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Nonconformismo 비국교회 Nonconformist (Protestantism) Non-conformisme Нонконформизм (христианство) Inconformismo anglicano Non-conformistes Nonkonformizm Não conformista
Nonkonformizm – postawa krytyczna wobec zasad, zachowań i norm społecznych, grupowych, przeciwstawiająca im własny system wartości. Potocznie rozumiany nonkonformizm cechuje te jednostki, które nie poddają się społecznej presji i żyją w zgodzie z własnymi przekonaniami opartymi na refleksji. tak definiuje owe postawy: „Być antykonformistą w społeczeństwie to najpierw się nie zgadzać, a później się zastanawiać; odwrotnie ma się rzecz z konformizmem. Nonkonformista zaś powstrzymuje się od sądu, dopóki sprawy nie przemyśli”. Na história da igreja inglesa, um não conformista era um protestante que não "se conformava" com o governo e as práticas da Igreja Anglicana. No final do século XIX, o termo incluía especificamente os cristãos reformados (presbiterianos, congregacionalistas), além dos batistas e metodistas. Um influente ministro não conformista foi Matthew Henry, que, a partir de 1710, publicou seu Comentário em vários volumes que ainda é usado e está disponível no século XXI. Isaac Watts é um ministro não conformista igualmente reconhecido cujos hinos ainda são cantados pelos cristãos em todo o mundo. Les non-conformistes (dont certains étaient appelés autrefois aussi dissidents, en anglais : dissenters) étaient des protestants anglais en rupture avec l'Église anglicane, associée au pouvoir royal. Il s'agissait notamment de puritains (aussi appelés presbytériens ou calvinistes), des baptistes et plus tard des quakers. On oppose les non-conformistes aux fidèles de l'Église anglicane, appelés alors conformistes. Nella storia della chiesa britannica, il nonconformismo fu una forma di protestantesimo "non conforme" alla governance e agli usi della Chiesa Anglicana. Il termine venne utilizzato in particolare dopo la Restaurazione della monarchia inglese nel 1660, quando l' ristabilì le forme della Chiesa Anglicana. Dalla fine del XIX secolo il termine specificamente incluse dei cristiani riformati (presbiteriani, congregazionalisti e calvinisti) oltre a battisti e metodisti. Alcuni dissidenti anglicani come i puritani che violarono l' con pratiche tipicamente radicali, talvolta separatiste, venivano etichettati come nonconformisti. In English church history, the Nonconformists, also known as a Free Church person, are Protestant Christians who did not "conform" to the governance and usages of the established church, the Church of England (Anglican Church). Use of the term in England was precipitated after the Restoration of the Stuart monarchy in 1660, when the Act of Uniformity 1662 renewed opposition to reforms within the established church. By the late 19th century the term specifically included other Reformed Christians (Presbyterians and Congregationalists), plus the Baptists, Brethren, Methodists, and Quakers. The English Dissenters such as the Puritans who violated the Act of Uniformity 1559 – typically by practising radical, sometimes separatist, dissent – were retrospectively labelled as Nonconformists. 비국교회(영어: Nonconformist)는 잉글랜드의 역사중에 성공회(영국 국교회)의 법령에 따르지 않는 자들을 통칭한다. 이들은 주로 청교도로 불리었으며, 통일령을 위반한 이유로 핍박을 당하였다. 19세기 이후에는 국가의 통치를 받지 않는 자체적인 독립적 기구를 갖는 정치체제를 갖는 장로교(칼빈주의), 침례교도등을 일컫기도 한다. '자유 교회' 또는 '자유인들'로 혼용하여 쓰기도 한다. Нонконформи́зм — течение в английском протестантизме, направленное на усиление ряда оппозиционных к господствующей церкви тенденций, возникших в ходе западноевропейской Реформации. Нонконформисты (англ. non-conformists «несогласные») — члены английских религиозных организаций, отошедших по ряду теологических вопросов от позиции Церкви Англии (баптизм, методизм, конгрегационализм и др.). Исторически термин связан с отказом диссентеров подчиниться (англ. to conform) Акту о единообразии 1662 года. Non-conformisme (of non-conformistisch) was een term die in Engeland en Wales na de (de wet op de uniformiteit) in gebruik was om te verwijzen naar protestants-christenen die zich niet "conformeerden" aan het bestuur en de gebruiken van de gevestigde Anglicaanse Kerk. De Engelse dissenters (zoals de puriteinen) die de overtraden, kunnen achteraf ook als non-conformisten worden beschouwd. Deze dissenters kenmerkten zich meestal door het beoefenen of bepleiten van radicale, soms religieus separatistische meningsverschillen tussen hen en de gevestigde staatskerk. Inconformistas («nonconformists», en inglés) es el apelativo que reciben los miembros puritanos integrados en la Iglesia anglicana. A pesar de su pertenencia a esta Iglesia, no aceptan todos sus preceptos.​ Véanse también: Dissenters y Disidente inglés.
foaf:depiction n12:Farewell_Sermons.jpg n12:Hugh_Price_Hughes2.jpg n12:David_Lloyd_George_c1911.jpg
dbc:1662_establishments_in_England dbc:Nonconformism dbc:Religion_in_the_United_Kingdom dbc:Christian_terminology dbc:History_of_the_Church_of_England dbc:History_of_Wales dbc:Religion_in_Wales
dbr:Reformed_Christian dbr:Book_of_Common_Prayer dbc:1662_establishments_in_England dbr:Thirty-nine_Articles dbr:Religion_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Dissenter dbr:Temperance_movement_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Matthew_Henry dbr:Unitarianism dbr:John_Clifford_(minister) dbr:Church_of_England dbr:Marriage_Act_1836 dbr:United_Methodist_Church_of_Sweden dbr:Liberal_Party_(UK) dbr:Education_Act_1902 dbr:Whigs_(British_political_party) dbr:Quakers dbr:Civil_disabilities dbr:Great_Ejection dbr:Keith_Riglin dbr:Burial_Laws_Amendment_Act_1880 dbr:1904–1905_Welsh_Revival dbr:Nonconformity_to_the_world dbr:Indemnity_Act_1727 dbr:Universities_in_Scotland dbr:Independent_(religion) dbr:Anglican dbc:Nonconformism dbr:Congregationalists dbr:Welsh_Church_Act_1914 dbr:City_of_London dbr:English_Dissenters dbr:London_University dbr:National_Passive_Resistance_Committee dbr:Congregational_church dbr:Local_government_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Plymouth_Brethren dbr:Koss,_Stephen dbr:Moravian_Church dbc:Religion_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:House_of_Lords dbr:Test_Act dbr:Test_Act_1673 dbr:Local_education_authorities dbr:Irish_Home_Rule_movement dbr:Stuart_Restoration dbr:Church_of_Sweden dbr:William_Ewart_Gladstone dbr:Protestant_dissenting_deputies dbr:Indemnity_Act dbr:Recusancy dbr:National_church dbr:Protestantism dbr:Cambridge_University dbr:Act_of_Uniformity_1559 dbr:Episcopal_polity dbr:Welsh_Methodist_revival dbc:Christian_terminology dbr:Church_history dbr:Labour_Party_(UK) dbr:Act_of_Toleration_1689 dbr:Act_of_Uniformity_1662 dbc:History_of_the_Church_of_England dbr:Evangelical_Anglicanism dbr:Freedom_of_religion dbr:Civil_registration dbr:Nonconformist_register dbr:Hugh_Price_Hughes dbr:Christian_revival dbr:Nonconformity_in_Wales dbr:Corporation_Act_1661 dbr:Isaac_Watts dbr:Ordination dbc:History_of_Wales dbr:Church_service dbr:England_and_Wales dbr:History_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Irish_Catholics dbr:Nonconformist_conscience dbr:Established_church dbr:Church_rate dbr:Conservative_Party_(UK) n24:Farewell_Sermons.jpg dbr:Sunday_school dbr:Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Penal_law_(British) dbr:Baptists dbr:History_of_the_Puritans_from_1649 dbr:Religious_freedom dbr:David_Lloyd_George dbr:Uniting_Church_in_Sweden dbr:Church_in_Wales dbr:Presbyterianism dbr:Eucharist dbr:Puritans dbr:School_boards_in_England_and_Wales dbr:Baptist_Union_of_Sweden dbr:Presbyterians dbr:Anglicanism dbr:1851_United_Kingdom_census dbr:Sacramental_Test_Act_1828 dbr:Free_church dbr:Methodism dbr:Quakerism dbr:Virginia_Law_Review dbr:Denominational_school dbr:English_Civil_War dbr:English_Presbyterianism dbr:Calvinism dbr:Secularization dbr:1906_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:Class_meeting dbc:Religion_in_Wales dbr:Parliament_Act_1911 dbr:Mission_Covenant_Church_of_Sweden dbr:Oxford_University dbr:Clarendon_Code dbr:Church_of_Scotland
dbpedia-kk:Нонконформизм_(христиандық) dbpedia-simple:Non-conformism dbpedia-cy:Anghydffurfiaeth dbpedia-fr:Non-conformistes dbpedia-ko:비국교회 dbpedia-ro:Nonconformism_(protestantism) wikidata:Q1144064 dbpedia-ru:Нонконформизм_(христианство) dbpedia-nl:Non-conformisme dbpedia-pl:Nonkonformizm dbpedia-it:Nonconformismo dbpedia-da:Nonkonformister dbpedia-pt:Não_conformista n28:CRGH n30:Nonkonformizmas_(krikščionybė) dbpedia-es:Inconformismo_anglicano
dbt:JSTOR dbt:Short_description dbt:Clarify dbt:Cite_book dbt:Refbegin dbt:Reflist dbt:Refend dbt:For_multi dbt:See_also dbt:Multiple_image dbt:%22' dbt:Blockquote dbt:Further dbt:Rp dbt:Citation dbt:Doi dbt:EngvarB dbt:Use_dmy_dates
Liberal Prime Minister David Lloyd George assiduously cultivated Nonconformist support. Methodist minister Hugh Price Hughes encouraged Nonconformists to support the Liberal Party.
Hugh Price Hughes2.jpg David Lloyd George c1911.jpg
Non-conformisme (of non-conformistisch) was een term die in Engeland en Wales na de (de wet op de uniformiteit) in gebruik was om te verwijzen naar protestants-christenen die zich niet "conformeerden" aan het bestuur en de gebruiken van de gevestigde Anglicaanse Kerk. De Engelse dissenters (zoals de puriteinen) die de overtraden, kunnen achteraf ook als non-conformisten worden beschouwd. Deze dissenters kenmerkten zich meestal door het beoefenen of bepleiten van radicale, soms religieus separatistische meningsverschillen tussen hen en de gevestigde staatskerk. Tegen het einde van de 19e eeuw verstond men onder de term, non-conformisme ook calvinistische stromingen (zowel de presbyterianen als de congregationalisten), de baptisten en de methodisten. Historisch gezien werden non-conformisten van veel sectoren in het openbare leven uitgesloten. Na história da igreja inglesa, um não conformista era um protestante que não "se conformava" com o governo e as práticas da Igreja Anglicana. No final do século XIX, o termo incluía especificamente os cristãos reformados (presbiterianos, congregacionalistas), além dos batistas e metodistas. Um influente ministro não conformista foi Matthew Henry, que, a partir de 1710, publicou seu Comentário em vários volumes que ainda é usado e está disponível no século XXI. Isaac Watts é um ministro não conformista igualmente reconhecido cujos hinos ainda são cantados pelos cristãos em todo o mundo. Nella storia della chiesa britannica, il nonconformismo fu una forma di protestantesimo "non conforme" alla governance e agli usi della Chiesa Anglicana. Il termine venne utilizzato in particolare dopo la Restaurazione della monarchia inglese nel 1660, quando l' ristabilì le forme della Chiesa Anglicana. Dalla fine del XIX secolo il termine specificamente incluse dei cristiani riformati (presbiteriani, congregazionalisti e calvinisti) oltre a battisti e metodisti. Alcuni dissidenti anglicani come i puritani che violarono l' con pratiche tipicamente radicali, talvolta separatiste, venivano etichettati come nonconformisti. Secondo la legge e i costumi sociali, i nonconformisti erano ristretti in molte sfere della vita pubblica, dai pubblici uffici, dal servizio civile, dalle università. In Inghilterra e Galles sul finire del XIX secolo i nuovi termini di "free churchman" e "Free Church" iniziarono a sostituire termini come "dissenter" o appunto "nonconformisti". Un famoso ministro nonconformista nella storia inglese fu Matthew Henry, il quale a partire dal 1710 pubblicò un suo Commentario ancora oggi utilizzato. Isaac Watts fu anch'egli un nonconformista i cui inni religiosi vennero poi cantati anche da altre confessioni religiose cristiane. Non va confuso con la pratica sociale dell'anticonformismo. 비국교회(영어: Nonconformist)는 잉글랜드의 역사중에 성공회(영국 국교회)의 법령에 따르지 않는 자들을 통칭한다. 이들은 주로 청교도로 불리었으며, 통일령을 위반한 이유로 핍박을 당하였다. 19세기 이후에는 국가의 통치를 받지 않는 자체적인 독립적 기구를 갖는 정치체제를 갖는 장로교(칼빈주의), 침례교도등을 일컫기도 한다. '자유 교회' 또는 '자유인들'로 혼용하여 쓰기도 한다. Нонконформи́зм — течение в английском протестантизме, направленное на усиление ряда оппозиционных к господствующей церкви тенденций, возникших в ходе западноевропейской Реформации. Нонконформисты (англ. non-conformists «несогласные») — члены английских религиозных организаций, отошедших по ряду теологических вопросов от позиции Церкви Англии (баптизм, методизм, конгрегационализм и др.). Исторически термин связан с отказом диссентеров подчиниться (англ. to conform) Акту о единообразии 1662 года. В ходе английской Реформации, начавшейся в XVI веке при короле Генрихе VIII, часть западноевропейской (римско-католической) церкви из-за конфликта короля с римским папой, была отделена королём от Рима, и король стал главой этой части, ставшей самостоятельной Церковью Англии (Church of England, the Anglican Church — Англиканской церковью). Она в значительной мере сохранила прежнюю роскошь убранства и сложность обрядов, против чего стали выступать появившиеся сторонники её дальнейшего реформирования, бывшие более радикальными протестантами. Часть из них образовала в составе официальной более аскетичную «Низкую церковь» (Low Church), противопоставленную «Высокой церкви» (High Church), тогда как другие не видели возможности сотрудничества с государственной Церковью Англии вообще, став её противниками, «диссидентами» (dissenters «сеющие рознь»). Они образовывали множество течений, таких как пуритане, пресвитериане, квакеры. Les non-conformistes (dont certains étaient appelés autrefois aussi dissidents, en anglais : dissenters) étaient des protestants anglais en rupture avec l'Église anglicane, associée au pouvoir royal. Il s'agissait notamment de puritains (aussi appelés presbytériens ou calvinistes), des baptistes et plus tard des quakers. On oppose les non-conformistes aux fidèles de l'Église anglicane, appelés alors conformistes. In English church history, the Nonconformists, also known as a Free Church person, are Protestant Christians who did not "conform" to the governance and usages of the established church, the Church of England (Anglican Church). Use of the term in England was precipitated after the Restoration of the Stuart monarchy in 1660, when the Act of Uniformity 1662 renewed opposition to reforms within the established church. By the late 19th century the term specifically included other Reformed Christians (Presbyterians and Congregationalists), plus the Baptists, Brethren, Methodists, and Quakers. The English Dissenters such as the Puritans who violated the Act of Uniformity 1559 – typically by practising radical, sometimes separatist, dissent – were retrospectively labelled as Nonconformists. By law and social custom, Nonconformists were restricted from many spheres of public life – not least, from access to public office, civil service careers, or degrees at university – and were referred to as suffering from civil disabilities. In England and Wales in the late 19th century the new terms "free church" and "Free churchman" started to replace "Nonconformist" or "dissenter". One influential Nonconformist minister was Matthew Henry, who beginning in 1710 published his multi-volume Commentary that is still used and available in the 21st century. Isaac Watts is an equally recognized Nonconformist minister whose hymns are still sung by Christians worldwide. The term Nonconformist is used in a broader sense to refer to Christians who are not communicants of a majority national church, such as the Lutheran Church of Sweden. Inconformistas («nonconformists», en inglés) es el apelativo que reciben los miembros puritanos integrados en la Iglesia anglicana. A pesar de su pertenencia a esta Iglesia, no aceptan todos sus preceptos.​ Su identidad como grupo se remonta al reinado de Isabel I de Inglaterra. En ese tiempo los cristianos protestantes británicos se agruparon en dos grandes grupos, llamados high church y low church. Los cristianos de la low church, influenciados por el calvinismo, era un grupo heterogéneo. Los puritanos que lo integraban se negaron a aceptar todas las prácticas estipuladas en el Acta de Uniformidad anglicano, germen del Libro de Oración Común publicado en 1559.​ Véanse también: Dissenters y Disidente inglés. Nonkonformizm – postawa krytyczna wobec zasad, zachowań i norm społecznych, grupowych, przeciwstawiająca im własny system wartości. Potocznie rozumiany nonkonformizm cechuje te jednostki, które nie poddają się społecznej presji i żyją w zgodzie z własnymi przekonaniami opartymi na refleksji. tak definiuje owe postawy: „Być antykonformistą w społeczeństwie to najpierw się nie zgadzać, a później się zastanawiać; odwrotnie ma się rzecz z konformizmem. Nonkonformista zaś powstrzymuje się od sądu, dopóki sprawy nie przemyśli”. Nonkonformizm można rozumieć również z perspektywy terminologii grupy odniesienia. Konformizm wobec obcej grupy jest tym, co jednostki grupy, w której dana jednostka uczestniczy, postrzegają jako nonkonformizm. W tym rozumieniu konformizm jest podstawową cechą każdej jednostki społecznej.