. . . . . "Is teach m\u00F3r R\u00F3mh\u00E1nach suite in Kent \u00E9 Teach m\u00F3r R\u00F3mh\u00E1nach Lullingstone."@ga . "Lullingstone Roman Villa"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1964000016450882"^^ . . . . . "1st century" . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Bei Lullingstone (\u00F6stlich von London in Kent) konnten die Reste einer reich ausgestatteten r\u00F6mischen Villa ausgegraben werden. Vor allem die Fragmente von Wandmalereien mit christlichen Motiven erregten \u00FCberregionales Interesse."@de . . "Teach m\u00F3r R\u00F3mh\u00E1nach Lullingstone"@ga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lullingstone Roman Villa \u00E9 uma villa erguida durante a ocupa\u00E7\u00E3o romana da Gr\u00E3-Bretanha, localizada pr\u00F3xima da vila de Eynsford em Kent, sudeste da Inglaterra. Erguida no s\u00E9culo I, provavelmente por volta de 80-90, a casa foi constantemente aumentada e habitada at\u00E9 ser destru\u00EDda por um inc\u00EAndio no s\u00E9culo V. Os moradores eram romanos ricos ou britanos nativos que adotaram os costumes romanos. Por volta de 150 d.C a villa foi aumentada e um bloco de banho aquecido com hipocausto foi acrescentado. Dois bustos de m\u00E1rmore do s\u00E9culo II achados na adega talvez representem os propriet\u00E1rios ou residentes da villa, que pode ter sido o retiro rural nomeado pelos governadores provinciais. H\u00E1 alguns sinais de que as apreens\u00F5es s\u00E3o as de Pertinax, governador da Brit\u00E2nia em 185-186, e de seu pai."@pt . . . . . "Is teach m\u00F3r R\u00F3mh\u00E1nach suite in Kent \u00E9 Teach m\u00F3r R\u00F3mh\u00E1nach Lullingstone."@ga . . . . . . . . . . . "23396"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lullingstone Roman Villa is a villa built during the Roman occupation of Britain, situated in Lullingstone near the village of Eynsford in Kent, south eastern England. The villa is located in the Darent Valley, along with six others, including those at Crofton, Crayford and Dartford. Constructed in the 1st century, perhaps around 80-90 CE, the house was repeatedly expanded and occupied until it was destroyed by fire in the 4th or 5th century. The villa was occupied over various periods within the Romano-British period, but after its destruction, it is only thought to have been reoccupied during the Medieval Times. The occupants were most likely wealthy Romans or native Britons who had adopted Roman customs. Some evidence found on site suggests that around 150 CE, the villa was considerably enlarged and may have been used as the country retreat of the governors of the Roman province of Britannia. Two sculpted marble busts found in the cellar may be those of Pertinax, governor in 185-186, and his father-in-law, Publius Helvius Successus. In the 4th century a room, probably already in religious use, was converted to a Christian chapel or house church, much the earliest known in the British Isles. In the Anglo-Saxon period, the ruins of a Roman temple-mausoleum on the site of the villa were incorporated into a Christian chapel (Lullingstone Chapel) that was extant at the time of the Norman Conquest, one of the earliest known chapels in the country. In addition to the pagan shrine in the villa's chapel and the dining room mosaics, the villa produced significant artistic finds including the Lullingstone Victory Gem and the busts."@en . "R\u00F6mische Villa bei Lullingstone"@de . . "La villa romana di Lullingstone \u00E8 una villa romana situata presso Eynsford, nel distretto di Sevenoaks in Kent (Inghilterra, Regno Unito). Si trova nella valle del fiume Darent, un affluente del Tamigi, insieme ad altre sei residenze romane, tra cui le ville romane di , di e di , lungo l'antica via della , tra Londinium (Londra) e portum Dubris (Dover)."@it . . "Kent"@en . . . "Bei Lullingstone (\u00F6stlich von London in Kent) konnten die Reste einer reich ausgestatteten r\u00F6mischen Villa ausgegraben werden. Vor allem die Fragmente von Wandmalereien mit christlichen Motiven erregten \u00FCberregionales Interesse."@de . "" . . . . . . . . . . "Vila romana de Lullingstone"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lullingstone Roman Villa"@en . . . "5"^^ . . "Lullingstone Roman Villa"@en . . . . "1118703753"^^ . ""@en . . "POINT(0.19640000164509 51.363998413086)"^^ . . . . . . "The enclosed interior of Lullingstone Villa"@en . . . . . . "39744"^^ . . . "51.364 0.1964" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lullingstone Roman Villa is a villa built during the Roman occupation of Britain, situated in Lullingstone near the village of Eynsford in Kent, south eastern England. The villa is located in the Darent Valley, along with six others, including those at Crofton, Crayford and Dartford. Constructed in the 1st century, perhaps around 80-90 CE, the house was repeatedly expanded and occupied until it was destroyed by fire in the 4th or 5th century. The villa was occupied over various periods within the Romano-British period, but after its destruction, it is only thought to have been reoccupied during the Medieval Times. The occupants were most likely wealthy Romans or native Britons who had adopted Roman customs."@en . . . . . . . "Villa romana di Lullingstone"@it . . . . . . . . . . "La villa romana di Lullingstone \u00E8 una villa romana situata presso Eynsford, nel distretto di Sevenoaks in Kent (Inghilterra, Regno Unito). Si trova nella valle del fiume Darent, un affluente del Tamigi, insieme ad altre sei residenze romane, tra cui le ville romane di , di e di , lungo l'antica via della , tra Londinium (Londra) e portum Dubris (Dover)."@it . . . "51.36399841308594"^^ . . . . . . "Lullingstone Roman Villa \u00E9 uma villa erguida durante a ocupa\u00E7\u00E3o romana da Gr\u00E3-Bretanha, localizada pr\u00F3xima da vila de Eynsford em Kent, sudeste da Inglaterra. Erguida no s\u00E9culo I, provavelmente por volta de 80-90, a casa foi constantemente aumentada e habitada at\u00E9 ser destru\u00EDda por um inc\u00EAndio no s\u00E9culo V. Os moradores eram romanos ricos ou britanos nativos que adotaram os costumes romanos."@pt .