"Polymethylhydrosiloxan"@cs . "2809"^^ . . "Le polym\u00E9thylhydrosiloxane, ou PMHS, est un polym\u00E8re de structure g\u00E9n\u00E9rale \u2013[\u2013SiHCH3\u2013O\u2013]\u2013. Il est utilis\u00E9 en chimie organique comme r\u00E9ducteur doux et stable susceptible de transf\u00E9rer facilement des hydrures sur des centres m\u00E9talliques et divers autres groupes fonctionnels r\u00E9ducteurs. Diverses substances existent sous les num\u00E9ros CAS 9004-73-3, 16066-09-4, 63148-57-2 et 178873-19-3, dont des copolym\u00E8res de dim\u00E9thylsiloxane [\u2013Si(CH3)2\u2013O\u2013] et de m\u00E9thylhydrosiloxane [\u2013SiHCH3\u2013O\u2013], ainsi que des mol\u00E9cules \u00E0 terminaison trim\u00E9thylsilyle \u2013Si(CH3)3. On obtient du polym\u00E9thylhydrosiloxane par hydrolyse du m\u00E9thyldichlorosilane CH3SiHCl2 : n CH3SiHCl2 + n H2O \u27F6 [\u2013SiHCH3\u2013O\u2013]n + 2n HCl. Le polydim\u00E9thylsiloxane (PDMS) est d\u00E9pourvu de liaisons Si\u2013H de sorte qu'il ne pr\u00E9sente pas de propri\u00E9t\u00E9s r\u00E9ductrices. Le polym\u00E9thylhydrosiloxane est utilis\u00E9 pour la conversion in situ de l'oxyde de tributyl\u00E9tain (C4H9)3Sn\u2013O\u2013Sn(C4H9)3 en hydrure de tributyl\u00E9tain (n-C4H9)3Sn\u2013H."@fr . . "150"^^ . . . . . . . . . "464209986"^^ . . . . . . . . "2477685"^^ . . . "changed"@en . "Polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS) is a polymer with the general structure -(CH3(H)Si-O)-. It is used in organic chemistry as a mild and stable reducing agent easily transferring hydrides to metal centers and a number of other reducible functional groups. A variety of related materials are available under the following CAS registry numbers 9004-73-3, 16066-09-4, 63148-57-2, 178873-19-3. These include the tetramer ((MeSiHO)4), copolymers of dimethylsiloxane and methylhydrosiloxane, and trimethylsilyl terminated materials. n MeSiHCl2 + n H2O \u2192 (MeSiHO)n + 2n HCl"@en . "1118573736"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Methyl hydrogen siloxane; Poly; Poly; Polysilicone 4"@en . "Methyl hydrogen siloxane; Poly(methyl siloxane); Poly(methylhydrosiloxane); Polysilicone 4"@en . . "changed"@en . . . "Le polym\u00E9thylhydrosiloxane, ou PMHS, est un polym\u00E8re de structure g\u00E9n\u00E9rale \u2013[\u2013SiHCH3\u2013O\u2013]\u2013. Il est utilis\u00E9 en chimie organique comme r\u00E9ducteur doux et stable susceptible de transf\u00E9rer facilement des hydrures sur des centres m\u00E9talliques et divers autres groupes fonctionnels r\u00E9ducteurs. Diverses substances existent sous les num\u00E9ros CAS 9004-73-3, 16066-09-4, 63148-57-2 et 178873-19-3, dont des copolym\u00E8res de dim\u00E9thylsiloxane [\u2013Si(CH3)2\u2013O\u2013] et de m\u00E9thylhydrosiloxane [\u2013SiHCH3\u2013O\u2013], ainsi que des mol\u00E9cules \u00E0 terminaison trim\u00E9thylsilyle \u2013Si(CH3)3. n CH3SiHCl2 + n H2O \u27F6 [\u2013SiHCH3\u2013O\u2013]n + 2n HCl."@fr . "Polymethylhydrosiloxan (zkr\u00E1cen\u011B PMHS) je polymer s obecn\u00FDm vzorcem -(CH3(H)Si-O)-. Pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1 se v organick\u00E9 chemii jako reduk\u010Dn\u00ED \u010Dinidlo, kter\u00E9 snadno p\u0159en\u00E1\u0161\u00ED hydridov\u00E9 ionty na kovov\u00E1 centra, i u \u0159ady dal\u0161\u00EDch redukovateln\u00FDch funk\u010Dn\u00EDch skupin. PMHS se p\u0159ipravuje hydrol\u00FDzou methyldichlorsilanu: n MeSiHCl2 + n H2O \u2192 (MeSiHO)n + 2n HCl Podobn\u00FD polymer (PDMS), neobsahuj\u00EDc\u00ED vazby Si-H, nem\u00E1 reduk\u010Dn\u00ED vlastnosti. PMHS se pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1 na p\u0159em\u011Bnu tributylc\u00EDnoxidu na tributylc\u00EDn: 2\"(MeSiH)\" + (Bu3Sn)2O \u2192 \"Me2Si2O\" + 2 Bu3SnH"@cs . . "Polymethylhydrosiloxane"@en . . . . . . "Polym\u00E9thylhydrosiloxane"@fr . "Polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS) is a polymer with the general structure -(CH3(H)Si-O)-. It is used in organic chemistry as a mild and stable reducing agent easily transferring hydrides to metal centers and a number of other reducible functional groups. A variety of related materials are available under the following CAS registry numbers 9004-73-3, 16066-09-4, 63148-57-2, 178873-19-3. These include the tetramer ((MeSiHO)4), copolymers of dimethylsiloxane and methylhydrosiloxane, and trimethylsilyl terminated materials. This material is prepared by the hydrolysis of monomethyldichlorosilane CAS#: 75-54-7: n MeSiHCl2 + n H2O \u2192 (MeSiHO)n + 2n HCl The related polymer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is made similarly, but lacking Si-H bonds, it exhibits no reducing properties. Dimethyldichlorosilane CAS#: 75-78-5 is then used instead of monomethyldichlorosilane CAS#: 75-54-7. Illustrative of its use, PMHS is used for in situ conversion of tributyltin oxide to tributyltin hydride: 2\"(MeSiH)\" + (Bu3Sn)2O \u2192 \"Me2Si2O\" + 2 Bu3SnH"@en . . . . . "Polymethylhydrosiloxan (zkr\u00E1cen\u011B PMHS) je polymer s obecn\u00FDm vzorcem -(CH3(H)Si-O)-. Pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1 se v organick\u00E9 chemii jako reduk\u010Dn\u00ED \u010Dinidlo, kter\u00E9 snadno p\u0159en\u00E1\u0161\u00ED hydridov\u00E9 ionty na kovov\u00E1 centra, i u \u0159ady dal\u0161\u00EDch redukovateln\u00FDch funk\u010Dn\u00EDch skupin. PMHS se p\u0159ipravuje hydrol\u00FDzou methyldichlorsilanu: n MeSiHCl2 + n H2O \u2192 (MeSiHO)n + 2n HCl Podobn\u00FD polymer (PDMS), neobsahuj\u00EDc\u00ED vazby Si-H, nem\u00E1 reduk\u010Dn\u00ED vlastnosti. PMHS se pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1 na p\u0159em\u011Bnu tributylc\u00EDnoxidu na tributylc\u00EDn: 2\"(MeSiH)\" + (Bu3Sn)2O \u2192 \"Me2Si2O\" + 2 Bu3SnH"@cs . . . . . . . "Polymethylhydrosiloxane.png"@en . . . . . . .