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Philippe le Bon (or Lebon) (D'Humbersin) (May 29, 1767 – December 1, 1804) was a French engineer, born in Brachay, France. There is much confusion about his life and accomplishments. His main contributions were improvements to steam engines and industrializing the extraction of lighting gas from wood. Following details published in readings for young people, Lebon has long been purported to have been assassinated on the eve of Napoleon's crowning ceremony, at the beginning of December 1804. While the actual time of death seems to be December 1 at 10 am, there are no contemporary evidence to sustain the story: legal documents produced by the Archives Nationales upon the 150th jubilee of Lebon make it clear that neither the engineer's servant, Euphrasie Hubert, nor the justice practitioner c

Property Value
  • Philippe Lebon (o le Bon) (Brachay, França, 29 de maig de 1767 - 1 de desembre de 1804) va ser un científic que va realitzar investigacions per a l'obtenció industrialitzada i ús de gas de fusta, ideant sistemes de distribució per a la il·luminació i calefacció. Va inventar el llum de gas, i va idear un motor del mateix combustible precursor de la futura màquina de vapor. Va morir assassinat el 1804. (ca)
  • Philippe Lebon (aŭ Philippe la bona) (29-a de majo 1767 – 1-a de decembro 1804) estis franca kemiisto. Lebon naskiĝis en , proksime al Joinville ĉe Marne. Li studis en École des Ponts et Chaussé estis elpensinto de lumigo per gaso kaj gasturbino, li ne estis aŭskultita dumvive, kaj estis en 1804 mortigita en malluma strato de Parizo! En 1799 li patentigis la termolampon. (eo)
  • Philippe Lebon d'Humbersin (* 29. Mai 1767 in Brachay; † 1. oder nach anderen Quellen 2. Dezember 1804 in Paris) war ein französischer Ingenieur und der Erfinder des Leuchtgases. (de)
  • Philippe Lebon (o le Bon), llamado de Humbersin (Brachay, 29 de mayo de 1767 - París, 1 de diciembre de 1804),​ fue un ingeniero y químico francés que realizó investigaciones para la obtención industrializada y el uso de gas de madera, ideando sistemas de distribución para iluminación y calefacción. Inventó la lámpara de gas, e ideó un motor del mismo combustible precursor de la futura máquina de vapor. Murió asesinado en 1804.​​​​ (es)
  • Philippe Lebon (edo le Bon ) (Brachay, Frantzia, 1767ko maiatzaren 29a - 1804ko abenduaren 1a), zur-gasa lortzeko eta erabilera industrializatzeko ikerketa egin zuen zientzialaria izan zen. Banaketa sistemak diseinatu zituen argiztapen eta berokuntzarako. Gas-lanpara asmatu zuen, eta erregai beraren motor bat ere asmatu zuen etorkizuneko lurrun-makinaren aitzindaria. 1804. urtean erail zuten. (eu)
  • Philippe Lebon dit d'Humbersin, né le 29 mai 1767 à Brachay (Haute-Marne) et mort le 1er décembre 1804 à Paris, est un ingénieur et chimiste français, inventeur du gaz d'éclairage et, en 1801, du premier moteur à explosion. (fr)
  • Philippe le Bon (or Lebon) (D'Humbersin) (May 29, 1767 – December 1, 1804) was a French engineer, born in Brachay, France. There is much confusion about his life and accomplishments. His main contributions were improvements to steam engines and industrializing the extraction of lighting gas from wood. Following details published in readings for young people, Lebon has long been purported to have been assassinated on the eve of Napoleon's crowning ceremony, at the beginning of December 1804. While the actual time of death seems to be December 1 at 10 am, there are no contemporary evidence to sustain the story: legal documents produced by the Archives Nationales upon the 150th jubilee of Lebon make it clear that neither the engineer's servant, Euphrasie Hubert, nor the justice practitioner committed to the post mortem inventory did mention any criminal circumstance, nor any wound on the body. Joseph Gaudry, Lebon's nephew and heir, only mentions family rumors in his 1856 writing. Lebon's correspondence during the last months of his life make it clear he had been suffering from illness and lack of medical assistance for weeks before his untimely death. He also designed, though apparently did not build, a wood gas engine. (Not the first.) Like other early engines, it had no compression in its main cylinder. It has three mechanically connected cylinders, each double-acting, one to compress the air, one to compress the gas, and one driven by the burned mixture.This engine resembles an internal combustion engine, but the combustion actually takes place in a combustion chamber separated by mechanically controlled valves from the cylinders. This makes it a steam engine running on combustion products instead of on steam, or the piston equivalent of a gas turbine. Hardenberg's analysis shows a theoretical efficiency and specific power much less than those of the earlier , but this assumes that the intake valve stays open during the whole power stroke. Assuming that the inventor had more in his mind than what he wrote on paper and therefore allowing arbitrary valve timing, its idealized thermodynamic cycle is similar to that of a gas turbine, which can have a high compression ratio and relatively high efficiency. This assumes, contrary to what Hardenberg seems to assume, that the combustion chamber would have been big enough to act as a pressure reservoir. Of course, one's place in history depends on what one does and writes more than on what one can be assumed to have thought. Certainly, all but possibly Hardenberg must have seen that it would give more room for optimization than the Street engine did. The reasons that it has never been used must be the obvious thermal and mechanical problems, such as heat loss from the combustion products to the containing structures. In 1801, Philippe Lebon invented an engine that improved on Robert Steele's design. It used coal gas ignited by an electric spark. This was the first internal combustion engine. Although very inefficient, it would later be improved, as internal combustion is used in modern cars. (en)
  • Philippe Lebon (Brachay, 29 maggio 1767 – Parigi, 1º dicembre 1804) è stato un inventore francese. Nel 1786 brevettò il primo sistema di illuminazione a gas della storia; morì assassinato. Philippe Lebon era un chimico. Per dimostrare l'efficacia e i vantaggi delle sue "termolampade", affittò a Parigi un palazzo privato nell'isola di Saint Louis e vi allestì un laboratorio. In seguito, egli installò un circuito d'illuminazione di sua invenzione per illuminare la facciata , l'interno e anche il parco del municipio di Seignelay; i parigini, pagando un modico prezzo d'ingresso, poterono ammirare un nuovo tipo d'illuminazione: bastava aprire alcuni rubinetti e accendere il gas che usciva da tutti i tubi installati per ottenere una vivida luce; il gas utilizzato, era semplicemente quello che si libera dal legno che viene scaldato per distillarlo. (it)
  • Philippe Lebon (D'Humbersin) (Brachay, Haute-Marne, 29 mei 1767 - Parijs, 1 december 1804) was een ingenieur en geldt in Frankrijk als uitvinder van het lichtgas. (nl)
  • Philippe Lebon (ur. 29 maja 1767 w Brachay, 2 grudnia 1804 w Paryżu) – francuski inżynier i chemik, pomysłodawca silnika spalinowego. (pl)
  • Philippe Lebon d'Humbersin (Brachay, 29 de maio de 1767 — Paris, 1 de dezembro de 1804) foi um engenheiro francês, inventor do gás de rua. (pt)
  • Фили́пп Лебо́н (фр. Philippe Lebon, 29 мая 1767/1769 — 1 декабря 1804 года) — французский инженер; считается изобретателем газового освещения; профессор механики в Школе мостов и дорог в Париже. В 1790-е гг. начал опыты над получением светильного газа посредством сухой перегонки древесины, в 1799 году получил на этот способ патент. В том же году создал так называемую с использованием светильного газа. Изобретение его было применено в Англии. В 1801 году предложил двигатель внутреннего сгорания со сжатием смеси газа и воздуха. (ru)
  • 1767-05-29 (xsd:date)
  • 1929-05-04 (xsd:date)
  • 1578661 (xsd:integer)
  • 5892 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1109583768 (xsd:integer)
  • 1767-05-29 (xsd:date)
  • Philippe Lebon (en)
  • 0001-12-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 150 (xsd:integer)
  • Philippe Lebon (en)
  • Philippe Lebon (o le Bon) (Brachay, França, 29 de maig de 1767 - 1 de desembre de 1804) va ser un científic que va realitzar investigacions per a l'obtenció industrialitzada i ús de gas de fusta, ideant sistemes de distribució per a la il·luminació i calefacció. Va inventar el llum de gas, i va idear un motor del mateix combustible precursor de la futura màquina de vapor. Va morir assassinat el 1804. (ca)
  • Philippe Lebon (aŭ Philippe la bona) (29-a de majo 1767 – 1-a de decembro 1804) estis franca kemiisto. Lebon naskiĝis en , proksime al Joinville ĉe Marne. Li studis en École des Ponts et Chaussé estis elpensinto de lumigo per gaso kaj gasturbino, li ne estis aŭskultita dumvive, kaj estis en 1804 mortigita en malluma strato de Parizo! En 1799 li patentigis la termolampon. (eo)
  • Philippe Lebon d'Humbersin (* 29. Mai 1767 in Brachay; † 1. oder nach anderen Quellen 2. Dezember 1804 in Paris) war ein französischer Ingenieur und der Erfinder des Leuchtgases. (de)
  • Philippe Lebon (o le Bon), llamado de Humbersin (Brachay, 29 de mayo de 1767 - París, 1 de diciembre de 1804),​ fue un ingeniero y químico francés que realizó investigaciones para la obtención industrializada y el uso de gas de madera, ideando sistemas de distribución para iluminación y calefacción. Inventó la lámpara de gas, e ideó un motor del mismo combustible precursor de la futura máquina de vapor. Murió asesinado en 1804.​​​​ (es)
  • Philippe Lebon (edo le Bon ) (Brachay, Frantzia, 1767ko maiatzaren 29a - 1804ko abenduaren 1a), zur-gasa lortzeko eta erabilera industrializatzeko ikerketa egin zuen zientzialaria izan zen. Banaketa sistemak diseinatu zituen argiztapen eta berokuntzarako. Gas-lanpara asmatu zuen, eta erregai beraren motor bat ere asmatu zuen etorkizuneko lurrun-makinaren aitzindaria. 1804. urtean erail zuten. (eu)
  • Philippe Lebon dit d'Humbersin, né le 29 mai 1767 à Brachay (Haute-Marne) et mort le 1er décembre 1804 à Paris, est un ingénieur et chimiste français, inventeur du gaz d'éclairage et, en 1801, du premier moteur à explosion. (fr)
  • Philippe Lebon (D'Humbersin) (Brachay, Haute-Marne, 29 mei 1767 - Parijs, 1 december 1804) was een ingenieur en geldt in Frankrijk als uitvinder van het lichtgas. (nl)
  • Philippe Lebon (ur. 29 maja 1767 w Brachay, 2 grudnia 1804 w Paryżu) – francuski inżynier i chemik, pomysłodawca silnika spalinowego. (pl)
  • Philippe Lebon d'Humbersin (Brachay, 29 de maio de 1767 — Paris, 1 de dezembro de 1804) foi um engenheiro francês, inventor do gás de rua. (pt)
  • Фили́пп Лебо́н (фр. Philippe Lebon, 29 мая 1767/1769 — 1 декабря 1804 года) — французский инженер; считается изобретателем газового освещения; профессор механики в Школе мостов и дорог в Париже. В 1790-е гг. начал опыты над получением светильного газа посредством сухой перегонки древесины, в 1799 году получил на этот способ патент. В том же году создал так называемую с использованием светильного газа. Изобретение его было применено в Англии. В 1801 году предложил двигатель внутреннего сгорания со сжатием смеси газа и воздуха. (ru)
  • Philippe le Bon (or Lebon) (D'Humbersin) (May 29, 1767 – December 1, 1804) was a French engineer, born in Brachay, France. There is much confusion about his life and accomplishments. His main contributions were improvements to steam engines and industrializing the extraction of lighting gas from wood. Following details published in readings for young people, Lebon has long been purported to have been assassinated on the eve of Napoleon's crowning ceremony, at the beginning of December 1804. While the actual time of death seems to be December 1 at 10 am, there are no contemporary evidence to sustain the story: legal documents produced by the Archives Nationales upon the 150th jubilee of Lebon make it clear that neither the engineer's servant, Euphrasie Hubert, nor the justice practitioner c (en)
  • Philippe Lebon (Brachay, 29 maggio 1767 – Parigi, 1º dicembre 1804) è stato un inventore francese. Nel 1786 brevettò il primo sistema di illuminazione a gas della storia; morì assassinato. Philippe Lebon era un chimico. Per dimostrare l'efficacia e i vantaggi delle sue "termolampade", affittò a Parigi un palazzo privato nell'isola di Saint Louis e vi allestì un laboratorio. (it)
  • Philippe Lebon (ca)
  • Philippe Lebon (de)
  • Philippe Lebon (eo)
  • Philippe Lebon (es)
  • Philippe Lebon (eu)
  • Philippe Lebon (fr)
  • Philippe Lebon (it)
  • Philippe Lebon (nl)
  • Philippe Lebon (en)
  • Philippe Lebon (pl)
  • Philippe Lebon (pt)
  • Лебон, Филипп (ru)
  • Philippe Lebon (en)
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