. "Location of Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe"@en . . . . . "426"^^ . . "1972-06-06"^^ . "Catastrophe de la mine Wankie"@fr . "Wankie coal mine disaster"@en . . . . "Zimbabwe .svg"@en . . . . . "2643"^^ . "Location of Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe"@en . . . . . . . . . "220"^^ . . . . "The Wankie coal mine disaster took place on 6 June 1972 when a series of underground explosions occurred at the Wankie No.2 colliery in Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe). With 427 fatalities, it remains the deadliest mine accident to date in the country's history. Eight men were pulled alive from the mine after the initial explosions. Two new explosions on 7 June poured clouds of poisonous gas into the 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) of tunnels, making further rescue attempts impossible. In response to the disaster, the President of Rhodesia Clifford Dupont set up the Wankie Disaster Relief Fund"@en . . . . "Katastrofa g\u00F3rnicza w kopalni Wankie \u2013 katastrofa, kt\u00F3ra wydarzy\u0142a si\u0119 6 czerwca 1972 w g\u0142\u0119binowej kopalni w\u0119gla w mie\u015Bcie Wankie w Rodezji. Zgin\u0119\u0142o 427 g\u00F3rnik\u00F3w. Oko\u0142o godziny 10:15 na powierzchni odczuto wstrz\u0105s. Ze wszystkich szyb\u00F3w kopalni buchn\u0119\u0142y k\u0142\u0119by g\u0119stego dymu. Uszkodzeniu uleg\u0142y niekt\u00F3re budynki, a w pobliskim mie\u015Bcie nast\u0105pi\u0142 zanik zasilania energi\u0105 elektryczn\u0105. Przypuszcza si\u0119, \u017Ce z nieznanych przyczyn dosz\u0142o do wybuchu metanu, kt\u00F3ry z kolei spowodowa\u0142 wybuch py\u0142u w\u0119glowego. W wyniku wybuchu ca\u0142y system podziemny zosta\u0142 zniszczony. Uratowano 8 os\u00F3b. Ekipy ratownicze z wielu kraj\u00F3w Afryki i Europy pr\u00F3bowa\u0142y dosta\u0107 si\u0119 w g\u0142\u0105b kopalni, lecz uda\u0142o im si\u0119 dotrze\u0107 tylko na 200 metr\u00F3w. Nast\u0119pnego dnia dosz\u0142o do kolejnego uwolnienia metanu i dw\u00F3ch wybuch\u00F3w, kt\u00F3re wype\u0142ni\u0142y korytarze (o d\u0142ugo\u015Bci ponad 4,5 km) gazem. W tych warunkach akcj\u0119 ratunkow\u0105 zako\u0144czono."@pl . . . "La catastrophe de la mine Wankie est survenue le 6 juin 1972 lorsqu'une s\u00E9rie d'explosions souterraines se sont produites \u00E0 la mine de charbon Wankie no 2 en Rhod\u00E9sie (actuel Zimbabwe). Avec 427 morts, il reste \u00E0 ce jour l'accident minier le plus meurtrier de l'histoire du pays."@fr . . "Katastrofa g\u00F3rnicza w Wankie"@pl . "La catastrophe de la mine Wankie est survenue le 6 juin 1972 lorsqu'une s\u00E9rie d'explosions souterraines se sont produites \u00E0 la mine de charbon Wankie no 2 en Rhod\u00E9sie (actuel Zimbabwe). Avec 427 morts, il reste \u00E0 ce jour l'accident minier le plus meurtrier de l'histoire du pays."@fr . "Wankie coal mine disaster"@en . . "35906884"^^ . "Katastrofa g\u00F3rnicza w kopalni Wankie \u2013 katastrofa, kt\u00F3ra wydarzy\u0142a si\u0119 6 czerwca 1972 w g\u0142\u0119binowej kopalni w\u0119gla w mie\u015Bcie Wankie w Rodezji. Zgin\u0119\u0142o 427 g\u00F3rnik\u00F3w. Oko\u0142o godziny 10:15 na powierzchni odczuto wstrz\u0105s. Ze wszystkich szyb\u00F3w kopalni buchn\u0119\u0142y k\u0142\u0119by g\u0119stego dymu. Uszkodzeniu uleg\u0142y niekt\u00F3re budynki, a w pobliskim mie\u015Bcie nast\u0105pi\u0142 zanik zasilania energi\u0105 elektryczn\u0105. Przypuszcza si\u0119, \u017Ce z nieznanych przyczyn dosz\u0142o do wybuchu metanu, kt\u00F3ry z kolei spowodowa\u0142 wybuch py\u0142u w\u0119glowego. W wyniku wybuchu ca\u0142y system podziemny zosta\u0142 zniszczony. Uratowano 8 os\u00F3b. Ekipy ratownicze z wielu kraj\u00F3w Afryki i Europy pr\u00F3bowa\u0142y dosta\u0107 si\u0119 w g\u0142\u0105b kopalni, lecz uda\u0142o im si\u0119 dotrze\u0107 tylko na 200 metr\u00F3w. Nast\u0119pnego dnia dosz\u0142o do kolejnego uwolnienia metanu i dw\u00F3ch wybuch\u00F3w, kt\u00F3re wype\u0142ni\u0142y korytarze "@pl . . . . "The Wankie coal mine disaster took place on 6 June 1972 when a series of underground explosions occurred at the Wankie No.2 colliery in Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe). With 427 fatalities, it remains the deadliest mine accident to date in the country's history. The disaster took place at the Wankie No.2 colliery in Wankie, (now known as Hwange) in the Rhodesian province of Matabeleland North, when several gas explosions ripped through the mine. It was initially believed that 468 miners were trapped, but the number was lowered after the owners found a number of people had not shown up for work. Eight men were pulled alive from the mine after the initial explosions. Two new explosions on 7 June poured clouds of poisonous gas into the 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) of tunnels, making further rescue attempts impossible. On 9 June, the general manager of the Wankie colliery, Gordon Livingstone-Blevins, decided to leave the 424 bodies where they were. Three bodies had been recovered after the initial explosions. A mass memorial service took place on 11 June at a nearby football stadium, where a crowd of about 5,000 people paid tribute. \"This has cast a gloom over the whole country,\" Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith said during the service. In response to the disaster, the President of Rhodesia Clifford Dupont set up the Wankie Disaster Relief Fund"@en . . . . . "1120138871"^^ . . .