. . . "37815526"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "A. J. Burnett ' is one of four pitchers to strike out four batters in one inning on multiple occasions, while Orval Overall ' is the only pitcher to do so in the World Series."@en . . . . "--06-14"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "In baseball, a strikeout occurs when a pitcher throws three strikes to a batter during his time at bat. Under Rules 6.05 and 6.09 of the Official Rules of Major League Baseball, a batter becomes a runner when a third strike is not caught by the catcher with no runner on first base or when there are two outs. The strikeout is recorded, but the batter-runner must be tagged or forced out in order for the defensive team to register the out. Thus, it is possible for a pitcher to record more than three strikeouts in an inning. As a result of this rule, 93 different pitchers have struck out four batters in a half-inning of a Major League Baseball (MLB) game, the most recent being Michael Rucker of the Chicago Cubs on April 30, 2022. Four players \u2014 Chuck Finley, A. J. Burnett, Zack Greinke, and Cr"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B0\u6700\u591A\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u3092\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u305F\u30E1\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC\u30EA\u30FC\u30B0\u30D9\u30FC\u30B9\u30DC\u30FC\u30EB\u9078\u624B\u4E00\u89A7 \u91CE\u7403\u3067\u306F\u6295\u624B\u304C3\u3064\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30A4\u30AF\u3092\u3068\u308B\u3068\u6253\u8005\u306F\u30A2\u30A6\u30C8\u306B\u306A\u308B\u3002\u30E1\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC\u30EA\u30FC\u30B0\u306E\u516C\u5F0F\u898F\u52476.05\u30686.09\u3067\u306F3\u3064\u76EE\u306E\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30A4\u30AF\u3092\u6355\u624B\u304C\u6355\u7403\u3067\u304D\u305A\u3001\u304B\u3064\u4E00\u5841\u306B\u8D70\u8005\u304C\u3044\u306A\u3044\u3001\u3082\u3057\u304F\u306F2\u30A2\u30A6\u30C8\u306E\u3068\u304D\u6253\u8005\u306F\u9032\u5841\u3092\u8A66\u307F\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3002\u3053\u308C\u3092\u632F\u308A\u9003\u3052\u3068\u3044\u3046\u3002\u8A18\u9332\u4E0A\u306F\u4E09\u632F\u3067\u3042\u308A\u3001\u5B88\u5099\u5074\u306F\u30D0\u30C3\u30BF\u30FC\u30E9\u30F3\u30CA\u30FC\u3092\u30A2\u30A6\u30C8\u306B\u3059\u308B\u306B\u306F\u30D5\u30A9\u30FC\u30B9\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u304B\u89E6\u7403\u3092\u3057\u306A\u3051\u308C\u3070\u306A\u3089\u306A\u3044\u3002\u3053\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u6295\u624B\u306F1\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B04\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306E\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u3092\u8A18\u9332\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u53EF\u80FD\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u3053\u306E\u30EB\u30FC\u30EB\u306E\u4E0B\u30012017\u5E74\u307E\u3067\u306B81\u4EBA\u304C1\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B04\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u3092\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002 \u4E00\u756A\u6700\u8FD1\u306E\u4E8B\u4F8B\u3068\u3057\u3066\u306F2017\u5E748\u670813\u65E5\u306E\u30A2\u30EA\u30BE\u30CA\u30FB\u30C0\u30A4\u30E4\u30E2\u30F3\u30C9\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9\u306E\u30B6\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30B4\u30C9\u30EA\u30FC\u304C\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u30C1\u30E3\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30D5\u30A3\u30F3\u30EA\u30FC\u3001A.J.\u30D0\u30FC\u30CD\u30C3\u30C8\u3001\u30B6\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30B0\u30EC\u30A4\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u3001\u30AF\u30EC\u30A4\u30B0\u30FB\u30AD\u30F3\u30D6\u30EC\u30EB\u306E4\u4EBA\u306F\u8907\u6570\u56DE\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u6700\u521D\u306B\u8A18\u9332\u3055\u308C\u305F\u306E\u306F1888\u5E7410\u67084\u65E5\u3001\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u30E8\u30FC\u30AF\u30FB\u30B8\u30E3\u30A4\u30A2\u30F3\u30C4\u306E\u30A8\u30C9\u30FB\u30AF\u30EC\u30FC\u30F3\u306B\u3088\u308B\u30B7\u30AB\u30B4\u30FB\u30DB\u30EF\u30A4\u30C8\u30B9\u30C8\u30C3\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30B9\u3068\u306E\u4E00\u6226\u3067\u306E\u3053\u3068\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002 81\u4EBA\u306E\u3046\u306161\u4EBA\u304C\u53F3\u6295\u3052\u300120\u4EBA\u304C\u5DE6\u6295\u3052\u300223\u4EBA\uFF0814\u4EBA\u306E\u73FE\u5F79\u9078\u624B\uFF09\u306F\u7403\u56E3\u79FB\u7C4D\u7D4C\u9A13\u304C\u306A\u3044\u3002\u30DC\u30D6\u30FB\u30AE\u30D6\u30BD\u30F3\u3001\u30A6\u30A9\u30EB\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30B8\u30E7\u30F3\u30BD\u30F3\u3001\u30D5\u30A3\u30EB\u30FB\u30CB\u30FC\u30AF\u30ED\u306E3\u4EBA\u306F3000\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u30AF\u30E9\u30D6\u5165\u308A\u3092\u679C\u305F\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u30C1\u30E3\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30D5\u30A3\u30F3\u30EA\u30FC\u306F\u552F\u4E00\u306E\u751F\u6DAF3\u5EA6\u30011\u30B7\u30FC\u30BA\u30F32\u5EA6\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u305F\u9078\u624B\u3002\u30D4\u30FC\u30C8\u30FB\u30EA\u30C3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC\u306F\u30E1\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC\u30C7\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u6226\u3067\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u305F\u552F\u4E00\u306E\u9078\u624B\u3002\u30AA\u30FC\u30D0\u30EB\u30FB\u30AA\u30FC\u30D0\u30FC\u30AA\u30FC\u30EB\u306F\u30EF\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9\u30B7\u30EA\u30FC\u30BA\u3067\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u305F\u552F\u4E00\u306E\u9078\u624B\u3002 \u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u91CE\u7403\u6BBF\u5802\u5165\u308A\u8CC7\u683C\u3092\u6709\u3057\u305F26\u4EBA\u306E\u3046\u30614\u4EBA\u304C\u9078\u51FA\u30012\u4EBA\u306F1\u56DE\u76EE\u306E\u6295\u7968\u3067\u9078\u51FA\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3002\u6BBF\u5802\u5165\u308A\u8CC7\u683C\u304C\u3042\u308B\u306E\u306F\u6700\u4F4E10\u30B7\u30FC\u30BA\u30F3\u30D7\u30EC\u30FC\u3001\u5F15\u9000\u5F8C5\u5E74\u7D4C\u904E\u304B\u6B7B\u4EA1\u5F8C6\u304B\u6708\u7D4C\u904E\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u3053\u306E\u8981\u4EF6\u3092\u6E80\u305F\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u306E\u306F26\u4EBA\u306E\u73FE\u5F79\u9078\u624B\u3001\u904E\u53BB5\u5E74\u9593\u30D7\u30EC\u30FC\u3057\u305F4\u4EBA\u3001\u30D7\u30EC\u30FC\u671F\u959310\u30B7\u30FC\u30BA\u30F3\u672A\u6E80\u306E14\u4EBA\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002 \u4ECA\u307E\u30671\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B05\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306F\u8A18\u9332\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3053\u3068\u306F\u306A\u3044\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . "No beisebol, um strikeout ocorre quando um arremessador elimina um rebatedor por strike durante sua vez ao bast\u00E3o. De acordo com as regras 6.05 e 6.09 das regras oficiais da Major League Baseball, um rebatedor se torna um corredor quando uma bola de terceiro strike n\u00E3o \u00E9 pega pelo receptor, isto com nenhum corredor na primeira base ou quando n\u00E3o tenham sido eliminados dois jogadores. O strikeout \u00E9 anotado, mas o rebatedor/corredor deve ser tocado para elimina\u00E7\u00E3o. Portanto, \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel para um arremessador anotar mais do que tr\u00EAs strikes em uma entrada. Como resultado desta regra, 88 arremessadores diferentes eliminaram por strike quatro rebatedores em uma entrada de um jogo da Major League Baseball at\u00E9 2018, o mais recente sendo do Los Angeles Angels em 22 de abril de 2019. Quatro jogadore"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "232"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "150"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B0\u6700\u591A\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u3092\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u305F\u30E1\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC\u30EA\u30FC\u30B0\u30D9\u30FC\u30B9\u30DC\u30FC\u30EB\u9078\u624B\u4E00\u89A7 \u91CE\u7403\u3067\u306F\u6295\u624B\u304C3\u3064\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30A4\u30AF\u3092\u3068\u308B\u3068\u6253\u8005\u306F\u30A2\u30A6\u30C8\u306B\u306A\u308B\u3002\u30E1\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC\u30EA\u30FC\u30B0\u306E\u516C\u5F0F\u898F\u52476.05\u30686.09\u3067\u306F3\u3064\u76EE\u306E\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30A4\u30AF\u3092\u6355\u624B\u304C\u6355\u7403\u3067\u304D\u305A\u3001\u304B\u3064\u4E00\u5841\u306B\u8D70\u8005\u304C\u3044\u306A\u3044\u3001\u3082\u3057\u304F\u306F2\u30A2\u30A6\u30C8\u306E\u3068\u304D\u6253\u8005\u306F\u9032\u5841\u3092\u8A66\u307F\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3002\u3053\u308C\u3092\u632F\u308A\u9003\u3052\u3068\u3044\u3046\u3002\u8A18\u9332\u4E0A\u306F\u4E09\u632F\u3067\u3042\u308A\u3001\u5B88\u5099\u5074\u306F\u30D0\u30C3\u30BF\u30FC\u30E9\u30F3\u30CA\u30FC\u3092\u30A2\u30A6\u30C8\u306B\u3059\u308B\u306B\u306F\u30D5\u30A9\u30FC\u30B9\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u304B\u89E6\u7403\u3092\u3057\u306A\u3051\u308C\u3070\u306A\u3089\u306A\u3044\u3002\u3053\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u6295\u624B\u306F1\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B04\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306E\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u3092\u8A18\u9332\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u53EF\u80FD\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u3053\u306E\u30EB\u30FC\u30EB\u306E\u4E0B\u30012017\u5E74\u307E\u3067\u306B81\u4EBA\u304C1\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B04\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u3092\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002 \u4E00\u756A\u6700\u8FD1\u306E\u4E8B\u4F8B\u3068\u3057\u3066\u306F2017\u5E748\u670813\u65E5\u306E\u30A2\u30EA\u30BE\u30CA\u30FB\u30C0\u30A4\u30E4\u30E2\u30F3\u30C9\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9\u306E\u30B6\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30B4\u30C9\u30EA\u30FC\u304C\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u30C1\u30E3\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30D5\u30A3\u30F3\u30EA\u30FC\u3001A.J.\u30D0\u30FC\u30CD\u30C3\u30C8\u3001\u30B6\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30B0\u30EC\u30A4\u30F3\u30AD\u30FC\u3001\u30AF\u30EC\u30A4\u30B0\u30FB\u30AD\u30F3\u30D6\u30EC\u30EB\u306E4\u4EBA\u306F\u8907\u6570\u56DE\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u6700\u521D\u306B\u8A18\u9332\u3055\u308C\u305F\u306E\u306F1888\u5E7410\u67084\u65E5\u3001\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u30E8\u30FC\u30AF\u30FB\u30B8\u30E3\u30A4\u30A2\u30F3\u30C4\u306E\u30A8\u30C9\u30FB\u30AF\u30EC\u30FC\u30F3\u306B\u3088\u308B\u30B7\u30AB\u30B4\u30FB\u30DB\u30EF\u30A4\u30C8\u30B9\u30C8\u30C3\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30B9\u3068\u306E\u4E00\u6226\u3067\u306E\u3053\u3068\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002 \u4ECA\u307E\u30671\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B05\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306F\u8A18\u9332\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3053\u3068\u306F\u306A\u3044\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A man in a striped white baseball jersey wearing a striped gray baseball cap with a \"C\" at the centre."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "In baseball, a strikeout occurs when a pitcher throws three strikes to a batter during his time at bat. Under Rules 6.05 and 6.09 of the Official Rules of Major League Baseball, a batter becomes a runner when a third strike is not caught by the catcher with no runner on first base or when there are two outs. The strikeout is recorded, but the batter-runner must be tagged or forced out in order for the defensive team to register the out. Thus, it is possible for a pitcher to record more than three strikeouts in an inning. As a result of this rule, 93 different pitchers have struck out four batters in a half-inning of a Major League Baseball (MLB) game, the most recent being Michael Rucker of the Chicago Cubs on April 30, 2022. Four players \u2014 Chuck Finley, A. J. Burnett, Zack Greinke, and Craig Kimbrel \u2014 have accomplished the feat more than once in their career; no player has ever struck out more than four batters in an inning. Ed Crane was the first player to strike out four batters in one inning, doing so in the fifth inning for the New York Giants against the Chicago White Stockings on October 4, 1888. Out of the 93 pitchers who have accomplished the feat, 71 were right-handed and 22 were left-handed. Three pitchers\u2014Bob Gibson, Walter Johnson and Phil Niekro\u2014are also members of the 3,000 strikeout club. Finley is the only pitcher to achieve the feat on three separate occasions, as well as twice in a single season. Pete Richert struck out four batters in the third inning of his first major league game, becoming the only player to attain the milestone in his debut. Orval Overall is the sole player to strike out four batters in one inning in the World Series. Of the players eligible for the Baseball Hall of Fame who have struck out four batters in an inning, four have been elected and two were elected on the first ballot. Players are eligible for the Hall of Fame if they have played in at least 10 major league seasons, and have either been retired for five seasons or dead for at least six months."@en . . . . . . . . "Lista de arremessadores da MLB que conseguiram quatro strikeouts na mesma entrada"@pt . . . . . "65956"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1112659822"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "No beisebol, um strikeout ocorre quando um arremessador elimina um rebatedor por strike durante sua vez ao bast\u00E3o. De acordo com as regras 6.05 e 6.09 das regras oficiais da Major League Baseball, um rebatedor se torna um corredor quando uma bola de terceiro strike n\u00E3o \u00E9 pega pelo receptor, isto com nenhum corredor na primeira base ou quando n\u00E3o tenham sido eliminados dois jogadores. O strikeout \u00E9 anotado, mas o rebatedor/corredor deve ser tocado para elimina\u00E7\u00E3o. Portanto, \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel para um arremessador anotar mais do que tr\u00EAs strikes em uma entrada. Como resultado desta regra, 88 arremessadores diferentes eliminaram por strike quatro rebatedores em uma entrada de um jogo da Major League Baseball at\u00E9 2018, o mais recente sendo do Los Angeles Angels em 22 de abril de 2019. Quatro jogadores\u2014, A. J. Burnett, Zack Greinke e \u2014conseguiram a fa\u00E7anha mais de uma vez em suas carreiras; nenhum jogador eliminou por strike mais do que quatro rebatedores em uma entrada. foi o primeiro jogador a eliminar por strike quatro rebatedores em uma entrada, conseguindo o feito na quinta entrada pelo New York Giants contra o Chicago White Stockings em 4 de Outubro de 1888. Dos 88 arremessadores que conseguiram o feito, 60 eram destros e 20 eram canhotos. Vinte e quatro destes jogadores (incluindo quinze arremessadores ainda ativos) jogaram por apenas um time nas grandes ligas. Estes arremessadores\u2014, e \u2014s\u00E3o tamb\u00E9m membros do Clube dos 3.000 strikeouts. Finley \u00E9 o \u00FAnico arremessador a conseguir tal feito em tr\u00EAs ocasi\u00F5es diferentes, bem como duas vezes em uma temporada. eliminou por strike quatro rebatedores na terceira entrada de seu primeiro jogo na MLB, se tornando a conseguir a marca em sua estreia. Orval Overall \u00E9 o \u00FAnico jogador a eliminar por strike quatro rebatedores em uma entrada na World Series. Dos 26 jogadores eleg\u00EDveis para o Baseball Hall of Fame que eliminaram por strike quatro rebatedores em uma entrada, quatro foram eleitos e dois foram eleitos na primeira vota\u00E7\u00E3o. Jogadores s\u00E3o eleg\u00EDveis para o Hall of Fame se jogaram ao menos 10 temporadas na MLB, e se aposentaram, ao menos, a cinco temporadas ou faleceram ao menos a seis meses. Estes requisitos deixam 26 jogadores ineleg\u00EDveis pois est\u00E3o ativos, quatro por estarem vivos e terem jogado nas \u00FAltimas cinco temporadas, e quatorze que n\u00E3o jogaram por 10 temporadas nas grandes ligas."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Orval Overall circa 1910.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1\u30A4\u30CB\u30F3\u30B0\u6700\u591A\u596A\u4E09\u632F\u3092\u8A18\u9332\u3057\u305F\u30E1\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC\u30EA\u30FC\u30B0\u30D9\u30FC\u30B9\u30DC\u30FC\u30EB\u9078\u624B\u4E00\u89A7"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A smiling man wearing a black baseball cap with sunglasses attached and a black and yellow baseball jersey with \"PIRATES\"."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "List of Major League Baseball single-inning strikeout leaders"@en . . . .