Smog towers are structures designed as large-scale air purifiers to reduce air pollution particles, the prototype for which was built in 2017 by Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde, in Beijing.
Čistička vzduchu je technologie pro velkokapacitní , podle návrhu nizozemského umělce a vývojáře . (cs)
Smog towers are structures designed as large-scale air purifiers to reduce air pollution particles, the prototype for which was built in 2017 by Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde, in Beijing. (en)
Čistička vzduchu je technologie pro velkokapacitní , podle návrhu nizozemského umělce a vývojáře . (cs)
Smog towers are structures designed as large-scale air purifiers to reduce air pollution particles, the prototype for which was built in 2017 by Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde, in Beijing. (en)