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The House of Sharing (Korean: 나눔의 집, Nanum-ui jib) is a nursing home for living comfort women in Seoul, South Korea. The House of Sharing was founded in June 1992 through funds raised by Buddhist organizations and various socio-civic groups. The original location was a dilapidated, more traditional Korean-style rental house in Hyehwa-dong in Seoul. With continued private funding and a notable donation of private land from prominent Buddhist businesswoman Cho Yong-ja, a spacious, modern compound was completed in December 1995. The 'comfort women' were relocated to the new building located in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on the outskirts of Seoul, in February 1996. The House of Sharing includes “The Museum of Sexual Slavery by Japanese Military” to spread the truth about the Japanese military's brutal

Property Value
  • The House of Sharing (Korean: 나눔의 집, Nanum-ui jib) is a nursing home for living comfort women in Seoul, South Korea. The House of Sharing was founded in June 1992 through funds raised by Buddhist organizations and various socio-civic groups. The original location was a dilapidated, more traditional Korean-style rental house in Hyehwa-dong in Seoul. With continued private funding and a notable donation of private land from prominent Buddhist businesswoman Cho Yong-ja, a spacious, modern compound was completed in December 1995. The 'comfort women' were relocated to the new building located in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on the outskirts of Seoul, in February 1996. The House of Sharing includes “The Museum of Sexual Slavery by Japanese Military” to spread the truth about the Japanese military's brutal abuse of comfort women and to educate descendants and the public. The House of Sharing offers art therapy programs for its residents. In 2017, a memorial and exhibition hall opened on the grounds of the House of Sharing. It includes a space to showcase the artwork surviving comfort women have made. Survivors who live or have lived at the House of Sharing include Kang Duk-kyung, Kim Soon-duk, and Kim Bok-dong. The 'comfort women' who live at the House of Sharing are known for participating in the weekly protest, the Wednesday Demonstration. (en)
  • 나눔의 집(영어: House of Sharing)은 경기도 광주시 퇴촌면 원당리에 위치한 일본군 위안부 출신의 할머니들의 주거복지시설이다. 위안부 피해자 중 약 열 명 정도가 거주하고 있다. 1992년 6월 '나눔의 집 건립추진위원회'의 모금에 의해 1992년 10월 서울특별시 마포구 서교동에 처음으로 개관하였다. 이후 명륜동과 혜화동을 거쳐, 1995년 12월 불교신자이자 건축가인 조영자씨가 기증한 현재의 경기도 광주군 퇴촌면 소재 650여평 자리에 위치하게 된다. 더불어 1998년에는 이 곳에 총 350m2 규모의 '일본군 위안부 역사관'이 개관하게 된다. 이 역사관은 세계 최초의 성노예 주제 인권박물관이다. 일반시민과 뜻있는 일본인들의 성금을 통해 건립되었다. 이 곳에 거주중인 할머니들은 위안부 피해를 알리는 그림 전시회를 개최하고 있다. 또한 매주 수요일 한국정신대문제대책협의회에서 주관하는 일본대사관 앞의 수요집회에도 참여하고 있다. 나눔의집 직원들이 시설의 불공정 운영 의혹을 제기하며 2020년 5월 초순부터 할머니들의 생활관을 차단한 채 시설 관계자와 대치하였다. 2020년 3월 "소장이 할머니들을 홀대하거나 막말을 하고 할머니 식대로 나온 보조금을 직원 식대로 사용하며 후원금 대부분을 건물 증축에 사용했다"는 내용으로 경찰에 고발장을 제출하고 경기도와 광주시에 민원을 올리는 등 내부 실태를 고발했으나 아무런 반향이 없자 직원들은 “나눔의집 소장 등이 후원금을 횡령하고 할머니를 학대했다”고 하면서 소장 직인이나 나눔의집 법인카드, 우편물, 내부 회계자료 등 행정 업무에 필요한 것을 가지고 생활관을 점거하였다며, 운영진이 허위 사실을 보도하였다.이후 조계종에서는 새로운 시설장 교체와 정관에도 없는 법인 사무국장을 채용하였다. (ko)
  • Het House of Sharing (Hangul: 나눔의 집 ; Koreaans: Nanum-ae-Jip) is een opvanghuis voor voormalige 'troostmeisjes', gebouwd op een heuvel nabij de Zuid-Koreaanse hoofdstad Seoel. Het is in 1992 opgericht met hulp van donaties en werd oorspronkelijk gevestigd in het Mapo-gu-district van Seoel. Er is een museum en er wonen negen vrouwen, waarvan de oudste in 1917 is geboren. Het huis telt acht stafleden; de directeur is een boeddhistisch priester. De vrouwen schilderen en stellen hun werk tentoon, in en buiten Korea. Iedere woensdag demonstreren ze voor de Japanse ambassade in Seoel. Hun doel is, behalve educatie en het vertellen van de waarheid, ook druk uitoefenen op de regering van Japan. Verontschuldigingen of herstelbetalingen zijn echter uitgebleven, ontkenning van het bestaan van de bordelen duurt voort. De Japanse overheid wil geen verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor deze misdaden. De Japanse oorlogsindustrie in de Tweede Wereldoorlog voorzag in een groot aantal bordelen, waar dwangprostitutie plaatsvond. Meisjes vanaf 12 jaar werden 20 tot soms 40 keer per dag op gewelddadige wijze verkracht, terwijl ze opgesloten zaten in kamertjes van twee bij twee meter. De meisjes en vrouwen die gebukt gingen onder deze wrede vorm van slavernij, werden eufemistisch troostmeisjes genoemd. Tussen 1937 en 1945 zijn er naar schatting 200.000 meisjes gedwongen tot prostitutie. Ook vrouwen uit andere delen van Azië overkwam dit lot, het aantal Koreaanse vrouwen is het grootst, met ruim 100.000 slachtoffers. Veel vrouwen zijn later nooit meer getrouwd en konden geen intimiteit meer verdragen. Als ze toch trouwden konden ze vaak geen kinderen meer krijgen. De mishandelingen, geslachtsziekten en gedwongen abortussen hadden hun lichamen te zeer beschadigd. Vijftig jaar lang hebben ze gezwegen, uit schaamte. De Koreaanse overheid wilde de toch al broze relatie met Japan niet in gevaar brengen. In 1991 was er een groep academici die een vrouw heeft aangemoedigd haar verhaal te vertellen, verschillende andere vrouwen volgden, waarna steeds meer vrouwen uit de anonimiteit kwamen om de monddood gemaakte meisjes die ze vroeger waren, alsnog een stem te geven. (nl)
  • ナヌムの家(나눔의집、英語名:House of Sharing)は、かつて日本軍の慰安婦であったと主張する韓国人女性数名のためとして、寄付金と補助金を集めてきた施設である。挺対協とは懇意で協力関係にあるが、別組織である。ナヌムは朝鮮語で「分かち合い」、ナヌメチプで「分かち合いの家」の意。韓国京畿道広州市にある民間の施設で、社会福祉法人大韓仏教曹渓宗ナヌムの家が運営する。「被害の歴史を昇華させ、世界的な歴史と平和、人権の聖地にすること」を目的に掲げているが、寄付金や補助金の99%以上を搾取しながらナヌムの家に歯向かわないとする旨の契約書にサインした者のみを入所させている反日慰安婦ビジネス施設と指摘されている。 2020年に慰安婦搾取が発覚するまでの所長は安信権(アン・シングォン)。 地図 (ja)
  • 49105788 (xsd:integer)
  • 3040 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1119970202 (xsd:integer)
  • ナヌムの家(나눔의집、英語名:House of Sharing)は、かつて日本軍の慰安婦であったと主張する韓国人女性数名のためとして、寄付金と補助金を集めてきた施設である。挺対協とは懇意で協力関係にあるが、別組織である。ナヌムは朝鮮語で「分かち合い」、ナヌメチプで「分かち合いの家」の意。韓国京畿道広州市にある民間の施設で、社会福祉法人大韓仏教曹渓宗ナヌムの家が運営する。「被害の歴史を昇華させ、世界的な歴史と平和、人権の聖地にすること」を目的に掲げているが、寄付金や補助金の99%以上を搾取しながらナヌムの家に歯向かわないとする旨の契約書にサインした者のみを入所させている反日慰安婦ビジネス施設と指摘されている。 2020年に慰安婦搾取が発覚するまでの所長は安信権(アン・シングォン)。 地図 (ja)
  • The House of Sharing (Korean: 나눔의 집, Nanum-ui jib) is a nursing home for living comfort women in Seoul, South Korea. The House of Sharing was founded in June 1992 through funds raised by Buddhist organizations and various socio-civic groups. The original location was a dilapidated, more traditional Korean-style rental house in Hyehwa-dong in Seoul. With continued private funding and a notable donation of private land from prominent Buddhist businesswoman Cho Yong-ja, a spacious, modern compound was completed in December 1995. The 'comfort women' were relocated to the new building located in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on the outskirts of Seoul, in February 1996. The House of Sharing includes “The Museum of Sexual Slavery by Japanese Military” to spread the truth about the Japanese military's brutal (en)
  • 나눔의 집(영어: House of Sharing)은 경기도 광주시 퇴촌면 원당리에 위치한 일본군 위안부 출신의 할머니들의 주거복지시설이다. 위안부 피해자 중 약 열 명 정도가 거주하고 있다. 1992년 6월 '나눔의 집 건립추진위원회'의 모금에 의해 1992년 10월 서울특별시 마포구 서교동에 처음으로 개관하였다. 이후 명륜동과 혜화동을 거쳐, 1995년 12월 불교신자이자 건축가인 조영자씨가 기증한 현재의 경기도 광주군 퇴촌면 소재 650여평 자리에 위치하게 된다. 더불어 1998년에는 이 곳에 총 350m2 규모의 '일본군 위안부 역사관'이 개관하게 된다. 이 역사관은 세계 최초의 성노예 주제 인권박물관이다. 일반시민과 뜻있는 일본인들의 성금을 통해 건립되었다. 이 곳에 거주중인 할머니들은 위안부 피해를 알리는 그림 전시회를 개최하고 있다. 또한 매주 수요일 한국정신대문제대책협의회에서 주관하는 일본대사관 앞의 수요집회에도 참여하고 있다. 나눔의집 직원들이 시설의 불공정 운영 의혹을 제기하며 2020년 5월 초순부터 할머니들의 생활관을 차단한 채 시설 관계자와 대치하였다. (ko)
  • Het House of Sharing (Hangul: 나눔의 집 ; Koreaans: Nanum-ae-Jip) is een opvanghuis voor voormalige 'troostmeisjes', gebouwd op een heuvel nabij de Zuid-Koreaanse hoofdstad Seoel. Het is in 1992 opgericht met hulp van donaties en werd oorspronkelijk gevestigd in het Mapo-gu-district van Seoel. Er is een museum en er wonen negen vrouwen, waarvan de oudste in 1917 is geboren. Het huis telt acht stafleden; de directeur is een boeddhistisch priester. (nl)
  • House of Sharing (en)
  • ナヌムの家 (ja)
  • 나눔의 집 (ko)
  • House of Sharing (nl)
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