- هارون هوفمان (بالإنجليزية: Aaron Hoffman) هو كاتب سيناريو أمريكي، ولد في 30 أكتوبر 1880 في سانت لويس في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 27 مايو 1924 في نيويورك في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- Aaron Hoffman (October 30, 1880, in St. Louis, Missouri – May 27, 1924) was an American writer and lyricist, whose work was in wide use among vaudeville comedians. He wrote material for numerous performers, including Lew Dockstader and Weber and Fields. Hoffman also had success as a writer of Broadway plays and musical comedies. In the 1910s, he wrote scripts and scenarios for silent films such as Beloved Rogues (1916) and several films starring actress Olga Petrova. His play Two Blocks Away was adapted into the 1926 film The Cohens and Kellys, the first of the six-film Cohens and Kellys franchise. (en)
- Aaron Hoffman (St. Louis, 31 ottobre 1880 – New York, 27 maggio 1924) è stato uno sceneggiatore, paroliere, commediografo e regista statunitense il cui lavoro venne utilizzato molto spesso dagli artisti di vaudeville dell'epoca. Scrisse per molti comici, tra cui , star del palcoscenico di rivista e popolare blackface minstrel, e per la coppia formata da Joe Weber e Lew Fields. Fu un autore di successo rappresentato spesso a Broadway e sceneggiatore per il cinema. Negli anni dieci, firmò alcune sceneggiature per i film di Olga Petrova, una star del muto e collaborò con Herbert Blaché e Alice Guy. (it)
- هارون هوفمان (بالإنجليزية: Aaron Hoffman) هو كاتب سيناريو أمريكي، ولد في 30 أكتوبر 1880 في سانت لويس في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 27 مايو 1924 في نيويورك في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- Aaron Hoffman (October 30, 1880, in St. Louis, Missouri – May 27, 1924) was an American writer and lyricist, whose work was in wide use among vaudeville comedians. He wrote material for numerous performers, including Lew Dockstader and Weber and Fields. (en)
- Aaron Hoffman (St. Louis, 31 ottobre 1880 – New York, 27 maggio 1924) è stato uno sceneggiatore, paroliere, commediografo e regista statunitense il cui lavoro venne utilizzato molto spesso dagli artisti di vaudeville dell'epoca. (it)