Union about the definition of which hard liquors may or may not be branded as "vodka". The war was triggered by the actions of Diageo, who began marketing their Cîroc beverage as a vodka uniquely produced exclusively from grapes. The countries of the EU "Vodka Belt" argue that only spirits made exclusively from cereals, potatoes and sugar beet molasses may be branded vodka. Other distillers insist on a broader definition. The Schnellhardt compromise, proposed by Horst Schnellhardt, suggests that vodkas made from items other than cereals, potatoes and molasses should say "Vodka produced from..." on the label. On 20 February 2006 Poland put a demand to restrict the definition of Vodka within EU, and the move was supported by the vodka belt countries and Germany. This demand was triggered by a 2005 European Commission proposal to split vodka category into several subcategories basing on the flavor and raw materials. If the "Vodka Belt" prevails, it will significantly influence the global US$12 billion annual vodka market. In particular, some drinks presently marketed as vodka will have to be re-branded. The issue goes beyond the EU: The United States is the world's fastest-growing vodka producer, and if its non-traditional vodkas are excluded from the EU, it may retaliate in the World Trade Organization. (en)
  • 10055034 (xsd:integer)
  • 6019 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1076226318 (xsd:integer)
  • La Guerra del Vodka es refereix a les acalorades discussions dins de la Unió Europea sobre la definició quins licors poden ser o no marcats com a "vodka". La guerra va ser provocada per les accions de , que va començar a comercialitzar el seu de begudes com a vodka produït únicament de raïm. Si el "Vodka Belt" preval, influirà de manera significativa la 12 mil milions anuals que mou el mercat mundial de vodka. En particular, algunes begudes comercialitzades actualment com el vodka hauran de ser rebatejades. (ca)
  • Vodka war refers to heated discussions within the European Union about the definition of which hard liquors may or may not be branded as "vodka". The war was triggered by the actions of Diageo, who began marketing their Cîroc beverage as a vodka uniquely produced exclusively from grapes. On 20 February 2006 Poland put a demand to restrict the definition of Vodka within EU, and the move was supported by the vodka belt countries and Germany. This demand was triggered by a 2005 European Commission proposal to split vodka category into several subcategories basing on the flavor and raw materials. (en)
  • Guerra del vodka (ca)
  • Vodka war (en)
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