. . . "La Stanegate, ou \u00AB route de pierre \u00BB en vieil anglais, \u00E9tait une importante voie romaine trac\u00E9e \u00E0 travers l\u2019actuelle Angleterre du Nord. Elle reliait deux forts qui gardaient des points de passage de rivi\u00E8re strat\u00E9giques : Cortospitum (Corbridge) \u00E0 l\u2019Est, situ\u00E9 au croisement avec la Dere Street, une autre voie romaine, et Luguvallium (Carlisle) \u00E0 l\u2019Ouest. La Stanegate passait par la trou\u00E9e naturelle form\u00E9e par les vall\u00E9es de la Tyne et de l\u2019Irthing. Elle diff\u00E9rait de la plupart des autres routes romaines en ce sens que son trac\u00E9 suivait souvent les pentes les plus faciles, tendant ainsi \u00E0 \u00EAtre sinueux, l\u00E0 o\u00F9 les voies romaines typiques empruntaient le chemin le plus droit possible, au risque d\u2019obliger le voyageur \u00E0 monter des pentes p\u00E9nibles."@fr . . . . . "55.00519 -2.28266" . . . . "POINT(-2.2826600074768 55.005191802979)"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Stanegate"@it . . . . . . . . . "Route of the Stanegate"@en . "Roman"@en . . . . . "The Stanegate (meaning \"stone road\" in Northumbrian dialect) was an important Roman road built in what is now northern England. It linked many forts including two that guarded important river crossings: Corstopitum (Corbridge) on the River Tyne in the east, and situated on Dere Street, and Luguvalium (Carlisle) on the River Eden in the west. The Stanegate ran through the natural gap formed by the valleys of the River Tyne in Northumberland and the River Irthing in Cumbria. It predated Hadrian's Wall by several decades; the Wall would later follow a similar route, albeit slightly to the north. The Stanegate should not be confused with the two Roman roads called Stane Street in the south of England, namely Stane Street (Chichester) and Stane Street (Colchester). In both these cases the meaning is the same as for the northern version, indicating a stone or paved road. The Stanegate differed from most other Roman roads in that it often followed the easiest gradients, and so tended to weave around, whereas typical Roman roads follow a straight path, even if this sometimes involves having punishing gradients to climb. A large section of the Stanegate is still in use today as a modern minor road between Fourstones and Vindolanda in Northumberland."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "10229"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "The Stanegate (meaning \"stone road\" in Northumbrian dialect) was an important Roman road built in what is now northern England. It linked many forts including two that guarded important river crossings: Corstopitum (Corbridge) on the River Tyne in the east, and situated on Dere Street, and Luguvalium (Carlisle) on the River Eden in the west. The Stanegate ran through the natural gap formed by the valleys of the River Tyne in Northumberland and the River Irthing in Cumbria. It predated Hadrian's Wall by several decades; the Wall would later follow a similar route, albeit slightly to the north."@en . . . . . . "Stanegate"@cs . . "historic"@en . "Stanegate byla d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00E1 \u0159\u00EDmsk\u00E1 vojensk\u00E1 silnice postaven\u00E1 na \u00FAzem\u00ED, kter\u00E9 se pozd\u011Bji za\u010Dalo naz\u00FDvat severn\u00ED Anglie. Silnice o d\u00E9lce 61 km spojovala dv\u011B pevnosti: u \u0159eky Tyne na v\u00FDchod\u011B a pevnost (Carlisle) na silnici Dere Street a \u0159ece Eden na z\u00E1pad\u011B. Pevnosti mimo jin\u00E9 st\u0159e\u017Eily v\u00FDznamn\u00E9 p\u0159echody p\u0159es tyto \u0159eky. Stanegate"@cs . "Roman Road"@en . . "Die Stanegate, oder Stangate, war eine wichtige Limesstra\u00DFe und Grenzzone im heutigen England. Ihr aus dem Altnordischen stammender Name bedeutet \u201Esteinerne Stra\u00DFe\u201C. Sie verlief in west-\u00F6stlicher Richtung, ungef\u00E4hr von Carlisle bis Corbridge und hielt sich dabei immer in der N\u00E4he des Hadrianswalls. Die Stra\u00DFe durchquerte auch die Flusst\u00E4ler des Tyne, Irthing und Eden, das Kerngebiet der mit Rom verb\u00FCndeten Briganten. Sie markierte am \u00DCbergang vom 1. ins 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. die n\u00F6rdliche Reichsgrenze in Britannien. Die bekannteste r\u00F6mische Ausgrabungsst\u00E4tte in dieser Region ist das Kastell Vindolanda."@de . . "Stanegate"@en . . "1122179401"^^ . . "149264"^^ . . "El Stanegate o \u00ABcamino de piedra\u00BB (en anglosaj\u00F3n) fue una importante calzada romana construida en la provincia de Britania. Trazada de oeste a este, esta calzada un\u00EDa los fuertes romanos de (Carlisle), al oeste, y al este."@es . . . "38"^^ . . "Stanegate"@en . . . "Stanegate"@fr . . . "55.00519180297852"^^ . . "Lo Stanegate (strada di pietra in anglosassone) era un'importante strada romana che correva subito dietro al Vallo di Adriano, nell'Inghilterra del nord. Univa i due forti di Luguvallium (Carlisle), a ovest, e (Corbridge), collegata alla Dere Street, ad est. La strada, contrariamente agli usi romani che volevano le strade dritte e livellate, era leggermente tortuosa e passava su colline ed avvallamenti perch\u00E9 il suo corso seguiva le vallate dei fiumi Tyne ed .; nei pressi del North Tyne e del fiume Eden dovevano esserci dei ponti."@it . "GBR"@en . "La Stanegate, o \"carretera de pedra\" (stone - road en Angl\u00E8s antic), fou una important Via romana constru\u00EFda en l'actual regi\u00F3 del nord d'Anglaterra. Unia dues fortaleses que guardaven passos importants de dos rius; Coria (Corbridge) a l'est i a l'oest. La via romana es va construir sobre el cam\u00ED natural que formava la uni\u00F3 de la vall del i el . La caracter\u00EDstica que diferencia la Stanegate de la resta de les vies romanes \u00E9s que sovint rodeja les inclinacions del terreny i adopta diverses corbes, mentre les altres carreteres s\u00F3n normalment rectes sense importar si aix\u00F2 implica escalar fortes inclinacions."@ca . . "Die Stanegate, oder Stangate, war eine wichtige Limesstra\u00DFe und Grenzzone im heutigen England. Ihr aus dem Altnordischen stammender Name bedeutet \u201Esteinerne Stra\u00DFe\u201C. Sie verlief in west-\u00F6stlicher Richtung, ungef\u00E4hr von Carlisle bis Corbridge und hielt sich dabei immer in der N\u00E4he des Hadrianswalls. Die Stra\u00DFe durchquerte auch die Flusst\u00E4ler des Tyne, Irthing und Eden, das Kerngebiet der mit Rom verb\u00FCndeten Briganten. Sie markierte am \u00DCbergang vom 1. ins 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. die n\u00F6rdliche Reichsgrenze in Britannien. Die bekannteste r\u00F6mische Ausgrabungsst\u00E4tte in dieser Region ist das Kastell Vindolanda."@de . . . . . . "Lo Stanegate (strada di pietra in anglosassone) era un'importante strada romana che correva subito dietro al Vallo di Adriano, nell'Inghilterra del nord. Univa i due forti di Luguvallium (Carlisle), a ovest, e (Corbridge), collegata alla Dere Street, ad est. La strada, contrariamente agli usi romani che volevano le strade dritte e livellate, era leggermente tortuosa e passava su colline ed avvallamenti perch\u00E9 il suo corso seguiva le vallate dei fiumi Tyne ed .; nei pressi del North Tyne e del fiume Eden dovevano esserci dei ponti."@it . . . . . "La Stanegate, o \"carretera de pedra\" (stone - road en Angl\u00E8s antic), fou una important Via romana constru\u00EFda en l'actual regi\u00F3 del nord d'Anglaterra. Unia dues fortaleses que guardaven passos importants de dos rius; Coria (Corbridge) a l'est i a l'oest. La via romana es va construir sobre el cam\u00ED natural que formava la uni\u00F3 de la vall del i el ."@ca . . . "61.155072"^^ . . "-2.282660007476807"^^ . . . . . "Map showing Stanegate"@en . "El Stanegate o \u00ABcamino de piedra\u00BB (en anglosaj\u00F3n) fue una importante calzada romana construida en la provincia de Britania. Trazada de oeste a este, esta calzada un\u00EDa los fuertes romanos de (Carlisle), al oeste, y al este."@es . . . . . . . "Stanegate"@es . . . . "Roman Road"@en . . . . . . . . . "85"^^ . "Stanegate"@de . . "Stanegate"@ca . . . "Roman" . . . . . . "61155.072"^^ . . . . . . "Stanegate"@en . . "Stanegate byla d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00E1 \u0159\u00EDmsk\u00E1 vojensk\u00E1 silnice postaven\u00E1 na \u00FAzem\u00ED, kter\u00E9 se pozd\u011Bji za\u010Dalo naz\u00FDvat severn\u00ED Anglie. Silnice o d\u00E9lce 61 km spojovala dv\u011B pevnosti: u \u0159eky Tyne na v\u00FDchod\u011B a pevnost (Carlisle) na silnici Dere Street a \u0159ece Eden na z\u00E1pad\u011B. Pevnosti mimo jin\u00E9 st\u0159e\u017Eily v\u00FDznamn\u00E9 p\u0159echody p\u0159es tyto \u0159eky. Stanegate"@cs . . "La Stanegate, ou \u00AB route de pierre \u00BB en vieil anglais, \u00E9tait une importante voie romaine trac\u00E9e \u00E0 travers l\u2019actuelle Angleterre du Nord. Elle reliait deux forts qui gardaient des points de passage de rivi\u00E8re strat\u00E9giques : Cortospitum (Corbridge) \u00E0 l\u2019Est, situ\u00E9 au croisement avec la Dere Street, une autre voie romaine, et Luguvallium (Carlisle) \u00E0 l\u2019Ouest. La Stanegate passait par la trou\u00E9e naturelle form\u00E9e par les vall\u00E9es de la Tyne et de l\u2019Irthing."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .