. "Rosetta orbit"@en . . . . . . "A Rosetta orbit is a complex type of orbit. In astronomy, a Rosetta orbit occurs when there is a periastron shift during each orbital cycle. A retrograde Newtonian shift can occur when the central mass is extended rather than a point gravitational source, resulting in a non-closed orbit. A prograde relativistic shift happens because of relativistic effects from a massive gravitational source. In barred spiral galaxies with a compact, lens-shaped bar (in contrast with a box-shaped bar), the morphology of the bar is supported by stars following rosette-shaped orbits that rotate with the bar. An object approaching a black hole with an intermediate velocity (not slow enough to spiral into the hole and not fast enough to escape) enters a complex orbit pattern, bounded by a near and far distance to the hole and tracing an oscillating pattern known as a hypotrochoid. In 2020, scientists using observations made by the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope revealed for the first time that star S2 orbits in this pattern around Sagittarius A*. In quantum mechanics, the Rosetta orbit is a solution for spherically symmetric (except 1/r) potentials."@en . . . . . . . . . "1086877245"^^ . "L'\u00F2rbita de Rosetta \u00E9s un tipus d'\u00F2rbita complexa. Te\u00F2ricament, un objecte que s'apropa a un forat negre amb una velocitat interm\u00E8dia (no prou lenta com per caure en espiral cap al forat i no prou r\u00E0pida com per escapar-hi) introduir\u00E0 un patr\u00F3 d'\u00F2rbita complexa, limitada per una dist\u00E0ncia propera i llunyana al forat i tra\u00E7ant un patr\u00F3 oscil\u00B7lant. conegut com a hipotrocoide. En la mec\u00E0nica qu\u00E0ntica, l'\u00F2rbita de Rosetta \u00E9s una soluci\u00F3 per a (excepte 1 / r)."@ca . . . "L'\u00F2rbita de Rosetta \u00E9s un tipus d'\u00F2rbita complexa. Te\u00F2ricament, un objecte que s'apropa a un forat negre amb una velocitat interm\u00E8dia (no prou lenta com per caure en espiral cap al forat i no prou r\u00E0pida com per escapar-hi) introduir\u00E0 un patr\u00F3 d'\u00F2rbita complexa, limitada per una dist\u00E0ncia propera i llunyana al forat i tra\u00E7ant un patr\u00F3 oscil\u00B7lant. conegut com a hipotrocoide. En la mec\u00E0nica qu\u00E0ntica, l'\u00F2rbita de Rosetta \u00E9s una soluci\u00F3 per a (excepte 1 / r)."@ca . . . . . . "A Rosetta orbit is a complex type of orbit. In astronomy, a Rosetta orbit occurs when there is a periastron shift during each orbital cycle. A retrograde Newtonian shift can occur when the central mass is extended rather than a point gravitational source, resulting in a non-closed orbit. A prograde relativistic shift happens because of relativistic effects from a massive gravitational source. In barred spiral galaxies with a compact, lens-shaped bar (in contrast with a box-shaped bar), the morphology of the bar is supported by stars following rosette-shaped orbits that rotate with the bar."@en . . . . . . "3192"^^ . . "Rosetta (\u00F2rbita)"@ca . . "5865388"^^ . . . .