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The Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1948, or Portsmouth Treaty of 1948, was a treaty between Iraq and United Kingdom signed in Portsmouth on 15 January 1948. It was a revision of the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1930. During World War II, the British had reoccupied Iraq to reverse a pro-Axis coup that had taken place in 1941. By the Treaty of Portsmouth, Sayyid Salih Jabr negotiated British withdrawal from Iraq. However, the agreement consisted of a joint British and Iraqi defence board to oversee Iraq's military planning. Additionally, the British continued to control Iraqi foreign affairs.

Property Value
  • المعاهدة الإنگليزية العراقية أو معاهدة پورتسموث، هي معاهدة بين المملكة العراقية و المملكة المتحدة جرى التوقيع عليها في بورتسموث، إنگلترة في 15 يناير 1948م. وكانت تنقيحا للمعاهدة الإنگليزية العراقية (1930م). بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية وجدت بريطانيا نفسها في وضع جديد في الشرق الأوسط وأصبحت تابعة اقتصاديا للولايات المتحدة فكانت تفكر في علاقات خاصة مع الشرق الأوسط لاسيما العراق، وفي تلك الفترة كانت الحكومة العراقية الضعيفة والمتحالفة مع بريطانيا تسعى إلى الحفاظ على علاقاتها المتميزة معها. عملت بريطانيا على إبرام معاهدة تضمن لها الكثير من الامتيازات في العراق والشرق والأوسط فعمدت بعد استقالة وزارة أرشد العمري إلى إسناد الوزارة الجديدة إلى نوري السعيد ليفتح الطريق أمام صالح جبر الذي تسلم الوزارة في تلك الفترة ليقوم بتنفيذ السياسة المرسومة من قبلها. (ar)
  • The Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1948, or Portsmouth Treaty of 1948, was a treaty between Iraq and United Kingdom signed in Portsmouth on 15 January 1948. It was a revision of the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1930. During World War II, the British had reoccupied Iraq to reverse a pro-Axis coup that had taken place in 1941. By the Treaty of Portsmouth, Sayyid Salih Jabr negotiated British withdrawal from Iraq. However, the agreement consisted of a joint British and Iraqi defence board to oversee Iraq's military planning. Additionally, the British continued to control Iraqi foreign affairs. At the time of signing, Britain's strategic goal was to form an Arab bloc that would be anti-Soviet and pro-British. After it had convinced Syria, Jordan and Egypt to join, Britain conceded Mandatory Palestine, that the United Nations had approved its partition of into Arab and Jewish states, to Iraq. A military plan was agreed upon by which two Iraqi divisions, armed with modern British weapons, would sweep through Syria and Jordan and join the Arab Legion of Jordan to conquer the planned Jewish and Arab states. Iraq would still be tied to the British for military supplies and training until 1973, which could not be accepted by Arab nationalists in Iraq. As a staunch reaction to the treaty, Iraqis led the Al-Wathbah uprising against the continued British presence in Iraq. Al-Said repudiated the treaty as a concession offered to the Iraqi and Arab nationalists. The treaty was repudiated after the Free Officers coup in 1958 removed Faisal II from power, and his pro-Western policies were reversed. (en)
  • Il trattato di Portsmouth del 1948, noto anche come trattato anglo-iracheno del 1948, fu sottoscritto dal Regno dell'Iraq e dal Regno Unito il 15 gennaio 1948 a Portsmouth (Inghilterra). Esso costituì una revisione del precedente trattato anglo-iracheno del 1930. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale, i britannici avevano nuovamente occupato militarmente l'Iraq in seguito all'infruttuosa guerra anglo-irachena del 1941, con la quale Baghdad aveva tentato di liberarsi dalle pesanti ingerenze britanniche, rimaste malgrado la formale indipendenza concessa nel 1930 da Londra. Il trattato fu firmato dal primo ministro iracheno Sayyid Salih Jabr, ma il Regno Unito manteneva, sia pure in forma meno appariscente, tutta una serie di sostanziosi privilegi, tanto nella politica interna quanto in quella estera del Paese arabo, sì da suscitare le azioni dell'opinione pubblica irachena, non solo di quella più nazionalistica. Il trattato prevedeva un'alleanza militare assolutamente sbilanciata a favore della parte britannica, particolarmente sottolineata dalla conservazione di basi militari totalmente sotto il controllo delle forze armate di Londra e dal controllo della politica estera dell'Iraq. Imponenti manifestazioni in Iraq condussero in breve alla caduta del governo di Jabr, ma il trattato rimase ciò nonostante in vigore per un quarto di secolo, fino al 1973, quando la monarchia irachena era già caduta sanguinosamente da quindici anni (14 luglio 1958) e il nazionalismo si era ormai affermato in quasi tutto il mondo arabo, dopo la . Per riportare la situazione all'ordine ed evitare che la situazione indebolisse, come rischiava, il consenso nei confronti della monarchia hascemita, Nuri al-Sa'id offrì la denuncia del trattato ai nazionalisti..La formale denuncia del trattato si ebbe tuttavia solo nel 1958, grazie all'azione dei liberi ufficiali, guidati dal gen. Abd al-Karim Qasim. (it)
  • 19723635 (xsd:integer)
  • 2676 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1097810943 (xsd:integer)
  • المعاهدة الإنگليزية العراقية أو معاهدة پورتسموث، هي معاهدة بين المملكة العراقية و المملكة المتحدة جرى التوقيع عليها في بورتسموث، إنگلترة في 15 يناير 1948م. وكانت تنقيحا للمعاهدة الإنگليزية العراقية (1930م). (ar)
  • The Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1948, or Portsmouth Treaty of 1948, was a treaty between Iraq and United Kingdom signed in Portsmouth on 15 January 1948. It was a revision of the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1930. During World War II, the British had reoccupied Iraq to reverse a pro-Axis coup that had taken place in 1941. By the Treaty of Portsmouth, Sayyid Salih Jabr negotiated British withdrawal from Iraq. However, the agreement consisted of a joint British and Iraqi defence board to oversee Iraq's military planning. Additionally, the British continued to control Iraqi foreign affairs. (en)
  • Il trattato di Portsmouth del 1948, noto anche come trattato anglo-iracheno del 1948, fu sottoscritto dal Regno dell'Iraq e dal Regno Unito il 15 gennaio 1948 a Portsmouth (Inghilterra). Esso costituì una revisione del precedente trattato anglo-iracheno del 1930. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale, i britannici avevano nuovamente occupato militarmente l'Iraq in seguito all'infruttuosa guerra anglo-irachena del 1941, con la quale Baghdad aveva tentato di liberarsi dalle pesanti ingerenze britanniche, rimaste malgrado la formale indipendenza concessa nel 1930 da Londra. (it)
  • المعاهدة الأنجلو عراقية (1948) (ar)
  • Anglo-Iraqi Treaty (1948) (en)
  • Trattato di Portsmouth (1948) (it)
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