An Entity of Type: ethnic group, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Sierra Leone is officially a secular state, although Islam and Christianity are the two main and dominant religions in the country. The constitution of Sierra Leone provides for freedom of religion and the Sierra Leone Government generally protects it. The Sierra Leone Government is constitutionally forbidden from establishing a state religion, though Muslim and Christian prayers are usually held in the country at the beginning of major political occasions, including presidential inauguration.

Property Value
  • الدين في سيراليون تعتبر سيراليون رسميًا دولة علمانية، على الرغم من أن الإسلام والمسيحية هما الديانتان الرئيسيتان المهيمنتان في البلاد. ينص دستور سيراليون على حرية الدين وتحميها حكومة سيراليون بشكل عام. يحظر دستوريًا على حكومة سيراليون تأسيس دين للدولة، على الرغم من أن صلوات المسلمين والمسيحيين تقام عادة في البلاد في بداية المناسبات السياسية الكبرى، بما في ذلك التنصيب الرئاسي. (ar)
  • Im westafrikanischen Sierra Leone herrscht per Verfassung Religionsfreiheit. Die größten Religionen sind der Islam und das Christentum. Einige Einwohner praktizieren den islamischen und christlichen Glauben zusammen. Der 1997 gegründete sorgt erfolgreich für die Zusammenarbeit der Religionen. Religiöse Gewalt kommt sehr selten vor. (de)
  • Sierra Leone is officially a secular state, although Islam and Christianity are the two main and dominant religions in the country. The constitution of Sierra Leone provides for freedom of religion and the Sierra Leone Government generally protects it. The Sierra Leone Government is constitutionally forbidden from establishing a state religion, though Muslim and Christian prayers are usually held in the country at the beginning of major political occasions, including presidential inauguration. According to a 2020 estimates by the Pew Research Center 78.5% of Sierra Leone's population are Muslims (mostly Sunni Muslims), 20.4% are Christians (mostly Protestants) and 1.1% belong to a traditional African religion or other beliefs. The Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone estimated that 77% of Sierra Leone's population are Muslims, 21% are Christians, and 2% are followers of traditional African religion. Most of Sierra Leone's ethnic groups are Muslim majority, including the country's two largest ethnic groups: the Mende and Temne. Sierra Leone is regarded as one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world. Muslims and Christians collaborate and interact with each other peacefully. Religious violence is very rare in the country. Even during the Sierra Leonean Civil War people were never targeted because of their religion. The country is home to the Sierra Leone Inter-Religious Council, which is made up of both Christian and Muslim religious leaders to promote peace and tolerance throughout the country. The Islamic holidays of Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and Maulid-un-Nabi (Birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) are observed as national holidays in Sierra Leone. The Christian holidays of Christmas, Boxing Day, Good Friday and Easter are also national holidays in Sierra Leone. In politics the overwhelming majority of Sierra Leoneans vote for a candidate without regard of the candidate being a Muslim or a Christian. All of Sierra Leone"s Heads of State have been Christians except Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, who was a Muslim. The vast majority of Sierra Leonean Muslims are adherent to the Sunni tradition of Islam. Most of the Mosque and Islamic schools across Sierra Leone are based on Sunni Islam. Shia Muslims form a very small percentage, at less than half of one percent of Sierra Leone's Muslim population. Most of Sierra Leonean Muslims of the Sunni and Ahmadiyya sect regularly pray together in the same Mosque. The Maliki school is by far the most dominant Islamic school of jurisprudence across Sierra Leone and is based within Sunni Islam, though many Ahmadiyya Muslims in Sierra Leone also follow the Maliki Jurisprudence. The Sierra Leone Islamic Supreme Council, is the highest Islamic religious organization in Sierra Leone and is made up of the country's Imams, Islamic scholars, and other Islamic clerics across the country. Sheikh Muhammad Taha Jalloh is the president of the Sierra Leone Supreme Islamic Council Private Site. The United Council of Imams, is an Islamic religious body in Sierra Leone, that is made up of all imams of mosques throughout Sierra Leone. The president of the United Council of Imam is Sheikh Alhaji Muhammad Habib Sheriff.*Sierra Leone Imams present new president to Hon. Minister responsible for Religious Affairs* – Cocorioko. The two largest mosques in Sierra Leone are the Freetown Central Mosque and the (built by former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi), both located in the capital Freetown. Among the present most highly prominent Sierra Leonean Muslim scholars and preachers are Sheikh Abu Bakarr Cotco Kamara, Sheikh Muhammad Taha Jalloh, Sheikh Umarr S. Kanu, Sheikh Ahmad Tejan Sillah, Sheikh Saeedu Rahman, and Sheikh Muhammad Habib Sheriff. All of the Sierra Leonean Muslim Scholars mention above are Sunni Muslims, except Sheikh Ahmad Tejan Sillah, who is a Shia Muslim; and Sheikh Saeedu Rahman, who is an Ahmaddiya Muslim. The large majority of Sierra Leonean Christians are Protestant, of which the largest groups are the Wesleyan Methodists and Pentecostal. Other Christian Protestant denominations with significant presence in the country include Presbyterians, Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists Anglicans, Lutherans, and Pentecostals. The Council of Churches is the Protestant Christian religious organisation that is made up of all Protestant churches across Sierra Leone. Recently there has been an increase of Pentecostal churches, especially in Freetown. Non-denominational Christians form a significant minority of Sierra Leone's Christian population. Catholics are the largest group of non-Protestant Christians in Sierra Leone, forming about 8% of Sierra Leone's population and 26% of the Christian population in Sierra Leone. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the two most prominent non Trinitarian Christians in Sierra Leone, and they form a small but significant minority of the Christian population in Sierra Leone. A small community of Orthodox Christians resides in the capital Freetown. In September 2017, a Sierra Leone-based radical Nigerian Pentecostal Christian pastor name Victor Ajisafe was arrested by the Sierra Leone Police and held in jail after he preached an extreme religious intolerance and a fanatical hate speech against Islam and Sierra Leonean Muslims at his church sermon in the capital Freetown. Among other words in his speech; Ajisafe said Islam is an evil religion, and he further said there is no trace of Islam in the history of Sierra Leone; even though factually Muslim missionaries have taught Islam in Sierra Leone over 430 years ago and the country has remained a Muslim majority for centuries. Many Christian organizations in Sierra Leone, including the Council of Churches condemned Ajisafe's sermon against Islam and Muslims. Ajisafe"s church was temporarily shut down by the Sierra Leone government and his church license was temporarily suspended too. The incident brought religious tension in Sierra Leone, in a country known for its very high level of religious tolerance, as many Sierra Leonean Muslims at home and abroad were extremely angry. Many Sierra Leonean Muslims called for Ajisafe to be deported back to his home country of Nigeria, and few even threatened to attack the church. The pastor while in Sierra Leone police custody apologized to Sierra Leonean Muslims and to the government of Sierra Leone. After several days in jail, Ajisafe was released, his church license was given back to him, and his church was later reopened under strict government condition during several months of probation. (en)
  • L'islam est la religion la plus importante en Sierra Leone, avec une importante minorité chrétienne et animiste. Selon une estimation de 2015 du Pew Research Center, 78,0 % de la population est musulmane, 20,9 % est chrétienne, tandis que le reste suit d'autres religions, dont l'animisme. Une autre estimation de 2013 réalisée par l'Enquête Démographique et de Santé trouvait 78,2 % de musulmans et 21,2 % de chrétiens. Pour le département d'État des États-Unis, 60 % des Sierraléonais sont musulmans, 20 à 30 % chrétiens et 5 à 10 % animistes ou d'une autre confession. En 2007, le Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés estime qu'il y a 55 % de musulmans, 40 % de chrétiens et 5 % d'autres croyances, même si nombre de personnes conservent des croyances ou des rites de religions traditionnelles en parallèle de l'islam ou du christianisme. Il y a beaucoup de prosélytisme pour l'Église protestante évangélique, pour le courant chrétien, et du prosélytisme pour le courant salafiste, pour l'Islam. L'article 24 de la constitution de 1991 reconnaît la liberté religieuse. (fr)
  • La religione più diffusa in Sierra Leone è l'islam. Secondo il censimento del 2004 (l'ultimo disponibile), i musulmani sono il 78% della popolazione e sono in maggioranza sunniti, mentre il cristianesimo è la seconda religione essendo seguita dal 21% della popolazione; il restante 1% della popolazione comprende coloro che seguono altre religioni o che non seguono alcuna religione. Una stima del 2010 del Pew Research Center conferma questi dati, dando i musulmani al 78% della popolazione e i cristiani al 20,9% della popolazione, mentre il restante 1,1% della popolazione segue altre religioni o non segue alcuna religione. Un'altra stima del 2010 riporta risultati differenti, dando i musulmani al 55,3% della popolazione e i cristiani al 19% della popolazione; il 23,7% della popolazione seguirebbe le religioni africane tradizionali, lo 0,8% della popolazione seguirebbe altre religioni e l'1,2% della popolazione non seguirebbe alcuna religione. La differenza si può spiegare con il fatto che le religioni tradizionali africane sono praticate da una parte della popolazione contemporaneamente all'islam o al cristianesimo. Una stima del 2015 dell'Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) dà i musulmani al 71,6% circa della popolazione, i cristiani al 12,9% circa della popolazione e le religioni africane tradizionali all'11,3% circa; lo 0,5% circa della popolazione segue altre religioni e lo 0,1% della popolazione non segue alcuna religione, mentre il 3,6% della popolazione non specifica la propria affiliazione religiosa. (it)
  • W Sierra Leone, w Afryce Zachodniej istnieje wolność wyznania zapewniona przez Konstytucję tego kraju. Rejestracja rządowa dla grup religijnych nie jest obowiązkowa, ale niezbędna do uzyskania zwolnień podatkowych i innych świadczeń. Większość mieszkańców wyznaje islam, a duża mniejszość należy do chrześcijaństwa. Zarówno wielu muzułmanów, jak i chrześcijan łączy swoje wierzenia z praktykowaniem tradycyjnych obrzędów animistycznych. W Sierra Leone jest wysoki stopień tolerancji religijnej, a między głównymi religiami zachodzą dobre relacje. Religia odegrała ważną rolę w przeciwdziałaniu wojnie, przemocy, jak i wprowadzaniu pokoju, na przełomie XX i XXI wieku, podczas wojny domowej w Sierra Leone. (pl)
  • A Religião em Serra Leoa é representada principalmente pelo islamismo e o cristianismo, dominantes no país. A constituição de Serra Leoa prevê a liberdade de religião e o governo de Serra Leoa geralmente a protege. O governo de Serra Leoa está constitucionalmente proibido de estabelecer uma religião oficial, embora as orações muçulmanas e cristãs sejam geralmente realizadas no país no início de grandes ocasiões políticas, incluindo a posse presidencial. De acordo com estimativas de 2020, do Pew Research Center, 78,5% da população de Serra Leoa são muçulmanos (principalmente muçulmanos sunitas), 20,4% são cristãos (principalmente protestantes) e 1,1% pertencem a uma religião tradicional africana ou outras crenças. O Conselho Inter-religioso de Serra Leoa estimou que 77% da população de Serra Leoa é composta por muçulmanos, 21% são cristãos e 2% são seguidores de religiões tradicionais africanas. A maioria dos grupos étnicos de Serra Leoa são de maioria muçulmana, incluindo os dois maiores grupos étnicos do país: os e os temne. Serra Leoa é considerada um dos países mais tolerantes religiosamente do mundo. Muçulmanos e cristãos colaboram e interagem pacificamente. A violência religiosa é muito rara no país. Mesmo durante a Guerra Civil de Serra Leoa, as pessoas nunca foram perseguidas por causa de sua religião. O país é sede do Conselho Inter-religioso de Serra Leoa, que é formado por líderes religiosos cristãos e muçulmanos, visando a promoção da paz e a tolerância em todo o país. Os feriados islâmicos de Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha e (aniversário do profeta islâmico Maomé) são feriados nacionais em Serra Leoa. Os feriados cristãos de Natal, Boxing Day, Sexta-feira Santa e Páscoa também são feriados nacionais em Serra Leoa. Na política, a esmagadora maioria dos serra-leoneses vota em um candidato, independentemente de o candidato ser muçulmano ou cristão. Todos os chefes de Estado de Serra Leoa foram cristãos, exceto Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, que era muçulmano. A grande maioria dos muçulmanos de Serra Leoa são adeptos da tradição sunita do Islã. A maioria das mesquitas e escolas islâmicas em Serra Leoa são baseadas no islamismo sunita. Os muçulmanos xiitas constituem uma porcentagem muito pequena, representando menos da metade de 1% da população muçulmana de Serra Leoa. O Supremo Conselho Islâmico de Serra Leoa é a maior organização religiosa islâmica no país. As duas maiores mesquitas de Serra Leoa são a e a Mesquita Central Ghadafi (construída pelo ex-líder líbio Muammar Gaddafi), ambas localizados na capital, Freetown. A grande maioria dos cristãos de Serra Leoa são protestantes, dos quais os maiores grupos são metodistas, e pentecostais. Outras denominações cristãs protestantes com presença significativa no país incluem presbiterianos, batistas, adventistas do sétimo dia, anglicanos e luteranos. O Conselho de Igrejas é a Organização religiosa cristã protestante composta por todas as igrejas protestantes de Serra Leoa. Os cristãos não denominacionais constituem uma minoria significativa da população cristã de Serra Leoa. Os católicos são o maior grupo de cristãos não protestantes em Serra Leoa, formando cerca de 8% da população de Serra Leoa e 26% da população cristã em Serra Leoa. As Testemunhas de Jeová e os membros de A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias são os dois grupos cristãos não trinitários mais proeminentes em Serra Leoa e formam uma pequena, mas significativa, minoria entre a população cristã em Serra Leoa. Uma pequena comunidade de cristãos ortodoxos reside na capital Freetown. (pt)
  • 36703521 (xsd:integer)
  • 28942 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124716751 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • Religion (en)
  • percent (en)
  • Religion in Sierra Leone (en)
  • #ddd (en)
  • الدين في سيراليون تعتبر سيراليون رسميًا دولة علمانية، على الرغم من أن الإسلام والمسيحية هما الديانتان الرئيسيتان المهيمنتان في البلاد. ينص دستور سيراليون على حرية الدين وتحميها حكومة سيراليون بشكل عام. يحظر دستوريًا على حكومة سيراليون تأسيس دين للدولة، على الرغم من أن صلوات المسلمين والمسيحيين تقام عادة في البلاد في بداية المناسبات السياسية الكبرى، بما في ذلك التنصيب الرئاسي. (ar)
  • Im westafrikanischen Sierra Leone herrscht per Verfassung Religionsfreiheit. Die größten Religionen sind der Islam und das Christentum. Einige Einwohner praktizieren den islamischen und christlichen Glauben zusammen. Der 1997 gegründete sorgt erfolgreich für die Zusammenarbeit der Religionen. Religiöse Gewalt kommt sehr selten vor. (de)
  • L'islam est la religion la plus importante en Sierra Leone, avec une importante minorité chrétienne et animiste. Selon une estimation de 2015 du Pew Research Center, 78,0 % de la population est musulmane, 20,9 % est chrétienne, tandis que le reste suit d'autres religions, dont l'animisme. Une autre estimation de 2013 réalisée par l'Enquête Démographique et de Santé trouvait 78,2 % de musulmans et 21,2 % de chrétiens. Pour le département d'État des États-Unis, 60 % des Sierraléonais sont musulmans, 20 à 30 % chrétiens et 5 à 10 % animistes ou d'une autre confession. (fr)
  • Sierra Leone is officially a secular state, although Islam and Christianity are the two main and dominant religions in the country. The constitution of Sierra Leone provides for freedom of religion and the Sierra Leone Government generally protects it. The Sierra Leone Government is constitutionally forbidden from establishing a state religion, though Muslim and Christian prayers are usually held in the country at the beginning of major political occasions, including presidential inauguration. (en)
  • La religione più diffusa in Sierra Leone è l'islam. Secondo il censimento del 2004 (l'ultimo disponibile), i musulmani sono il 78% della popolazione e sono in maggioranza sunniti, mentre il cristianesimo è la seconda religione essendo seguita dal 21% della popolazione; il restante 1% della popolazione comprende coloro che seguono altre religioni o che non seguono alcuna religione. Una stima del 2010 del Pew Research Center conferma questi dati, dando i musulmani al 78% della popolazione e i cristiani al 20,9% della popolazione, mentre il restante 1,1% della popolazione segue altre religioni o non segue alcuna religione. Un'altra stima del 2010 riporta risultati differenti, dando i musulmani al 55,3% della popolazione e i cristiani al 19% della popolazione; il 23,7% della popolazione seguir (it)
  • W Sierra Leone, w Afryce Zachodniej istnieje wolność wyznania zapewniona przez Konstytucję tego kraju. Rejestracja rządowa dla grup religijnych nie jest obowiązkowa, ale niezbędna do uzyskania zwolnień podatkowych i innych świadczeń. Większość mieszkańców wyznaje islam, a duża mniejszość należy do chrześcijaństwa. Zarówno wielu muzułmanów, jak i chrześcijan łączy swoje wierzenia z praktykowaniem tradycyjnych obrzędów animistycznych. W Sierra Leone jest wysoki stopień tolerancji religijnej, a między głównymi religiami zachodzą dobre relacje. (pl)
  • A Religião em Serra Leoa é representada principalmente pelo islamismo e o cristianismo, dominantes no país. A constituição de Serra Leoa prevê a liberdade de religião e o governo de Serra Leoa geralmente a protege. O governo de Serra Leoa está constitucionalmente proibido de estabelecer uma religião oficial, embora as orações muçulmanas e cristãs sejam geralmente realizadas no país no início de grandes ocasiões políticas, incluindo a posse presidencial. De acordo com estimativas de 2020, do Pew Research Center, 78,5% da população de Serra Leoa são muçulmanos (principalmente muçulmanos sunitas), 20,4% são cristãos (principalmente protestantes) e 1,1% pertencem a uma religião tradicional africana ou outras crenças. O Conselho Inter-religioso de Serra Leoa estimou que 77% da população de Serr (pt)
  • Religion in Sierra Leone (en)
  • الدين في سيراليون (ar)
  • Religion in Sierra Leone (de)
  • Religion en Sierra Leone (fr)
  • Religioni in Sierra Leone (it)
  • Religia w Sierra Leone (pl)
  • Religião em Serra Leoa (pt)
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