- Murdonnia es un género de plantas fanerógamas de la familia Commelinaceae. Distribuidas en las regiones tropicales y templadas del globo. Comprende 73 especies descritas y de estas, solo 51 aceptadas. (es)
- Murdannia is a genus of annual or perennial monocotyledonous flowering plants in the family Commelinaceae. The genus is one of the largest in the family. They are most easily distinguished from other genera in the family by their three-lobed or spear-shaped antherodes (i.e. non-functional anthers). Also, along with the closely related genus Anthericopsis, it is the only genus with staminodes (i.e. non-functional stamens) opposite the petals. Murdannia are found in tropical regions across the globe with extensions into warm temperate areas. Typically, Murdannia species are found in open areas in mesic soils. However, some are semi-aquatic, and a limited few are found in closed forest situations. Three species are naturalized in the United States (Murdannia keisak, and M. spirata). The genus is named in honor of Murdan Ali, a plant collector who worked for John Forbes Royle and maintained the herbarium at Saharunpore, India. He was a munshi who took a keen interest in natural history and under the training of Falconer, Royle and Edgeworth had become a proficient botanist who compiled a vernacular flora of northern India and the Himalayas which was however never published. Species
* (Lauterb. & K.Schum.) Faden - New Guinea
* (De Wild.) Brenan - Congo-Brazzaville, Zaïre
* Nampy & Ancy - Assam
* Faden - Sri Lanka
* Brenan - Kenya, Zanzibar, Pemba
* (Hassk.) Brenan - Indian Subcontinent, Java, Myanmar, Malaya
* (C.B.Clarke) J.K.Morton ex D.Y.Hong - southern China, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
* Nandikar & Gurav - western India
* D.Fang - Guangxi in China
* (Ridl.) Faden - Peninsular Malaysia
* Brenan - Central African Republic, Chad, Kenya
* (Griff.) Faden - India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Myanmar
* Faden - New Guinea, Queensland, Northern Territory of Australia
* (Dalzell) G.Brückn. - southern India
* Murdannia dimorphoides Faden - Sri Lanka
* (C.B.Clarke) G.Brückn. - southern China, Himalayas, Myanmar, Vietnam
* (Stokes) Faden - southern China, Himalayas, Indochina, Java, Bali, Philippines, New Guinea
* (Wall. ex C.B.Clarke) R.S.Rao & Kammathy - India, Sri Lanka
* Nampy & Joby - Kerala State in India
* (Warb. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb.) G.Brückn. - New Guinea
* (Seub.) G.Brückn. - Brazil
* (Vahl) G.Brückn. - Madagascar, Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Queensland, Northern Territory, New South Wales
* (Thwaites ex C.B.Clarke) G.Brückn. - India, Sri Lanka
* (R.Br.) G.Brückn. - Vietnam, Queensland, Northern Territory, New South Wales, Western Australia
* (C.B.Clarke) G.Brückn. - Assam, southern China
* (Thunb.) Faden - China, Japan, Indian Subcontinent, Indochina, Borneo
* (Wight) R.S.Rao & Kammathy - Kerala + Tamil Nadu in India
* (Masam.) D.Y.Hong - southern China
* Murdannia keisak (Hassk.) Hand.-Mazz. - Japan, Korea, Ryukyu Islands, Russia (Amur + Primorye), Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal; naturalized in parts of United States
* (Wight) Kammathy - India, Sri Lanka
* (Wall. ex C.B.Clarke) G.Brückn. - southern India
* (Hassk.) R.S.Rao & Kammathy - China, Taiwan, Tibet, Ryukyu Islands, Bonin Islands, Indian Subcontinent, Indochina, Java, Philippines, New Guinea
* D.Y.Hong - Yunnan, Guangdong, Cambodia
* (Lour.) D.Y.Hong - Yunnan, Guangdong, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam
* (L.) Brenan - southern China, Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Western Australia, Micronesia; naturalized in Hawaii, southeastern United States, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, northern South America, Sierra Leone, Congo-Brazzaville, Cook Islands
* (C.B.Clarke ex Chodat) G.Brückn. - Paraguay, Brazil
* (G.Brückn.) G.Brückn. - southern India
* Ancy & Nampy - Maharashtra
* Joby, Nisha & Unni - southern India
* (Kunth) G.Brückn. - Guyana, Brazil
* (C.B.Clarke ex S.Moore) G.Brückn. - Brazil
* (Dalzell) Santapau - Zaire, Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Iran, Yemen, India, Vietnam
* (Vahl) Brenan - sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, Indian Subcontinent, southern China, Indochina, Queensland
* (Kurz) Faden - southern China, Indochina, Philippines
* Murdannia spirata (L.) G.Brückn. - southern China, Indian Subcontinent, Indochina, Java, Philippines; naturalized in Florida + Samoa
* (Diels) Hand.-Mazz. - Sichuan, Yunnan
* Faden - Sri Lanka
* Brenan - Zaire, Rwanda
* (A.Chev.) Brenan - tropical Africa
* (Wall. ex C.B.Clarke) G.Brückn. - southern China, Indochina, Himalayas
* D.Y.Hong - Yunnan
* Kamble, Somkuwar et Nandikar - India
* (L.) G.Brückn. - southern China, Indian Subcontinent, Indochina, Java, Philippines, Queensland, Northern Territory
* (Dalzell) G.Brückn. - India, Vietnam, Philippines
* D.Y.Hong - Yunnan
* (C.B.Clarke) G.Brückn. - India, Sri Lanka (en)
- Murdannia est un genre de plantes appartenant à la famille des Commelinaceae. (fr)
- ( 사마귀(곤충)전체에 대한 설명에 대해서는 사마귀 문서를 참고하십시오.) 사마귀풀속(----屬, 학명: Murdannia 무르단니아[*])은 닭의장풀과의 속이다. 주로 열대 지방에 분포하지만, 온대 지방에 서식하는 종들도 있다. 한국에는 사마귀풀(M. keisak) 한 종이 자생한다. 학명은 식물학자 이 인도인 식물 수집가 의 이름을 따 지었다. (ko)
- Murdannia é um género botânico pertencente à família Commelinaceae. (pt)
- Murdannia Royle – rodzaj roślin z rodziny komelinowatych. Obejmuje 60 gatunków występujących na obszarach klimatu strefy międzyzwrotnikowej i podzwrotnikowej Afryki, Azji, Australii i Oceanii oraz Ameryki Południowej. Introdukowany w Ameryce Środkowej i Północnej. Niektóre gatunki są uciążliwymi chwastami upraw, głównie ryżu. Rośliny z tego rodzaju wykorzystywane są jako rośliny lecznicze, spożywcze oraz ozdobne. Nazwa naukowa rodzaju honoruje , indyjskiego kolekcjonera roślin, opiekuna herbarium . (pl)
- Мурданния (лат. Murdannia) — небольшой род травянистых растений семейства Коммелиновые (Commelinaceae). Включает около пятидесяти однолетних и многолетних, водных или болотных видов, растущих в тропиках и субтропиках обоих полушарий. В Восточной Азии и Северной Америке заходит в умеренную зону. В отличие от большинства других коммелиновых, завиток у представителей рода Мурданния редуцирован до пучка, состоящего из одного или нескольких цветков. (ru)
- Murdannia är ett släkte av himmelsblomsväxter. Murdannia ingår i familjen himmelsblomsväxter. (sv)
- 水竹叶属(学名:Murdannia)是鸭跖草科下的一个属,为草本植物。该属共有约50种,分布于东半球的热带、亚热带地区。 属名Murdannia为纪念萨哈兰普植物园标本馆植物收集及保存工作者Munshi Murdan Ali而命名。 (zh)