. . . "1122750028"^^ . . . . . . "836"^^ . . "43443470"^^ . . "\u015Acianka \u2013 baner z logo sponsor\u00F3w, na tle kt\u00F3rego celebryci pozuj\u0105 do zdj\u0119\u0107 podczas bankiet\u00F3w. Fotografie i nagrania wykorzystywane s\u0105 p\u00F3\u017Aniej w czasopismach, telewizji i mediach spo\u0142eczno\u015Bciowych buduj\u0105c rozpoznawalno\u015B\u0107 marki sponsora, a dla celebryt\u00F3w jest to spos\u00F3b na dodatkowy zarobek. Pocz\u0105tkowo by\u0142 to g\u0142\u00F3wnie element gal Oscarowych i znany pod nazw\u0105 step and repeat (ang. sta\u0144 i powt\u00F3rz). Do Polski tego typu \u015Bcianki wzorowane na zagranicznych dotar\u0142y pod koniec lat 90. XX wieku."@pl . . . . "A step and repeat banner (sometimes a step and repeat wall or press wall) is a publicity backdrop used primarily for event photography, printed with a repeating pattern such that brand logos or emblems are visible in photographs or selfies of the individuals standing in front of it. Step and repeat banners are common fixtures of red carpet or fashion events. Another version of the press wall is often seen in sports, where the same type of background with sponsor or team logos is utilized as the background for a press conference."@en . . "\u015Acianka \u2013 baner z logo sponsor\u00F3w, na tle kt\u00F3rego celebryci pozuj\u0105 do zdj\u0119\u0107 podczas bankiet\u00F3w. Fotografie i nagrania wykorzystywane s\u0105 p\u00F3\u017Aniej w czasopismach, telewizji i mediach spo\u0142eczno\u015Bciowych buduj\u0105c rozpoznawalno\u015B\u0107 marki sponsora, a dla celebryt\u00F3w jest to spos\u00F3b na dodatkowy zarobek. Pocz\u0105tkowo by\u0142 to g\u0142\u00F3wnie element gal Oscarowych i znany pod nazw\u0105 step and repeat (ang. sta\u0144 i powt\u00F3rz). Do Polski tego typu \u015Bcianki wzorowane na zagranicznych dotar\u0142y pod koniec lat 90. XX wieku."@pl . . "A step and repeat banner (sometimes a step and repeat wall or press wall) is a publicity backdrop used primarily for event photography, printed with a repeating pattern such that brand logos or emblems are visible in photographs or selfies of the individuals standing in front of it. Step and repeat banners are common fixtures of red carpet or fashion events. Another version of the press wall is often seen in sports, where the same type of background with sponsor or team logos is utilized as the background for a press conference."@en . "\u015Acianka (show business)"@pl . . . . "Step and repeat"@en . . . .