"Un compost refor\u00E7at amb fibres (CRF) \u00E9s un material que s'ha format per la uni\u00F3 de dos materials diferents per aconseguir la combinaci\u00F3 de propietats que no son possible d'obtenir als materials originals. A aquest material compost s'afegeixen fibres per trobar altres propietats. El CRF consta de tres components: 1. \n* les fibres discont\u00EDnues o com la fase dispersa, 2. \n* la matriu com la fase cont\u00EDnua 3. \n* la regi\u00F3 de la interfase fina, tamb\u00E9 coneguda com la interf\u00EDcie."@ca . . . . . . . "1010530943"^^ . "6525"^^ . . . "15396952"^^ . . . . . . . . "Un compost refor\u00E7at amb fibres (CRF) \u00E9s un material que s'ha format per la uni\u00F3 de dos materials diferents per aconseguir la combinaci\u00F3 de propietats que no son possible d'obtenir als materials originals. A aquest material compost s'afegeixen fibres per trobar altres propietats. El CRF consta de tres components: 1. \n* les fibres discont\u00EDnues o com la fase dispersa, 2. \n* la matriu com la fase cont\u00EDnua 3. \n* la regi\u00F3 de la interfase fina, tamb\u00E9 coneguda com la interf\u00EDcie. Aquest \u00E9s un tipus de grup de compostos avan\u00E7ats, que fa \u00FAs de closca d'arr\u00F2s, pellofa d'arr\u00F2s, i el pl\u00E0stic com a ingredients. Aquesta tecnologia consisteix en un m\u00E8tode de refinaci\u00F3, barreja i composici\u00F3 de fibres naturals dels corrents de deixalles de cel\u00B7lulosa per formar un material d'alta resist\u00E8ncia compost de fibra en una matriu polim\u00E8rica. Els materials de rebuig o de base designats per la seva utilitat en aquest cas s\u00F3n les dels termopl\u00E0stics de residus i les diferents categories de residus cel\u00B7lul\u00F2sics, inclosa la closca d'arr\u00F2s i serradures. Un compost refor\u00E7at amb fibra (CRF) \u00E9s d'alt rendiment compost de fibra aconseguida i fa possible per entrecreuament mol\u00E8cules de cel\u00B7lulosa de fibra amb resines en la matriu del material de CRF a trav\u00E9s d'una propietat molecular re-enginyeria de processos, obtenint un producte d'excel\u00B7lents propietats estructurals. A trav\u00E9s d'aquesta gesta de l'enginyeria molecular, es pot tornar a seleccionar les propietats f\u00EDsiques i estructurals de la fusta clonades amb \u00E8xit i resideixen en el producte CRF, a m\u00E9s d'altres atributs cr\u00EDtics per obtenir les propietats de rendiment superior a la fusta contempor\u00E0nia."@ca . . . . . . . "Short Fiber Reinforced Blends are partial case of ternary composites, i.e. composites prepared of three ingredients. In particular they can be considered as a combination of an immiscible polymer blend and a short fiber reinforced composite. These blends have the potential to integrate the easy processing solutions available for short fiber reinforced composites with the high mechanical performance of continuous fiber reinforced composites. The performance of these complex, ternary systems is controlled by their morphology. Depending on the aspect ratio of the filler particles (length/diameter) and their compatibility to the polymeric components one can achieve different morphologies: (i) filler contained within the dispersed phase, (ii) within the matrix phase or (iii) at the interface between the two phases. If the fibers are sufficiently long and are preferentially wetted by the dispersed phase an effectively continuous network consisting of fibers welded together by the dispersed phase can be created. In such manner a pseudo-continuous fibrous reinforcement is spontaneously formed during the processing step and a composite material with better mechanical performance can be obtained."@en . "Short fiber reinforced blends"@en . . "Short Fiber Reinforced Blends are partial case of ternary composites, i.e. composites prepared of three ingredients. In particular they can be considered as a combination of an immiscible polymer blend and a short fiber reinforced composite. These blends have the potential to integrate the easy processing solutions available for short fiber reinforced composites with the high mechanical performance of continuous fiber reinforced composites. The performance of these complex, ternary systems is controlled by their morphology."@en . . . . "Compost refor\u00E7at amb fibres"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . .