. . . . "M32p"@fr . . . . . "M32p est une hypoth\u00E9tique ancienne galaxie qui aurait \u00E9t\u00E9 incorpor\u00E9e \u00E0 la galaxie d\u2019Androm\u00E8de. Elle aurait \u00E9t\u00E9 une galaxie s\u0153ur de la Voie lact\u00E9e et de la galaxie d'Androm\u00E8de, la troisi\u00E8me plus grande galaxie du Groupe local, et aurait fusionn\u00E9 dans la galaxie d'Androm\u00E8de (la plus grande galaxie du Groupe local) il y a environ 2 milliards d' ann\u00E9es. On pense que la fusion a cr\u00E9\u00E9 le disque \u00E9pais et a contribu\u00E9 \u00E0 la majorit\u00E9 des \u00E9toiles du halo de la galaxie d'Androm\u00E8de et a provoqu\u00E9 son sursaut de formation d\u2019\u00E9toiles au moment de la fusion. L'ancienne galaxie pourrait \u00EAtre associ\u00E9e \u00E0 Messier 32 (M32), une galaxie satellite de la galaxie d'Androm\u00E8de, qui pourrait \u00EAtre le reste du noyau dense de M32p, d'o\u00F9 la d\u00E9signation \u00AB M32p \u00BB pour cette hypoth\u00E9tique galaxie. Les caract\u00E9ristiques inhabituelles de M32 en mati\u00E8re de compacit\u00E9 dense et de sursaut de formation d'\u00E9toiles il y a 2 milliards d'ann\u00E9es seraient expliqu\u00E9es par cette th\u00E9orie comme un vestige d'une grande galaxie ant\u00E9rieure, \u00E9tant donn\u00E9 ses diff\u00E9rences avec d'autres galaxies elliptiques de taille similaire. Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9crite en 2018 par des scientifiques de l'Universit\u00E9 du Michigan. Sa masse a \u00E9t\u00E9 estim\u00E9e \u00E0 2,5 \u00D7\u202F1010 M\u2609."@fr . . . "M32p"@en . . . . . . "M32p est une hypoth\u00E9tique ancienne galaxie qui aurait \u00E9t\u00E9 incorpor\u00E9e \u00E0 la galaxie d\u2019Androm\u00E8de. Elle aurait \u00E9t\u00E9 une galaxie s\u0153ur de la Voie lact\u00E9e et de la galaxie d'Androm\u00E8de, la troisi\u00E8me plus grande galaxie du Groupe local, et aurait fusionn\u00E9 dans la galaxie d'Androm\u00E8de (la plus grande galaxie du Groupe local) il y a environ 2 milliards d' ann\u00E9es. On pense que la fusion a cr\u00E9\u00E9 le disque \u00E9pais et a contribu\u00E9 \u00E0 la majorit\u00E9 des \u00E9toiles du halo de la galaxie d'Androm\u00E8de et a provoqu\u00E9 son sursaut de formation d\u2019\u00E9toiles au moment de la fusion. L'ancienne galaxie pourrait \u00EAtre associ\u00E9e \u00E0 Messier 32 (M32), une galaxie satellite de la galaxie d'Androm\u00E8de, qui pourrait \u00EAtre le reste du noyau dense de M32p, d'o\u00F9 la d\u00E9signation \u00AB M32p \u00BB pour cette hypoth\u00E9tique galaxie. Les caract\u00E9ristiques inhabitue"@fr . . . . "M32p is a hypothesized former galaxy that was incorporated into the Andromeda Galaxy. It was a sister galaxy to the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, previously the third or fourth largest galaxy in the Local Group, and was merged into the larger Andromeda Galaxy an estimated 2 billion years ago. The merger is thought to have created the thick disc and contributed the majority of the halo stars of Andromeda and caused its burst of star formation at the time of the merger. The former galaxy may be associated with the Andromeda satellite galaxy Messier 32 (M32), which may be the remains of its dense core. M32's unusual characteristics of dense compactness and burst of star formation 2 billion years ago would be explained by this theory as a remnant of an earlier large galaxy, given its unlik"@en . "57973824"^^ . . . . . "M32p"@en . . . . . . "1066277450"^^ . . . . . . . "M32p"@en . . . . "4189"^^ . . . . . . . "M32p is a hypothesized former galaxy that was incorporated into the Andromeda Galaxy. It was a sister galaxy to the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, previously the third or fourth largest galaxy in the Local Group, and was merged into the larger Andromeda Galaxy an estimated 2 billion years ago. The merger is thought to have created the thick disc and contributed the majority of the halo stars of Andromeda and caused its burst of star formation at the time of the merger. The former galaxy may be associated with the Andromeda satellite galaxy Messier 32 (M32), which may be the remains of its dense core. M32's unusual characteristics of dense compactness and burst of star formation 2 billion years ago would be explained by this theory as a remnant of an earlier large galaxy, given its unlikeness to other similarly sized elliptical galaxies. It was described in 2018 by scientists at the University of Michigan. It is thought to have had the stellar mass of around 2.5\u00D71010 M\u2609."@en . . .