- Goal orientation, or achievement orientation, is an "individual disposition towards developing or validating one's ability in achievement settings". In general, an individual can be said to be mastery or performance oriented, based on whether one's goal is to develop one's ability or to demonstrate one's ability, respectively. A mastery orientation is also sometimes referred to as a learning orientation. Goal orientation refers to how an individual interprets and reacts to tasks, resulting in different patterns of cognition, affect and behavior. Developed within a social-cognitive framework, the orientation goal theory proposes that students' motivation and achievement-related behaviors can be understood by considering the reasons or purposes they adopt while engaged in academic work. The focus is on how students think about themselves, their tasks, and their performance. Goal orientations have been shown to be associated with individuals' academic achievement, adjustment, and well-being. Research has examined goal orientation as a motivation variable that is useful for recruitment, climate and culture, performance appraisal, and choice. It has also been used to predict sales performance, adaptive performance, goal setting, learning and adaptive behaviors in training, and leadership. (en)
- 목표성향(영어: goal orientation)은 조직에서 개인이 도전적인 과제나 난관에 직면했을 때, 자신의 능력을 '개발'하거나 '증명'하려는 특성을 말한다. 초기 목표성향 연구는 단순히 그것이 유발하는 구성원의 직무능력평가나, 기업의 채용 등 '결과'로 나타날 수 있는 요소에 대해서만 사용해왔다. 그러나 시대가 변함에 따라 목표성향의 이론적, 실용적 중요성이 대두되었고, 그것의 기질적 특성을 넘어 다른 요인들과의 상호작용이 다각도로 연구되고 있다. (ko)
- 목표성향(영어: goal orientation)은 조직에서 개인이 도전적인 과제나 난관에 직면했을 때, 자신의 능력을 '개발'하거나 '증명'하려는 특성을 말한다. 초기 목표성향 연구는 단순히 그것이 유발하는 구성원의 직무능력평가나, 기업의 채용 등 '결과'로 나타날 수 있는 요소에 대해서만 사용해왔다. 그러나 시대가 변함에 따라 목표성향의 이론적, 실용적 중요성이 대두되었고, 그것의 기질적 특성을 넘어 다른 요인들과의 상호작용이 다각도로 연구되고 있다. (ko)
- Goal orientation, or achievement orientation, is an "individual disposition towards developing or validating one's ability in achievement settings". In general, an individual can be said to be mastery or performance oriented, based on whether one's goal is to develop one's ability or to demonstrate one's ability, respectively. A mastery orientation is also sometimes referred to as a learning orientation. (en)